

Design and Implementation of SNMP-Based Network Management of Embedded Radio

【作者】 肖哲

【导师】 陈兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 网络管理产生于19世纪80年代,旨在解决当时各类大型异构的网络给管理人员带来的困难与危机。此后,网络通信技术进一步发展,家庭网络、传感器网络、无线网络等新型网络兴起,使越来越多的嵌入式设备接入网络,给网络管理者带来了全新挑战。本研究课题来源于南京第十四研究所和南航计算机系合作开发的基于IEEE802.11b标准的地铁无线通信项目。在该地铁无线通信系统中,无线访问点(AP)和无线站(STA)的交互作为该系统的核心部分,其工作状态将直接影响到地铁各种设备参数的准确传递。因此,对AP和STA工作状态的监控、配置和管理成为整个网络维护的关键所在。为了便于管理维护,必须针对AP和STA设计实现相应的管理方案,监控管理无线通信链路,保障系统的运行。本文以地铁无线通信系统为应用研究背景,基于SNMP协议设计并实现了嵌入式无线电台设备的网络管理。在无线局域网中,实现嵌入式设备AP/STA无线参数的配置管理及相应的自动预警功能。主要工作包括:基于ASN.1定制嵌入式电台无线参数相关的私有MIB,抽象并提取设备相应的被管信息;通过逐一分析SNMP代理各功能模块的工作机制,完成各功能模块的设计与实现,基于Net-SNMP开发代理;通过交叉编译与移植,实现嵌入式环境下SNMP代理的运作;最后采用第三方基于SNMP协议标准的管理者软件,对嵌入式无线电台网络管理进行系统测试。结果表明,通过移植代理,可正确读取嵌入式无线电台的私有MIB并进行配置管理;代理亦能在异常发生时进行自动预警。结果还显示,SNMP网管信息会对网络负载产生一定的影响,但此种负荷对网络通信链路而言是可承受的。

【Abstract】 Automatic network management, with the purpose of resolving the management difficulties and crises from various heterogeneous networks, appeared in 1980s. By the rapid development of communication technology, the house network, the sensor network and wireless network made more and more embedded devices add into the Internet. The network management managers face more challenges now.The Subway’s Wireless Communication System which based on 802.11b standard was cooperated by the 14th research deparment of Nanjing and the Computer Science department of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. As the communication between STA and AP is the key ingredient in this system, it’s important to configure and monitor AP and STA. In order to make the system operate normally, a management solution must be adopted to control these devices and check the communication quality of wireless link.By taking the Subway’s Wireless Communication System as the applied research background, it constructed the embedded radio’s network management model based on SNMP protocol, aiming for a better configuration and automatical alarm when something abnormal happened. It also abstracted the wireless-related parameter and defined the private MIB of embedded radio (AP/STA) based on ASN.1, and completed the design of each function module of agent based on Net-SNMP kit. After cross-compiling and transplant, it accomplished network-management function for the embedded radio. Test results show that the system can work normally, and the agent has a good compatibility and the extra load the system brings to the network is endurable.

【关键词】 嵌入式无线局域网SNMPMIB代理网络管理
【Key words】 embeddedWLANSNMPMIBAgentnetwork management