

Architecture Design of a LSP Based Library Management System

【作者】 卢培煜

【导师】 彭晓东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 情报学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 图书馆管理系统是图书馆开展业务工作和读者服务工作的基础,直接影响着图书馆工作的质量与效率。当前使用的图书馆管理系统在以网络经济、知识经济和电子商务为特征的新经济时代不能适应以用户服务为主导的管理思想,难以满足图书馆现代管理的需求,制约着图书馆服务模式和管理方式的转型。本文在总结国内外大多数图书馆管理系统的功能的基础上,剖析当前我国图书馆管理模式中存在的问题和面临的机遇,对未来的发展趋势做出预测,构思了一种新的图书馆管理理念——图书馆服务计划(LSP),进一步阐述了LSP的理论基础及技术条件。在此基础上,对图书馆的业务流程、服务内容、服务方式进行了较为系统的分析研究,提出了建立在信息技术基础上和系统化管理思想上的符合图书馆发展趋势的图书馆集成管理平台的框架设计方案。对国内外图书馆管理系统的研究结果表明:①当前大部分图书馆管理系统只是基于业务流程开发的集成管理系统,和数字图书馆系统是完全分离的。这使得传统图书馆和数字图书馆服务分离,影响了读者高效使用图书馆的资源。②仅仅是以图书馆业务为主线的自动化管理系统,不能全面管理图书馆工作,不能作为图书馆的信息交流平台。③随着数字图书馆的发展,越来越无法集成全部的业务工作,独立的系统日益增多,“信息孤岛”现象初见端倪。④缺乏高水平的、深层次的文献信息服务和针对读者的各种个性化文献服务,还没有能够更加深入地针对读者和学科建设开展的文献信息服务,还没有能主动跟踪国内外学科信息的最新研究进展和文献通报,并主动提供给相关专业的研究人员。通过本文的研究,为构建一个具有先进管理理念、图书馆管理全面集成、以及在知识服务与相应的资源之间建立灵活联系的图书馆管理系统做好理论基础、需求分析和架构设计,改变原来以业务工作为核心的图书馆业务自动化系统为以用户服务为核心的图书馆管理系统,建设一套适应图书馆发展需要的、基于馆员的图书馆现代管理系统和基于读者的知识服务系统,并使之具有高度的可扩展性,转变图书馆管理、服务的理念,优化管理模式,从而提高资源的利用率,满足用户的信息需求,提升服务水平,为图书馆传统业务管理和数字资源管理提供一体化解决方案。

【Abstract】 Library management system, which is the foundation of libraries’vocational work and reader services, performs direct effects on the quality and efficiency of library work. Presently used library management systems do not adapt to the user service based management thoughts during the new economic era that is based on network economy, knowledge economy and electronic commerce, and can hardly meet libraries’modern management requirements. It brings some negative effects on the transformation of library’s service and management mode. In this paper we researched the most popular library management systems domestic and overseas, analysed the problems and challenges of library’s service and management mode, predictd the development trends in the future, and put forward a new library management concept, which is called Library Service Planning(LSP). We discussed the theoretical basis and technical conditions of LSP, analysed the business processes, service contents and service modes systematically, and designed the architecture of a LSP concept library integrated management system, which is based on information technology and systematical management thoughts, and fits library’s development trends well.Researches on library management systems domestic and overseas show that:①Most of the current library management systems are merely business process integrated systems and completely separated with digital library systems. This means the traditional library and digital library are separated on service, and lowers down the efficiency of utiliziton of library resources.②The business process automation systems can not be used to manage the whole library management, nor be the library information exchange platform.③With the development of digital libraries and a growing number of independent systems, it becomes increasingly difficult to integrate all of the operation flows.④There is a lack of the high-level, in-depth and personalized literature information services, and the initiative to track the latest researches and literature communications on disciplines domestic and overseas.Through this study, we discussed the theoretical basis, request analysis and architecture design for building a library management system with advanced management concepts, fully integrated library management, and flexible links between knowledge services and the corresponding resources, changed the original library automation systems at the core of business processes to the library management system at the core of user services for building a librarian based library modern management system and a reader based knowledge service system with high flexibility that adapt to the needs of library development. In this case we change the library’s service and management conception and optimize its management model to enhance the utilization rates of resources, meet users’ information requests, improve service quality, and provide a integration solution for the library traditional business and digital resources management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期