

Design and Implementation of Army Personnel Information Management System Based on ASP

【作者】 邓晰

【导师】 郭东伟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 部队人员管理是我军管理机构的重要组成部分之一,在党中央“科技强军”的号召下,和从实用性、便捷性和经济性考虑,构建基于WEB技术的网络管理平台,是当前我军电子化、信息化管理建设的一个重要任务与发展方向。电子信息管理系统是一个网络化、数字化、智能化有机结合的新型管理平台。目前,建立一个现代化管理系统是我军科技建设的一个重要任务,利用先进的网络技术和计算机技术,建立现代化的网络信息处理系统,实现信息资源网络化,提高信息处理能力和速度,及时准确地提供所需要的各种信息。本论文阐述了三层结构开发技术的基本知识以及要点,介绍了开发工具的特点及对数据库技术的支持,详细介绍了在我军网络支持条件下的军队人员管理系统的需求分析、功能分析、数据库系统的设计及各主要组成模块的功能,最后对系统所有功能进行测试。软件基本达到了设计要求,软件整体功能完善,用户界面良好,错误处理正确,且能正确提示错误种类。

【Abstract】 With the popularization of high-tech information technology, the construction of electronic information management project in our army has been a growing concern, and it is developing rapidly. Ineluctably, using the traditional model of personnel information management will waste a lot of human, material and financial resources. How to improve the capability of personnel information management, establish the suitable personnel information management system, that will meet the need of our army, has become an important problem in the process of the military information-based construction, which is desiderated to be solved.This paper discussed the design and development of the personnel information management system based on ASP technology. First of all, this paper introduced status and developing current of the domestic information management system, secondly, discussed about the platform, using B/S architecture, SQL Server database system, began with the needing analysis of the information management system, worked out the mission and designing feasibility analysis of the personnel information management system, demonstrated the solutions for computer hardware and software, conducted an investigation in the field of application. This paper also briefly introduced the required software technology for the development of this system.The management system is based on a set of B/S (browser server) structure. System runs on the server-side, and for the client-side needs to install browser only. System uses a special computer as a database server, and other computers can visit it through a remote database access, do database operations such as add, delete, change something in the database. To enhance the security of the system, encrypt the stored users’information in the database, using ADO data access technology, make it simple to visit the data, effective to access, so that the entire information management system has always been able to operate effectively and stably, and responds to more visiting flux.This system has achieved the functions such as personnel files management, rewards and punishments information management, statistical analysis, evaluation management, user management. The author has also compared the traditional manual management with electronic information management platform, discussed and gave the specific measure to the key issues, such as database design, the module design features and etc.This system uses three-level authorization: administrators, department officers, general officers and three soldiers, so that the system security is improved. The administrator is responsible for the maintenance of the system, can add or delete users. The administrator is responsible to input data files and information inquiries, add, delete and evaluate the test and check subjects and so on. The soldiers will be able to query their own rewards and punishments status and their personal achievement.The personnel information management system contains five functional modules: the basic information management module, rewards and punishments information management module, test management module, the user management module, the statistics module. The specific functions of each module are as follows:1. The Basic Information Management ModuleThe basic information management module mainly achieves the daily information management. The module is divided into five sub-modules such as information input, information demand, information changes, personnel information printing, the management of the department. At the time of initial entry, need to entry personnel numbers, name, gender, nationality, origin, date of birth, department, date when join our army, home address and family situation and so on. When need to query personnel information, choose the information module, use number, name or department as keywords, this system also supports fuzzy queries. When need to change the information, use edit / delete personnel information module to edit / delete to delete the records, this system also supports batch delete. The result of query information can be print in common forms, the one who wants to print can even choose custom printing formats.2. Rewards and Punishments Information Management ModuleRewards and punishments information management module mainly achieves the entry, query, modify, printing, management of the rewards and punishments and so on. It has two modes to entry the rewards and punishments information: single mode and list mode, so that we can entry same rewards and punishments information for one or more personnel. It also has two modes to query the rewards and punishments information: query by number or by department. Administrators can edit / delete the rewards and punishments information. The rewards and punishments information can be printed in list or Excel, when entry the rewards and punishments information, we can add a new type for easy entry.3. Statistical Analysis ModuleStatistical analysis module mainly achieves the daily attendance, performance evaluation subjects, the rewards and punishments situation on a pro rata basis, and provide a comprehensive assessment of the results.4. User Management ModuleUser management module is on the use of the management of system users’account, and the authority to manage.5. Test Subjects Management ModuleTest subjects management module is mainly used to add and remove test subjects.The paper also elaborated the structure, functions, design of database, the key technologies and some important methods. Lastly, explained the test results the system. And made a summary of the full text, pointed out what should be lucubrated and studied in depth in the future.Finally, the system has been tested in unit 65573 for actual use, and the problems that have been found during the test, were already summed up.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】174