

A Model for Word List Compiling in ELT Syllabuses

【作者】 李志芳

【导师】 辜向东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自上世纪八十年代末以来,词汇被普遍认为是外语学习的中心任务,词汇在英语教学大纲中占据着重要地位。词表是英语教学大纲的一个重要组成部分,它对学习者在英语课程学习中的词汇提出具体要求,是教材编写、课堂教学和测试的主要参考依据之一。在中国的英语教学大纲中,词表作为国家教育部制定的课程标准的一部分,其权威性和重要性不言而喻。然而,目前国内词表编制主要存在以下两个问题。第一,国内词表编制的理论研究较少;第二,国内英语教学大纲的词表现状不容乐观。我国现有的各种英语教学大纲词表,从基础教育到高等教育,从大学英语专业到公共英语等级考试,纵横交错,各自为政,有的相互重叠,有的上下脱节,不利于英语教学的“一条龙”建设。因此,提出一个适用于各类英语教学大纲词表编制的模式势在必行。本研究旨在提出一个中国英语教学大纲词表编制模式,以供各类词表编制参考。在国内外词汇、词表研究的基础上,本研究提出了一个英语教学大纲词表编制模式。该模式包含四个部分:词汇量要求、选词、收录内容和编写体例。针对各部分,本研究提出了一系列的编制标准。词汇量要求的确定依据为英语词汇总量、英语母语学习者的词汇量、以英语为外语的学习者应该掌握的词汇量、国内外对外语学习者的词汇量要求和中国学生的词汇量现状。选词标准包括客观标准和主观标准。客观标准包括词频、分布率、定义能力、不可或缺性、可学性、可用性和兴趣度。主观标准指教师和专家的主观判断。词汇收录内容的标准包括词的形式、意义和用法。词的形式包括口头形式、书面形式和单词组成。意义包括释义、释义用的语言和多义词的处理。用法包括语法功能和搭配。编写体例的标准涉及参考词汇表的说明、参考词汇表和附录表三个部分。说明主要是对参考词汇表编写的目的、使用对象、结构、编写过程和符号等进行阐释。参考词汇表一般采用基础词(即词典收录的词目形式)作为单位,按照字母顺序排列。各大纲参考词汇表对派生词、同音词、缩写词、专有名词、词串、英美不同拼写等的处理应采用统一的标准。附录表应包含丰富的附录,如国家及相关信息、常用地名、常用前后缀等,以补充参考词汇表。本研究在提出的英语教学大纲词表编制模式下,尝试对现行的教学大纲词表进行了评价,并以α开头的单词为例,编写了一个供基础教育参考的英语教学大纲词汇表样本,从而证明了英语教学大纲词表编制模式的可行性、系统性和科学性。本研究的创新之处在于:1)提出了一个英语教学大纲词表编制模式;2)应用该模式对现行大纲词表进行了评价,并编制了一个供基础教育参考的词汇表样本;3)尝试将大纲词表编制的理论研究和应用研究相结合。

【Abstract】 Vocabulary, after decades of neglect, has now been recognized as central to foreign language acquisition process since the late 1980s. In English language teaching (hereafter ELT) syllabuses, lexis occupies a significant position, and word lists play a quite important role. Word lists in ELT syllabuses set vocabulary requirements for English language learners and are one of the main sources for teaching material construction, English language teaching and testing. In ELT syllabuses in China, word lists are important and authoritative as they are a part of curriculum requirements. However, two major problems exist in word list compilation. On the one hand, there are few theoretical studies on word list compilation. On the other hand, the situation of word lists in ELT syllabuses is discouraging. The present word lists in ELT syllabuses, ranging from basic to higher education, from TEM to CET, mutually overlap or conflict with each other and show little association with each other. Such a situation impedes the streamline ELT system in China. Therefore, study on word list compiling is necessary and significant. The present study is undertaken to set criteria for word list compiling in ELT syllabuses for basic and higher education in China. It is expected to provide scientific and systematic criteria for the reference of word list compiling.On the basis of researches on vocabulary and word lists at home and abroad, the present study puts forward a model for word list compiling in ELT syllabuses. The model consists of four parts: vocabulary size requirement, word selection, word content and word list presentation. Criteria for each part are set scientifically and systematically.Firstly, vocabulary size requirement is suggested to be made on the basis of the following five aspects: the amount of words in English, the amount of words native speakers know, vocabulary size EFL learners need to know to do the things, vocabulary size requirements for EFL learners at home and abroad, and Chinese students’ present vocabulary size.Secondly, as for word selection, objective and subjective criteria are suggested to be taken into consideration. Seven objective criteria—frequency, range, coverage, availability, learning burden, opportunism, and centres of interest—need to be considered. Subjective criteria refer to experienced teachers’ and experts’ judgments on the basis of their teaching experience and intuition. Thirdly, word content is suggested to include word form, meaning and use. Word form contains spoken form, written form and word parts. Word meaning includes: the way to define a word, the language used in word definition, and the way to deal with multi-meaning words. Word use consists of grammatical functions and collocations.Finally, word list presentation is suggested to contain a preface, a main list and an appendix list. A preface should include the purpose, potential users, development of the main list, the structure, and sign explanation. With regard to a main list, the term ’word’ is first needed to be defined clearly and vocabulary is to be arranged in alphabetic order. There should be consistent criteria to deal with derivatives, homonyms, abbreviations and so on. Words should not be overlapped in ELT syllabuses for different levels and additional meanings required are suggested to be added. An appendix list is suggested to consist of rich appendices.Based on the model, present word lists in ELT syllabuses in China are evaluated and a sample word list for basic education is compiled. The application of the model proves that the model for word list compiling in ELT syllabuses is feasible, systematic and scientific.The present research is expected to make the following contributions: 1) Bring forward a model for word list compiling in ELT syllabuses; 2) Apply the present model to word list evaluation and word list compilation; 3) Promote attempts to combine theoretical and practical studies in word list compiling.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期