

Research on Technologies of the Conflict Detection and Resolution for Future Air Traffic Management

【作者】 何春豪

【导师】 刘星;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着我国民航业的快速发展,持续的空中交通流量的加大,自由飞行将成为解决未来支线飞行问题的发展趋势,自由飞行环境下的冲突探测与解脱问题将是未来保障飞行安全和提高效益的一项关键技术。本文首先充分调查了现有的各类冲突探测与解脱技术,通过对冲突解脱成本的分析,建立了自由飞行的简化模型;然后根据遗传算法具有较强的鲁棒性和并行性的优势,以及博弈论具有求解均衡策略的特点,从降低解脱成本的角度,分别选取了基本遗传算法和遗传算法-博弈论结合法这两种方法,对同时进入扇区的飞行冲突解脱问题进行了研究,发现这两种方法都能有效的解决自由飞行环境下的飞行冲突问题;最后在简化模型的基础上,通过实例对这两种方法进行了分析和比较。仿真结果表明,相对于模拟退火算法而言,利用基本遗传算法进行的冲突解脱具有更好的求解质量和效率;在保障飞行安全的前提下,为达到各飞机之间利益的均衡,采用遗传算法-博弈论相结合的方法具有更好的应用前景。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s civil aviation and ever-growing air traffic flow, free flight tends to solve the problem of lateral flight in the future. Conflicts detection and resolution under the circumstance of free flight will be a key technology which will guarantee the flight safety and the improvement of benefits.In the first part of this paper, the author fully studies all the existing methods of conflict detection and resolution and establishes a simplified model of free flight after the analysis of the cost of conflict resolution. Then, according to the advantages of Genetic algorithm’s robustness and parallelismand and to the characteristics of Game therory’s equilibrium strategy, the author, from a perception of cutting down the cost, respectively uses the basic genetic algorithm and a combination of genetic algorithm and Game therory to study the conflict resolution and finds that both can solve the problem under the circumstances of free flight. In the last part, the author makes an analysis and a comparison of the two methods. The emulative results shows that, when compare the basic genetic algorithm with the combination of genetic algorithm and Game therory, the conflict resolution of the former has a better result of quality and efficiency. Based on the premise of the flight safety, it will have a vaster vista if the method of the combination of genetic algorithm and Game therory is used in order to obtain a balance of the benefits of every plane.
