

A New Wastewater Treatment Technology of Coupling EGSB with BAF and Effective Factors

【作者】 阎青

【导师】 张代钧;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 将已经富集好的特殊功能结构厌氧颗粒污泥(具有甲烷化、反硝化和厌氧氨氧化等功能)的膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)同曝气生物滤池(BAF)反应器技术集成,开发集厌氧甲烷化、厌氧氨氧化和短程硝化反硝化为一体的废水处理新工艺,采用合成废水试验研究该新工艺的主要影响因素。结果表明,该新工艺克服了厌氧处理出水含氨氮高的缺点,在高容积负荷速率下同时去除COD和营养氨组分,可以用于处理一般生活废水和高浓度工业废水,同时可以节约大量曝气供氧的能源消耗,将废水中大量COD转化成生物能源甲烷予以回收。①将已富集好的好氧氨氧化菌接种到BAF中,控制DO范围:0.81.2 mg/L,pH值范围:7.88.5,温度范围:32℃35℃,进水流量为13 mL/min,进水氨氮为50 mg/L左右、COD为100 mg/L左右和回流比为200%时,经过20多天的运行,出水氨氮小于0.1 mg/L、COD小于30 mg/L、亚硝态氮为45.55 mg/L和硝态氮为4.18 mg/L,成功实现了稳定的短程硝化。②将EGSB和BAF集成,EGSB出水进入BAF进行短程硝化,BAF出水外回流至EGSB反应器为后者提供NO2--N,在不需外部投加NO2--N的条件下实现厌氧氨氧化、甲烷化和短程硝化反硝化的耦合。系统处理含氨氮40 mg/L和COD 500 mg/L合成废水,当外回流比为200%时,系统去除效果达到最好,出水氨氮浓度1.05 mg/L、亚硝态氮浓度4.3 mg/L、硝态氮浓度2.56 mg/L、COD浓度35.28 mg/L,COD、总氮、氨氮负荷去除速率分别为1.7718 kg/(m3.d)、0.1368 kg/(m3.d)、0.1639 kg/(m3.d)。与传统活性污泥过程相比较,系统节约O2 9.1303×10-4 kg/d和COD 2.9292×10-3 kg/d,回收甲烷1.03 L/d。③集成系统处理含氨氮30 mg/L和COD 300 mg/L的合成废水a,当外回流比为200%时,出水氨氮浓度1.06 mg/L、亚硝态氮浓度3.4 mg/L、硝态氮浓度1.13 mg/L、COD浓度18.2 mg/L,COD、总氮、氨氮去除负荷速率分别为1.1799 kg/(m3.d)、0.1069 kg/(m3.d)、0.1246 kg/(m3.d),表明集成系统可以用于处理该条件的合成废水,得到较好的处理效果。④集成系统处理含氨氮40 mg/L和COD 900 mg/L的合成废水c,当外回流比为200%时,出水氨氮浓度1.07 mg/L、亚硝态氮浓度4.39 mg/L、硝态氮浓度1.97 mg/L、COD浓度70.47 mg/L,COD、总氮、氨氮去除负荷速率分别为3.4571 kg/(m3.d)、0.1398 kg/(m3.d)、0.1647 kg/(m3.d),表明集成系统可以用于处理该条件的合成废水,得到较好的处理效果。⑤EGSB-BAF集成系统处理含氨氮120 mg/L和COD 900 mg/L的合成废水d,当外回流比为200%时,出水氨氮浓度2.05 mg/L、亚硝态氮浓度12.89 mg/L、硝态氮浓度2.6 mg/L、COD浓度44.08 mg/L、COD、总氮、氨氮去除负荷速率分别为3.5633 kg/(m3.d)、0.4334 kg/(m3.d)、0.4948 kg/(m3.d),表明集成系统可以用于处理该条件的合成废水,达到较好的处理效果。⑥EGSB-BAF集成系统处理含氨氮120 mg/L和COD 1200 mg/L的合成废水e,当外回流比为200%时,出水氨氮浓度3.21 mg/L、亚硝态氮浓度10.62 mg/L、硝态氮浓度3.04 mg/L、COD浓度86.67 mg/L,COD、总氮、氨氮去除负荷速率分别为4.6342 kg/(m3.d)、0.435 kg/(m3.d)、0.4885 kg/(m3.d),表明集成系统可以用于处理该条件的合成废水,达到较好的处理效果。⑦比较试验a-e的结果表明,进水COD浓度越高,厌氧氨氧化菌活性越低,EGSB中氨氮去除效率越低。EGSB中污泥的反硝化和甲烷化活性,BAF中污泥的反硝化活性则随着有机物浓度的增大均得到不同程度增强。集成系统处理高有机物浓度废水时,只要氨氮达到一定的浓度,使得BAF中的短程硝化作用产生充足的亚硝态氮通过外回流进入EGSB中,就能缓解厌氧氨氧化和反硝化之间的基质竞争,使污泥的厌氧氨氧化活性增强,系统在得到较好去除效果的同时能够节约更多曝气供氧的能源消耗和有机碳源。

