

Cultural Values Reflected in Execution of the Advertising Theme: A Comparative Study of Television Commercials of America and China’s mainland

【作者】 许菲

【导师】 黄赟琳;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 广告活动首先是一种经济活动,是社会生产力和经济发展水平的反映。功利性是它的根本特征。广告作品也是一种文化产品,是文化价值观的反映。一直以来人们对广告的研究重点都在于它的功利性,而忽略了它文化方面的重要价值。本文的研究建立在Hall、Kluckhohn和Strodbeck、Hofstede的文化维度基础上,以Cho Bonjin的研究为实验框架,通过对21世纪中美电视商业广告的比较研究,对广告做一个比较全面的文化解读,从中美商业广告的角度去重新认识中美文化价值观,为中西文化的有效沟通以及中美广告的有效传播提供一种借鉴。本研究从四个文化维度的角度:人与自然的关系、时间导向、高低背景、个人主义/集体主义提出了四个假设。研究采用了内容分析法,对在中国和美国以及网络电视软件收集的电视商业广告样本进行了分析。研究的结果表明,正如假设,美国的电视商业广告表现出更为明显的个人主义特征。而中国没有表现出更为明显的集体主义特征,反而出现了个人主义特征的印记。与假设不同,在时间导向维度中,中国和美国的电视商业广告都表现出“现在导向”而非“过去”和“未来”导向。在与自然的关系维度中,美国的电视商业广告并没有表现出更多的“驾驭型”的倾向。在高低背景维度中,中国的电视商业广告没有表现出更显著的“高背景”特征,而美国则表现出明显的“低背景”特征。

【Abstract】 Advertising is firstly an economic activity that reflects social productivity and the level of economic development. It is the utilitarian nature of advertising. But meanwhile advertisement is a cultural product which is the reflection of cultural values. In fact, advertising’s utilitarian nature has been the focus of researching, but the important value of advertising culture has been overlooked.Based on cultural dimensions by Hall, Kluckhohn and Strodbeck, and Hofstede, and the theoretical framework by Cho et al., the present study seeks to identify the cultural values reflected in TV commercials between U.S. and China’s mainland in underlying cultural dimensions: individualism/ collectivism, time orientation, relationship with nature, and contextuality. There are 4 hypotheses being put forward in the dissertation. Content analysis is applied in the study.Results are concluded after analyzing TV commercial samples colleted from U.S. and China’s mainland (through local TV channels and internet TV software). The executions of television advertising are found to be more individualistic in U.S. ads as hypothesized, but Chinese ads are not found to be more collectivistic. Contrary to our hypothesis, U.S. commercials are not more future-oriented, nor are Chinese commercials more past-oriented. Instead, commercials in both cultures demonstrate strong present-time orientations. On the dimension of one’s relationship with nature, also contrary to our hypothesis, U.S. commercials do not stress the manipulation of nature more than Chinese commercials. In terms of contextuality, Chinese commercials are not more high-context than the U.S. commercials.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期