

Study on Wireless Transmission Device of Power for Subretinal Prosthesis

【作者】 张莹

【导师】 彭承琳;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 生物医学工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 无线能量传输技术是近十年来兴起的一种新型能量供给技术,日益成为植入式医疗装置供能的研究热点。它是基于电磁感应原理,由发射装置向体内发射特定频率的电磁波信号,通过能量耦合单元,在接收部分得到感应电压。这种供能方式可以为人工视网膜工作提供所需能量。本课题在国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.30470469)资助下,采用外层型视网膜修复技术进行人工视网膜研究。为了保证外层型人工视网膜植入体刺激器长期、稳定工作,除了采用低功耗设计之外,还需要附加的能量供给装置。本文针对用于外层型人工视网膜的无线能量传输方式进行初步理论研究和设计探索。本文首先分析了植入式无线能量传输技术的概念、分类以及关键需要解决的问题;接着综述了国际、国内这一领域的研究现状,并分析了能量传输技术的研究方向;同时,针对人体复杂生理环境对视网膜生理基础及细胞模型进行初步理论研究;总结和分析了用于外层人工视网膜能量传输的理论和实验依据。无线能量传输系统在设计方案的选择及实施是基于电磁感应原理。当E类功率放大器发射的耦合电磁波穿透人体后,通过谐振回路将电磁波转换为电能,再经过整流、滤波、稳压等辅助电路,最终输出负载能够满足人工视网膜刺激器所需工作电压。其次,本文分析了体外发射和体内接收的特点。文章分别从发射模块、接收模块、绕组及电磁场进行分析设计,并且提出了基于射频无线能量传输理论的无线能量传输系统的设计方案。在设计中要综合考虑能量传输效率和电磁波对人体的影响。在保证传输效率的同时,本文根据通用的标准设计射频能量场,尽可能低的降低对人体健康的损伤,最终选择传输工作电压频率为1MHz。最后,采用计算机软件Pspice对电路进行软件仿真,对参数进一步优化以提高传输效率。结果证明了无线传输电路的有效性,符合研究应用的电能传输要求;发射模块的输出波形是稳定可靠的,符合射频感应式电能传输的技术要求;负载输出达到200mW的功率,5V工作电压理论能够满足刺激器的工作要求。本文研究的重点内容是:①针对人眼生理环境的细胞模型理论研究,深入分析了线圈的绕组设计及提高接收线圈品质因数的方法;②对接收模块中整流电路进行设计,利用MOS工艺的寄生电容特性形成电荷转运,有效地提高半波整流电路的整流效率。

【Abstract】 Artificial visual functions recovery has attracted the most attention in the field of artificial organs. Our project is under the support of NSFC(No. 30470469),our design is based on the subretinal prosthesis。In order to make sure the steady of stimulator unit in the long term,beside adopt low-power design,we need additional power supply。This dissertation will pilot study and explore toward the power supply for subretinal artificial retina.Firstly,the concept of wireless transmission technology the sort and the key problem is analysis in detail. The situation of study situation in this field is summarized and the research direction is pointed. Meanwhile, the environments of retina physiology and model of retina cell is pilot study. At last, summarizing and analyzing the theory and experiment base of the retina wireless power transmission.Wireless power transmission is based on Faraday electromagnetism induce law. The working principle of power transmission: Class E power magnifier is used in the process of changing the DC into radio signal. The radio signal is converted to the RF energy by the resonant loop. Then the signal will be commuted, filtered and regulated. At last it meets the demand of stimulator unit.In the third part, the primary part, second part and coils is design individually. After considering the power transmission efficiency and analyzing theelectromagnetism effect to the human body. We choose the work frequency is 1MHz. At last , the computer software was used to simulator circuit. In order to enhance transmission efficiency, the optimization parameter is acquired by Pspice simulation. The result present a validity design for the transmission system;The out put of primary part is steady and reliable which can satisfy the technology demand of RF inductive transmission;The out power on the load can arrive 200 mW at 5V voltage which can meet the stimulator unit.The main work in this disseration is:①the theory analyze according to the requirement of retina environment;②The improved half-wave rectifier is presented by employing MOS technology based on the deficiency of conventionalarchitecture. By using the character of parasitic capacitor, the charget ransfer can elevate the rectifying efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期