

The Research and Implementation of Financial Management Software System for Water Resources

【作者】 周照斌

【导师】 李占山; 于海鸿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 激烈的市场竞争要求,财务数据必须做到快速、及时、准确,能够为公司决策提供有价值的财务信息。会计人员必须尽快从繁重的核算中解脱出来,能够参与生产经营各个环节的财务管理。本财务管理信息系统是以解决企业成本核算准确性为重点,以实现物流、信息流、资金流统一为核心,以实现财务信息集成与共享为目标的财务管理信息系统。国有大型企业集团化的出现有不断增多的趋势,管理科学化已经成为建立现代企业制度的基本要求。这对企业财务管理系统有着越来越高的要求。大型集团制企业具有部门多,下属企业多,网点众多的特点,如何将企业财务数据分散,集中适时管理,对整个企业的财务数据有效的一体化管理,充分发挥企业财务信息对决策者决策意识的支持作用。这就对企业财务管理系统提出了更高的要求。本系统采用已有的成熟技术Visual basic和SQL Server。开发过程主要包括前端应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面。主要实现以下功能:对账务系统提供查询记账凭证、总账、明细账功能、辅助核算账功能;对工资系统提供查询涉及工资的凭证、工资表及工资分析表;对固定资产系统提供查询固定资产卡、固定资产账簿、固定资产折旧表、固定资产分析表及固定资产汇总表。

【Abstract】 The universal application of IT in the future of the environment,information technology will be the main carrier of economic activity. Therefore, information technology-related resources management will be the main target. These resources include: human resources, information systems, intellectual property rights, supplier and customer demand information, business innovation ability information, the accumulation of historical information and other knowledge resources. Therefore, in future accounting work is an important part of a timely understanding, analysis and the acquisition of new accounting management targets, formulate corresponding validation, documentation, measurement, evaluation, feedback and reporting rules, and integration of information technology can achieve the effective implementation of these rules, so as to provide more decision-making improve services. Large enterprises compared with the developed countries, China’s enterprises and financial management information on the overall level of construction is still very low, at the initial stage. Although some large enterprises on the application of information technology to strengthen the centralized financial management has been further recognized, but Enterprise Information Construction in China’s industrial modernization has not yet been achieved, building the market economic system is not in place under the circumstances, financial management information system as a engineering, a lot of arduous work to do.From the application point of view, the consistency of style-oriented interface, menus and on-line help with the terminology used in consistency, stick with a style throughout the application always, be clear and concise interface layout. The application code, we were also optimized, such as: variable, controls the naming context, we adopt unified hungarian notation be standardized; The procedure can abstract out the common features, such as: the appearance of forms control, Traction Control and input data to be effective sexual control, we will design them into common functions like to be addressed. When planning the project a more sober understanding of the design process and the more skilled, will be prepared before the code found in some custom functions, some of function can be improved, thereby increasing efficiency and readability. Of course, the larger the project, the overthrow rework often unrealistic. Reconstruction is not to change the external behavior code, under the premise of the code revisions in the reconstruction process, you can also learn how to strengthen the design, which allows the interactive development of a procedure in the process of good design.From the database program design, we mainly from the database program design, adjustment of system parameters and effectively enhance the sharing pool shot of the year. The database design is basically a two-step design, logic design is the first place and then proceed to physical design. Table basically follow the structural design of the third paradigm, when necessary, appropriately increase the redundancy field to expedite inquiries.Database design is scalable, when necessary, can dynamically increase the field (not very frequent). Taking into account the large volume of data and database handling capabilities, we are more of the data in the table by the increase in the number of rows, and not in the increase.To enhance sharing pool shot, we have adopted the following practices: When mass-operation in the database at the time, a process to effectively improve memory speed, such as: an increase of subjects to delete the composition of the subjects; Right SQL optimization, using tools to analyze the client greater use of the bind variables, thus reduce the SQL database system Analytical number of inquiries speed.In previous chapters, we were from the system overall analysis, system design, system and focus on achieving the technical aspects of the topic to be expounded.In achieving technically, we have adopted a three-tier C/S pattern of development. Undoubtedly the middle logic layer is the development of the largest workload. Good design and development of strategies make more effective system, and enable the latter part of maintenance, and expansion work easier. For the middle layer, logic, we tend to use more independent of the type or function independent of the frequent use of function.In interface design, user needs is always a factor. For the user, is to deal directly with the interface, but most users receive information from the interface are reflected. Interface design quality is good or bad, must ultimately by the user to determine, they are the most qualified to speak of.The software features, we strive to do with its versatility. Our object is not confined to a single company, but for a wide range of targets, such as organs, enterprises and institutions.The system in the development process, and continue to gradually found cover design defects left by gradually improving systems for common functions. The major function of this System are include: adding intelligent analysis capabilities, including support for data storage technologies, to achieve Intelligent OLAP data mining analysis, including providing more detailed financial statements to support the financial situation of structural analysis, comparative analysis of the financial situation, financial situation trend analysis, the profit and loss analysis, comparative analysis of profit and loss, profit and loss trend analysis, cash flow analysis, cash flow analysis and cash flow comparison trend analysis and other key financial indicators of function. To further enhance the software in enterprise management application depth and breadth, but also hopes to strengthen the traditional system of accounting theory, accounting systems and accounting practices of the concept of innovation in order to promote the development of financial software innovative spirit and ability of mining.

【关键词】 财务数据库Visualbasic
【Key words】 FinanceDatabaseVisualBasic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】123