

Study on Distribution Logistics Management Model of YARACO

【作者】 袁梁

【导师】 江积海;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 环境的不断恶化,已经威胁到了人类的生存和发展,因此,发展经济必须优先考虑环保。现代物流的发展也需要从环保的角度对物流体系进行改进,形成一个环境共生型的物流管理系统。扬子江乙酰化工有限公司目前在醋酸产品销售物流管理方面离绿色物流管理还有较大差距,存在较多问题尚待改进。随着公司四期65万吨醋酸新项目的建设展开,很有必要采取有效措施改变公司销售物流配送现状,逐步建立起安全环保的销售绿色物流体系,为将来年产100万吨级的醋酸生产提供更优质的物流渠道服务。论文基于现代第三方物流配送理论和绿色物流理论,首先对YARACO销售物流的现状进行了介绍,找出了目前客户自提物流模式存在的主要问题:车辆“超载超限”而治理困难,挂靠车辆及人员管理缺乏,车辆维护及安全配备不到位等,并对问题的成因进行了分析。其次,依据现代第三方物流配送理论及绿色物流理论,在借鉴同行塞科公司销售物流配送先进经验的基础上,提出了取消客户自提,重构以送到价为客户提供优质服务的统一配送物流模型,并用该模型指导YARACO物流体系的建设。最后,论文还针对客户自提车辆的退出、第三方物流承运商的选择、为客户提供优质的配送服务等提供了具体策略,并尝试借助平衡计分卡评估工具来控制和评估这些策略。

【Abstract】 As environmental degradation has been a threat to the existence and development of human beings, environment protection must be a priority to consider in economic development. With the development of modern logistics, we should also take environment protection for consideration. On the basis of our efforts, we can improve the logistics system and construct an environment symbiotic-based logistics management system. The distribution logistics management of acetate products of YARACO Company (Yangtze River Acetyls Co., Ltd), is far behind the Environment Logistics, many problems exist and are waiting for improvement. With the start of the 650,000 tons of acetic acid project of the company’s fourth-stage new program, it is necessary to take effective measure to improve the company’s distribution logistics status, to construct step by step a safe environment logistics system, which will set up the foundation for better service of 1,000,000 tons of acetic acid production in future.Firstly, this dissertation introduces the existed YARACO sales logistics, and find out the major problems in goods delivery by customer: hard to control overloading, poor management in vehicles and staffs, questioned vehicle maintenance and safety equipments, etc., and there is a causes analysis. Secondly, on the basis of modern Third-party logistics theory and Environment Logistics theory, and the advanced experiences of Secco’s distribution logistics, this dissertation puts forward the idea of cancelling self-collection in order to construct a uniform distribution logistics model of Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) price delivery. This new model can be adopted to guide the construction of YAROCO Environment logistics system. Finally, this dissertation further provides concrete strategies to rearrange self-collection vehicles, to choose the third-party logistics, to better serve the customers. And these strategies could be controlled and assessed by means of Balanced Scorecard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F426.7;F252
  • 【下载频次】423