

Practical Research on Mass Material Supply Management of China National Erzhong Group Company

【作者】 胡竹

【导师】 胡立德; 陈晓慈;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工业工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今竞争激烈的市场环境中,随着科学技术的快速发展,全球范围内的竞争日趋激烈,企业面临着越来越严峻的生存和发展压力,传统的经营管理模式已经不能满足不断变化的市场要求,采购管理逐渐成为企业新的利润创造源。尽管供应链管理的概念提出的时间并不长,人们已经逐渐认识到供应链管理是提升企业竞争力的重要手段,是企业适应全球竞争的有效管理模式。因此,供应链管理在企业的生存和发展中的地位也越来越重要。加强供应链管理的理论研究,推进供应链管理的运用,从而提高企业的竞争力,增强企业的竞争优势是当前企业管理的重要内容。在激烈的市场竞争中,中国二重面临着需求多样化和个性化的双重挑战。面对这两种严峻挑战,企业的物资采购不但要能够满足生产过程对物资多样化的需求,以保证企业生产出个性化的产品,并且需要以最低的采购物流成本完成这一环节,从而使企业的生产成本整体降低。可见,采购物流成本的高低对于企业产品成本的构成及提升企业核心竞争力有着举足轻重的作用。中国二重基于供应链实施集中式战略采购,将采购职能和供应商资源跨部门集中管理,通过加强与供应商协作,力求实现供应链总成本最低化和效率最大化的采购模式。本文通过系统的阐述供应链的原则和内容,构筑了本文的理论基础;并通过进一步分析提出全文核心研究的问题:企业采购管理在供应链环境下面临的挑战;供应链环境下企业采购管理的实施方案,分析二重物资采购管理现状和存在的问题,对二重的采购组织模式进行分析研究;结合供应链管理的特点,制定出二重大宗物资的采购策略,不同物资供应商的管理策略,以及二重供应商选择评价程序,建立二重供应商综合指标评价体系。本研究突出影响采购管理的企业内外部因素,如:经济库存、市场行情预测以及供应商等,重点研究这三者与企业相互影响、动态变化的关系,采用先进的物流与供应链理论,优化二重大宗物资采购现状模式,结合二重单件小批量定制生产的特点,降低采购成本,提高管理水平,提高经济效益。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology plus the fierce market competition of the global economy, the competition among the enterprises has become more and more intensively all over the world and the enterprises have to face more austere surviving condition and high developing presure. Now the old traditional pattern of business administration can’t achieve the requirement of the variational market, the purchasing management is becoming the new headspring to the new profit. In spite of the short period from bringing forward the new concept of supply chains, people gradually realize the supply chains is the moer important means to improve the enterprise’s competition capacity in addition to the valid and effective management pattern for the enterprises to acclimatize themselve to the global competition, in this case the purchase chains become more and more important in the process of the enterprises’ surviving and developing. The important content of the enterprise management lies in the two aspects of Strenthening the theoretic research and putting the theory of supply chains into use, which can improve the competitive ability and predominance.The action of purchase joins the buyer and supplier. Because of the position of purchasing in the supply chains, To optimize the supply chains will start at the stage of purchase. It is necessary to research the theory of purchase management, which will provide a basis and experience for its transformation from traditional pattern to a new type and improve the efficiency of the purchase management under the condition or supply chains. In the fierce market competion, Chine Erzhong meets the two challenge of diversification and individuation of the requirement, so enterprise’s purchase action not only must achieve the requirement of the diversification in the producing process, which can help to make the individual product, but also finish purchasing job with lowest cost, which can help to reduce the whole manufacture cost. It is obvious that purchasing cost will play a very important role to form the whole manufacture cost and improve the enterprise’s core competition. The centralized strategic purchase is defined as that China Erzhong Co. bases on the type of purchase chain to put the mode of the centralized strategic purchase into practice, and centralize the purchasing action and the suppliers to be managed together and strengthen the cooperation with the suppliers so that the company can make the purchase mode with the lowest purchasing cost in the purchase chain and most high efficiency to be true.This research focuses on the company’s outer factor affected the purchase management such as the economic store, market value information forecast and supplier, and give emphasis on the relation and influence between the three factors and the company, applying the advanced theory of material flow and supply chain to strengthen the price quotation forecast, supplier management, to confirm the economic store and optimize Erzhong Co.’s large scale purchase mode at present, in view of Erzhong Co.’s manufacture character mode of small batch to each kind of production, reduce purchase cost, improve management level and economical benefit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期
  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【下载频次】134