

Bionic Study of Adhesive Material Used on Feet of Biomimetic Gecko Robot

【作者】 莫桂冬

【导师】 戴振东; 于敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 科学研究已经证明:壁虎的悬梁挂壁源于其脚底刚毛与接触面之间的“范德华力”。仿壁虎人工脚掌粘性材料的研制对仿生机器人的三维无障碍运动具有十分重要的意义。课题组深入研究了“大壁虎”(中国广西)脚掌的精细结构及其运动力学,借鉴了国内外同行专家的研究成果,制定了仿壁虎机器人脚掌仿生粘性材料的研制工作。论文以仿生粘性材料的研制及应用为目标,主要进行了以下4个方面的工作:壁虎刚毛阵列的力学分析、人造刚毛阵列的设计及制备、聚氨酯/硅橡胶共聚体粘性材料的研究以及人工脚掌的仿生设计。具体内容如下:(1)基于JKR理论,理论分析了壁虎刚毛阵列与粗糙面脱附过程中的力学特性和刚毛倾斜角对刚毛阵列拉开力的影响。以MATLAB为工具,进行数值仿真计算,得出了刚毛阵列脱附过程中的脱附力、粘附力等的变化及刚毛倾斜角对刚毛阵列拉开力的影响。(2)以JKR理论为基础,分析得出了人造刚毛阵列克服缠结现象需满足的几何条件(长径比、刚毛间距)。设计了四种尺寸的微米级刚毛阵列,并利用等离子深硅刻蚀工艺制作了刚毛阵列的硅片孔阵列模具。采用真空浇铸法进行了微米级硅橡胶刚毛阵列的浇铸实验,并利用化学腐蚀法实现刚毛阵列的脱模。(3)实验优化了以聚四氢呋喃(分子量3000)为主原料的聚氨酯预聚体的合成配方,并制作了一系列聚氨酯/硅橡胶共聚体粘性材料试样。对聚氨酯/硅橡胶共聚体粘性材料试样进行了弹性模量和粘着力的测试,测试结果表明聚氨酯含量在30%左右时材料具有最大的粘着力,并对该试样进行了粘附状态下切向力的测试。(4)分析壁虎脚趾的内部结构及驱动机理,进行结构的简化,初步设计了能够实现类似壁虎脚掌外翻动作的仿壁虎机器人脚掌。利用三维工程软件UG完成了脚掌弹性体及其注塑模具的设计。

【Abstract】 Current study demonstrates that gecko’s special adhesion ability comes from the Van der Walls interaction between setae on the gecko foot and the contacted surface. Designing and manufacturing of biomimetic synthetic adhesives are extraordinarily important for wall-climbing robot. By now, our research institute has performed an in-depth study of gecko foot’s micro-structure and dynamics, and research work of biomimetic adhesive material has been planned. Four aspects have been done in this thesis which focuses on research of biomimetic adhesive material.(1) Based on the JKR theory, mechanical ability of gecko’s gradient setal array and relation between setal angle and pull off force in detachment step have been studied in theory. Mechanical ability of gradient setal array has been simulated by MATLAB. Curves of pull force and adhesion force in detachment step have been gotten. The relation between setal angle and pull off force of setal array also has been gotten.(2) Based on the JKR theory, the relation between setal matting and setae geometry has been studied. Four different synthetic adhesives were designed. Holl arrays on surface of silicon slice, which are molds of synthetic adhesives, were made by ICP technics. PDMS synthetic adhesives were manufactured by molding under vacuum and peeled off from molds by special corrosive liquid.(3) The directions for producing polyurethane/ silicon-rubber polymer which is made of PTMEG (3000) has been optimized. A series of polyurethane/ silicon-rubber samples have been manufactured. Elastic modulus and adhesion force of these polyurethane/ silicon-rubber samples have been tested. Test result shows that the sample which contains 30% polyurethane has largest adhesion force, and friction force of the sample also has been tested.(4) Structure and motion of gecko toes have been studied. Biomimetic foot of climbing-robot, which can curve outward like gecko foot, has been designed. The elastomer of biomimetic foot and molds of the elastomer have been designed by UG.

  • 【分类号】TB17;TP242
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】783
  • 攻读期成果