

Analysis of the Problems and Solutions of Third-Parties Logistics in ChongQing

【作者】 潘阳

【导师】 马智利;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 物流产业涵盖了全部社会产品在社会上与企业中的运动过程,涉及到第一产业、第二产业、第三产业和全部社会再生产过程,被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业。自上个世纪90年代以来,世界物流业持续10年保持20%-30%的速度高速增长,迅速上升为与信息产业、金融业并驾齐驱的三大朝阳产业之一。目前,物流产业已经被作为一个专门的产业加以开发。发展与经济相适应的物流产业可以有效的促进经济增长,模仿攀比、盲目规划将会导致物流产业发展“畸形”,从而影响经济的可持续发展。重庆经济在近几年来迅猛发展,然而,受山城地理条件等诸多因素影响,现代物流业起步较晚,相对于其它产业的迅速崛起,出现了物流“瓶颈”现象。第三方物流产业发展迅速,成为一个新的经济热点。对于重庆市来讲,如何抓住机遇,发挥优势,加速现代物流产业的发展,把重庆打造成西部现代物流中心,推动和提升相关产业的发展,提高经济运行质量,转变经济增长方式,增强区域经济实力和区域经济综合竞争能力,对于巩固重庆市在长江上游的物流中心地位,凸显直辖市的优势地位,拉动整个长江上游的经济增长有重要的意义。重庆市第三方物流发展中存在观念落后,规划滞后,体制不完善,管理落后等一系列问题。本文致力于把物流的基本理论与重庆市的实际情况结合起来,深入地剖析第三方物流产业在重庆的发展情况,探讨重庆市第三方物流发展的现状,有哪些优势及不足,存在哪些问题,并在此基础上对重庆市第三方物流的发展提出政策建议,找出一条符合重庆市实际情况的第三方物流发展路线。从而使对重庆物流的研究具有前瞻性,为政府各级部门决策提供理论依据。在这一背景下,对目前重庆物流产业发展状况进行科学分析和客观评价,找出发展第三方现代物流产业的有利条件和目前存在的不足,对重庆物流产业规划具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 Logistics industry has contained the movement course of all social products in the society and in enterprises, involving primary industry, the secondary industry, the tertiary industry and production process of societies, considered to be the artery of national economic development and basic industry. Since the 1990s, the logistics has lasted 10 years to keep 20%-30% of the high-speed growth, Keeping in step with Hi-Tech, finance, it is one of three major rising industry. At present, logistics has already become " the third profit source " following manufacturing industry and commerce, developed as a special industry。Expending logistics industry adapted with economy will advance continuable development in economy. However, because of the lack of scientific analysis and estimate, the logistics industry is in blind layout, which will result in abnormaldevelopment.The ecomomy in Chongqing developed fleetly in recent years. However, affectedby its geographical condition, the development of logistics industry in Chongqing islater than other industries and met with bottle-neck.The third-parties losistics developed fleetly in recent years, becoming a new hot spots.It is important for ChongQing to develop its third-parties losistics, because of the wish to promot the economics and to optimize the economics structure.There are many problems in The third-parties losistics of ChongQing, including poor idea, impeded planning, disabled system, poor management, and so on. This text make a combination between theoris of losistics and actual situation in ChongQing. Make an Analysis about the third-parties losistics in ChongQing. On this basis, we can give some Advices to the government about how to develop the third-parties losistics.In this condition, the paper analyse and estimate the level of logistics industry in Chongqing, find out the problems and development trend, which is significative toprogramming of logistics industry in Chongqing.

【关键词】 第三方物流重庆问题对策
【Key words】 Third-Parties LogisticsProblemsSolutions ChongQing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期