

New Project Purchase Management Research Based PEP5 Method of Hella Company

【作者】 栾娈

【导师】 吴小丁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车行业自主开发与创新带动了零部件配套企业激烈的市场竞争,其中车灯行业也在经历着这场考验和变革。为了抢占市场份额,谋求企业更大的发展,获得更多的新项目往往成为企业的主要战略目标。长春海拉车灯有限公司作为车灯行业领跑企业海拉集团的下属子公司,为了尽快实现这样的战略目标,有效击败竞争对手,也不得不在项目竟标阶段以压低销售报价等方式来赢得新项目,而在这种较低的销售报价的制约下,要想维持企业在新项目中的预期利润就必须在后续项目运营的各个环节上进行有效的管理,作为项目管理一部分的采购管理是重中之中,因为采购支出要占项目投资的50%以上,它几乎贯穿于整个项目的生命周期,是项目实施的重要环节,直接影响着项目的成败。但是海拉公司近几年有近一半的新项目利润下滑,而导致这种现象发生的主要原因之一就是由于对新项目采购管理的不善。因此,改善新项目采购管理成为现在公司领导层迫切需要解决的问题。本文通过对海拉公司当前在新项目采购管理中存在的问题的分析,针对公司目前新项目采购管理现状,在德国海拉先进的PEP5项目管理方法指导下,结合采购管理理论,提出新项目采购管理改革方案,并确定具体实施细节和保障制度,使企业在项目运营中能够充分加强采购管理,有效控制采购成本,提高工作效力。本文的研究将为企业新项目采购管理提供正确方法,对企业新项目的整体有效运营和发展有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Facing the issues of the rising raw materials and so on, the entire car manufacturers make more profit by passing the costs pressure to the components manufacturers. As one part of the matching parts and components industry, the light manufacturers have become one of that aims. Nowadays, the pursuit of the maximum of profit is the fundamental goal of business. While to obtain new projects is not only the direct way to realize their profits, but also the resources of the enterprise development. In order to obtain new projects, from the entire car manufacturers’point of view, standing on the even ground, the price advantage is the first worth considering. This has put forward a challenge to dynamo manufacturers. If you want to get new projects under the same condition, a lower offer is the most direct and efficient way. This made the new project difficult to carry out under the restricts of the offer. In order to guarantee the profit of the project in this condition, an efficient way to control the costs is to rely on the internal management factors, besides increasing the sales.As a matching light components manufacturer for entire cars, Hella company has been known as the leading company. Regardless of whether the scale or strength, it was equipped with considerable advantages in competition. Nowadays, facing the fierce market competition, however, Hella company got itself into trouble. Such as the high costs and the falling profits. One of the most important reasons for this is the confusions in the new project management which led the out of place in costs. As the saying goes, easy to occupy a city but difficult to defense it. This can appropriately describe the condition of Hella’s new project management. These years, Hella company’s new project management is very unsatisfied, with the previous dominant position, to obtain more projects is not headache issue for the company management but to maintain the profit. Among this, the out of place of the project procurement management, as one important connection, is the key point. Hella company has many problems in the new project procurement management, it deviated from the track of the project management and brought about obstacles in the normal operation and cost control, how to take reforms to meet the needs of the competition is the purpose of this study. Relying on the German company, Hella’s advanced PEP5 project management methods and combining the requirements of procurement management, a practical project procurement management reform program can be designed so as to carry it out in current management. The main body of this article carried out the research from the following four aspects one by one: finding the question, raising the question and solve the problem.Firstly, I objectively described and analyzed the internal and external environment and the current new project procurement situations that Hella company are facing. The internal and external environment is very severe, for the external environment, it mainly lies in the competitions between the industries, and this made Hella company under the great pressure in costs, in order to reduce the costs and earn a profit, improving the internal management is one of the most efficient ways, while one of the most important reasons that restricts profit is the less control in procurement management, the current procurement management deviated from the track of the management and bring about obstacles in the operating efficiency. Only through improving the connections in procurement management can make more profit for the company. For the internal environment, the poor financial circumstance and the frequent changes in management level increased the troubles in purchasing. By analyzing the deficiency in the current new project organization and management situation, I will find a breakthrough in project procurement management reform.Secondly, the advanced project operating management can not only improve the procurement management,but also bring the double wins in management and profit. By introducing the advanced PEP5 operating management method and specifying its importance and function to the project procurement management, I found the directions to solve this problem through the analysis of the shortcomings in the current project procurement management. PEP5 management is the results of the Hella project procurement management research. The bad implementation of the understanding and less of control in the procurement management led to the current project procurement management problems. For the micro-analysis, the problems lies in six aspects: first, the lack of the necessary analysis in project procurement; secondly, the project provides no detailed procurement process and procurement process has not been effectively controlled; thirdly, the lack of communication within the project organization; fourthly, the lack of the summaries in project procurement; fifthly, the management of suppliers is not in place; sixthly, the imperfect staff performance appraisal system. These problems made the current project procurement management a bit confusing.Thirdly, based on the understanding and analysis about PEP5 management methods and under the guidance of it, we boldly put forward the views of the reform in the current Hella’s new procurement management problems. Based on the original process and system, a reform program was designed to carry out the new project procurement management reforms. The reform can be carried out from the three major aspects: First, the adjustment in the existing procurement process to make it operate more effectively. Secondly, to strengthen the management of suppliers so that can make the co-operation smooth. Thirdly, persisting on the people-oriented principle, reform should be taken in the project procurement staff performance appraisal system. The design and implementation of reform program has practical operational and guidance, you can make project management clear to improve the current procurement project and also provide a theoretical basis for the future management of the procurement project. The current procurement project management problems lies in six areas, I targeted one by one to put forward concrete reform proposals and implementation details and set up a group to implement the reform program, which provides the implementation of specific steps to ensure the orderly implementation of the reform program.Finally, analyzing the likely problems in implementation process. Stressing the security system and the use of techniques and methods is the effective measures which can promote the smooth implementation of the reform program. In the security system, we must hold on to the consistency, participation and fairness. The implementation process should also stress the methods and techniques. Four references are available in all: first, study and exchange more with the foreign experts. Secondly, constantly sum up the experience and lessons in the implementation process. Thirdly, exchange the views frequently between the members in the implementation group. Fourthly, we can learn from and refer to the successful experiences of other companies. This is the only way to reduce the difficulty in implementation and speed up the implementation process.Hella’s new procurement management reform program is designed for the current real problems in the enterprises, under the guidance of advanced project management, combined with the procurement management, it can not only improve the inadequacies in the current project procurement and guide the current procurement projects along the track for project management, but also direct a clear way for the future management of the procurement project. It has a certain practical value in strengthening the building of the enterprise, promoting the development of the projects and improving the management level and market competitiveness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】146