【Abstract】 The EGSB reactor, in which anaerobic ammonium oxidation, methanogenesis and denitrification were already coupled, and BAF reactor were integrated to develop a new technology of wastewater treatment which made anaerobic ammonium oxidation, methanogenesis and shortcut nitrification-denitrification coupled in a system in the study. Different synthectic wastewaters were treated by the integrated system to demonstrate main effective factors. The results indicated the integrated system is adapted to treat domestic wastewater and high strenth industrial wastewater. It could also save plentiful energy expend by aeration, simultaneity converse a plentiful amount of COD in wastewater to CH4. It could conquer high effluent concentration of NH4+-N in the anaerobic treatment and saved energy and organic substances requirements under the conditions of simultaneous removal of COD and ammonium at high loadings.①Steady shortcut nitrification was achieved in BAF reactors inoculated with aerobic ammonia oxidation bacteria after the start-up operation of 20d. The concentration of NH4+-N and COD in the effluent was below 0.1 mg/L and 30 mg/L respectively, the concentration of NO2--N and NO3--N in the effluent was 45.55 mg/L and 4.18 mg/L respectively under the performance conditions that DO was between 0.8 and 1.2 mg/L, pH was controlled between 7.8 and 8.5, temperature was between 3235℃,influent flux was 13 mL/min, the concentration of ammonium and COD in the inflow was 50 mg/L and 500 mg/L respectively and outer recycle ratio was 200%.②The anaerobic ammonium oxidation, methanogenesis and shortcut nitrification-denitrification were successfully coupled in a system integrating EGSB and BAF reactors without adding NO2--N in the influent. The effluent of EGSB was treated by shortcut nitrification in BAF, while the effluent of BAF recycled to EGSB to provide NO2--N for the later. A synthetic wastewater containing COD of 500 mg/L and NH4+-N of 40 mg/L was treated by the EGSB-BAF integrated system, when different outer recycle ratios were used. The experimental results demonstrated that integrated system gained the best removal effect at the outer recycle ratio of 200%. The concentrations of NH4+-N, NO2--N, NO3--N and COD in the effluent of the system were 1 mg/L, 4.3 mg/L, 2.56 mg/L and 40 mg/L respectively on this recycle ratio condition. The removal loading rates of COD, total nitrogen and ammonium were 1.7718 kg/(m3.d), 0.1368 kg/(m3.d) and 0.1639 kg/(m3.d), respectively. Compared with conventional activated sludge process, EGSB-BAF integrated system saved O2 of 9.1303×10-4 kg/d and COD of 2.9292×10-3 kg/d, simultaneity reclaimed CH4 of 1.03 L/d form the wastewater.③A synthetic wastewater containing COD of 300 mg/L and NH4+-N of 30 mg/L was treated by the EGSB-BAF integrated system.The experimental results demonstrated the concentrations of NH4+-N, NO2--N, NO3--N and COD in the effluent of the system were 1.06 mg/L, 3.4 mg/L, 1.13 mg/L and 18.2 mg/L respectively at the outer recycle ratio of 200%. The removal loading rates of COD, total nitrogen and ammonium were 1.1799 kg/(m3.d)、0.1069 kg/(m3.d)、0.1246 kg/(m3.d), respectively.The results indicated the integrated system adapted to treat synthetic wastewater on this condition and reached better removal effect.④A synthetic wastewater containing COD of 900 mg/L and NH4+-N of 40 mg/L was treated by the EGSB-BAF integrated system.The experimental results demonstrated the concentrations of NH4+-N, NO2--N, NO3--N and COD in the effluent of the system were 1.07 mg/L, 4.39 mg/L, 1.97 mg/L and 70.47 mg/L respectively at the outer recycle ratio of 200%. The removal loading rates of COD, total nitrogen and ammonium were 3.4571 kg/(m3.d)、0.1398 kg/(m3.d)、0.1647 kg/(m3.d), respectively. The results indicated the integrated system adapted to treat synthetic wastewater on this condition and reached better removal effect.⑤A synthetic wastewater containing COD of 900 mg/L and NH4+-N of 120 mg/L was treated by the EGSB-BAF integrated system.The experimental results demonstrated the concentrations of NH4+-N, NO2--N, NO3--N and COD in the effluent of the system were 2.05 mg/L, 12.89 mg/L, 2.6 mg/L and 44.08 mg/L respectively at the outer recycle ratio of 200%. The removal loading rates of COD, total nitrogen and ammonium were 3.5633 kg/(m3.d)、0.4334 kg/(m3.d)、0.4948 kg/(m3.d), respectively. The results indicated the integrated system adapted to treat synthetic wastewater on this condition and reached better removal effect.⑥A synthetic wastewater containing COD of 1200 mg/L and NH4+-N of 120 mg/L was treated by the EGSB-BAF integrated system.The experimental results demonstrated the concentrations of NH4+-N, NO2--N, NO3--N and COD in the effluent of the system were 3.21 mg/L, 10.62 mg/L, 3.04 mg/L and 86.67 mg/L respectively at the outer recycle ratio of 200%. The removal loading rates of COD, total nitrogen and ammonium were 4.6342 kg/(m3.d)、0.435 kg/(m3.d)、0.4885 kg/(m3.d), respectively. The results indicated the integrated system adapted to treat synthetic wastewater on this condition and reached better removal effect. ⑦The higher the concentration of COD in the inflow was, the lower the activity of anammox bacteria was, and the lower the removal efficiencies of NH4+-N from EGSB was compared the results among test a and test e. The activity of denitrification and methanogenesis in EGSB, denitrification in BAF were enhanced at different extent accompanying the concentration of organics increased. When the integrated system treated wastewater with high concentration of organics, it also could achieve better removal efficiencies, simultaneity saved more energy expend of O2 and organic substances requirements on conditon that the concentration of NH4+-N increased to a certain degree to provide enough NO2--N outer recycling to EGSB by shortcut nitrification process in BAF in order to relieve the competition of interstitial substance between anaerobic ammonium oxidation and denitrification bacteria, and enhance the ability of anaerobic ammonium oxidation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期