

Research on Voltage Control and Relay Protection for the 10kV Distribution Network in Yanchi County in Ningxia Province

【作者】 何峰

【导师】 卢继平; 唐建军;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 电气工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 盐池县现有10kV线路中,柳杨堡线、八岔梁线、苏步井线、蔡家梁线、惠农线、惠马线、郝记台线、鸦儿沟线、后洼线等9条线路均长度超过100km。以柳杨堡线为例,该线全长175.774km,供电半径为49.6 km,共有变压器145台,在长期运行中发现,在农灌季节,线路末端电压大幅度下降,局部调节变压器仍不能满足要求,而且调节时受到农灌连续供电要求限制。另外,变压器位置分散,现场实际调节困难;在农闲季节,线路基本空载,末端电压偏高,现场人员仍需要调节变压器到正常情况。这样一方面远远加大一线实际工作量,另一方面调压不及时,有可能造成设备损坏。因此,论文针对盐池县供电局配电网实际情况,研究解决农村电网的电压质量和保护配置等问题,论文所作的研究具有重要的理论和实际应用价值。根据配电网潮流计算的理论以及配电网无功补偿的原则理论,对盐池县10kV配电网无功进行补偿,在分散补偿的原则指导下,提出了柱上高压并联电容器的补偿方案,在满足年综合费用最小的目标函数的约束下,确定无功补偿地点和无功补偿容量,使得配网电压稳定在农网电压标准的范围内,并满足无功补偿设备投资的经济性。另外,盐池县10kV线路只有首端有电流速断保护和定时限过电流保护,发生故障线路停电范围大,故障范围不好确定,供电可靠性低,也增加了现场工作人员的工作量。根据盐池县杨柳堡线的线路长,供电半径大,在分段开关设置原则的指导下,增加了线路的分段开关。在电流保护的整定原则下,给各个分段开关整定了三段电流保护并校验了灵敏度,满足了供电可靠性的要求。本课题的提出,正是应对盐池县供电局配电网实际情况,研究解决配电网10kV电压质量和线损偏高问题,以及10kV线路配网的保护问题。

【Abstract】 There are 9 lines of existing 10 kV lines in Yanchi county,such as Liuyang bao line, Bachaliang line, Subujing line, Caijialiang line, and Huinong line,Huima line, Haojitai line, Yaer line, Houguiline,these lines are longer than 100km. Take Liuyang bao line for example, the length of the line is 175.774km, electricity radius of 49.6 km, a total of 102 sets of transformers, in the long run especially in agricultural irrigation season, the voltage of the end of line has dropped dramatically. Regulating the local transformer still fail to meet the requirement, and adjusting is limited to the continual power supply requirement for irrigation by farmers. In addition, transformers are scattered in locations, the adjustment is difficult. During the slack season, basically there are no loads in the line and it will lead to high voltage in the terminal, transformer still needs to be adjusted to a normal situation. The situation will increase the actual workload of frontline, on the other hand if the adjustment is not timely, it may cause damages to equipment. Field officers have tried to regulate the export voltage of substation, yet causing High voltage to load near the exit of the line and City network users which needs transformer adjustment. That couldnot meet both consumers. As the voltage quality failed, causing low power factor, much line loss, such as in 2005 the average line loss 22.57%, in 2006 21.81%, in 2006 average power factor of substation exports Department is 0.74, the end may be lower.In addition,there is only overcurrent protection in the existing 10kV lines in Yanchi county, but not instant protection, time and accuracy are unable to meet the requirements. When the line is repaired, the inrush current is very large. Particularly the adaption between lines and substations need to be resolved surgently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】TM76
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】242