

Study on Development Strategy of Chongqing AB Company

【作者】 陈发祥

【导师】 周焯华;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,中国第三方物流产业的发展状况是:一方面在国家宏观经济形势持续快速增长的情况下行业持续高速增长,另一方面面临激烈的市场竞争、原燃料涨价、成本强劲攀升的压力。对于从事第三方物流的企业来说,可谓亮点与难点并存,机遇与风险同在。由于行业进入者增多,行业竞争呈现白热化。在如此恶劣的经营环境中,国内第三方物流能否生存发展,关键在于是否拥有核心竞争力,能否形成持久的竞争优势。因此,重视企业战略管理,培育与提升企业竞争力,成为国内第三方物流企业的首要任务。本文以重庆AB信息服务有限公司(以下简称“重庆AB公司”)为背景,对重庆AB公司所处的宏观环境、行业环境和竞争状况进行了分析,运用外部环境评价矩阵(EFE),剖析了重庆AB公司所面临的外部机会和威胁。随后通过对内部资源条件分析、核心能力分析和内部因素评价矩阵(IFE),对重庆AB公司内部环境进行分析与评价,明确了重庆AB公司所拥有的优势与劣势。然后通过构造重庆AB公司的SWOT分析模型进行了战略选择,确定出可供AB公司选择的适用性战略方案包括业务差异化战略、品牌战略、客户关系管理战略。最后,论文探讨了战略的实施措施,就实施人力资源管理、提供专业化服务、建立以客户为中心的营销模式和塑造企业文化等方面提供了建议。虽然本文对公司的发展只是一个初步的探讨,但对公司的发展问题研究起到了一定的指导和借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Now, China’s Third Part Logistics industry is advancing greatly in current good macro-economic circumstance all over in China, and meanwhile, also suffering difficulties, such as acute marketing competition, lacking of resources, rough material prices rising, costs increasing, power shortage, etc. To the Third Part Logistics(TPL) companies, benefits and difficulties, opportunities and risks are mixed.The competition is very intense in international and domestic Third Part Logistics(TPL) market because of the influence of supply and requirement. In this marketing environment, if the domestic TPL enterprises want to exist and develop, the key is wether they have core competitive power and support competitive advantage or not. Therefore it is a first task to regard strategy administration and foster and set up the core competitive power for domestic enterprises.This article summarized the predominance and the inferior position after researched the basic situation of Chongqing AB Company limited. And analyzed the interior and exterior environment, also had an anatomy of opportunities and challenges that we would face to, after that, in term of Chongqing AB Company, to take enterprise strategies into effect will have realistic significance on framework, adjustment, technology transformed, internal reformed, enterprise’s management and the long -term stable development, on the base of strategic assume of development will be brought forward.This article analyzes the internal&external environment of a corporation, uses the environment analytical, value chain, industry analytical and gives an opinion go internal&external environment under the evaluation. A strategy of corporation development was brought forward after considering the actual instance. For Chongqing AB Company to take organization strategies into effect will have realistic significance on framework adjustment, technology transformed, internal reformed, enterprise’s management and the long -term stable development. Although this paper is just an introductory discussion, it can act as guidance and reference for the research of Chongqing AB Company limited development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F272;F49
  • 【下载频次】53