

The Preliminary Study on Landscape Renewal in Industrial Waste Land along the Jialing River in Main Urban Area of Chongqing

【作者】 司思

【导师】 刘骏;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来工业遗产越来越受到世人的关注,工业废弃地也得益于国际国内这股对工业遗产保护和利用研究的热潮,其蕴涵的产业文脉和历史文化价值受到了广泛重视。作为一个拥有众多工业废弃地的山水城市—重庆,对工业废弃地的保护和利用却相对滞后。本文以此为出发点,在理论和实证认知的基础上,以景观更新为问题的切入点,通过对国外工业废弃地景观更新理论的研究和国外、国内工业废弃地景观更新实践案例的解读,提出适合重庆主城嘉陵江滨江工业废弃地景观更新的原则,并在原则的指导下提出对应策略。本文依循“立论→辨析→解题→实践”这一逻辑演绎过程架构全文,主要内容包括绪论、正文共六章。第1章“绪论”,即为“立论”部分:介绍研究背景,确定研究范围,阐述研究的目的和意义,说明研究方法,架构研究框架。第2章作为“辨析”中的理论部分,着重从工业废弃地景观更新的内容、层次、构成要素及其意义对研究对象进行普适性的理论认识。第3章作为“辨析”中的实证部分,通过对重庆主城区嘉陵江沿岸的工业废弃地的实证分析,提出其存在的问题,并结合重庆城市山水景观的特征对重庆主城区嘉陵江滨江的工业废弃地进行分类。第4章通过对国外、国内的工业废弃地保护和更新的实例分析,明晰工业废弃地景观更新需要解决的问题,总结工业废弃地景观更新的指导原则和常用策略。第5章以“辨析”部分作为基础,在解析其现状存在的主要矛盾的前提下,结合社会、经济和人类自身的需要确立工业废弃地景观更新的价值取向,架构通用性原则,提出景观更新的具体原则。第6章在上章对工业废弃地景观更新的通用指导原则提炼的基础上,结合第三章对主城嘉陵江滨江工业废弃地分类的结果,对不同类型的工业废弃地分别提出具体的景观更新策略。

【Abstract】 People pay more and more attention to the industrial inheritances in recent years, the industrial waste land also receive benefits from the research on make use of industrial inheritances. The industrial waste land contains the industry context、history and cultural value,which, was noticed by more and more people. Chongqing, as a city which has great sightseeing and numerous industrial waste lands hasn’t taken any steps to the protection and exploitation of the industrial waste land. This text takes this as point of departure, any in the theories with the foundation of the substantial evidence cognition up, take the landscape renewal as a point to correspond to the situation, give rules and principle strategies to the renewal of the industrial waste land , and practice the rules and strategies to conduct the renewal of industrial waste land.This text basis on "Argumentation- Differentiate & Analyze- The solution- Practice" this logic deduce the process the structure of text, the main contents includes introduction, text , total six chapters and conclusion.Chapter 1, was the "Introduction", which is "arguments" section: Introducted the research background, determine the scope of the study, elaborated on the purpose and significance of that methodology, structure research framework.Chapter 2 was the "Discrimination" in the theoretical part, focusing on industrial wasteland landscape renewal content, levels, elements and its significance for the study of the theory of universal understanding.Chapter 3 was the "Discrimination" in the empirical parts, give empirical analysis through the industrial wasteland along the Jialing River in Chongqing main City area, point out the existence problems, combined with the features of the landscape along the Jialing River in Chongqing City, and finally determined whether they’ll“live”or”die”.Chapter 4 give analysis to the d industrial waste land renewal examples, through foreign & domestic, clarity on industrial waste land renewal need to address, sum up the industrial waste land renewal guidelines and common strategies.Chapter 5 "Analysis" section as the basis of its analysis in the main contradiction in the status, under the premise of combining social, economic and human needs to establish their own industrial wasteland renewal values, universal framework of principles, to The specific principles of landscape renewal. Chapter 6 Basis on the general guiding principles of the industrial wasteland renewal, Combined with Chapter III, which given the classification results to the industrial waste lands along the Jialing River Riverside in the main city area, the specific renewal strategies to the different types of industrial waste lands .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期