

The Compression of Vital Relations and the Cognitive Interpretation of Pun in Chinese Advertisements

【作者】 王小利

【导师】 余渭深;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,广告语作为一种特殊的语体已经逐渐成为语言学界研究的热点,人们分别从语言特征,符号学,修辞以及语用的角度对它进行了大量的研究,这些方法各有优点,但是它们都没有真正揭示双关语的语义理解的认知机制,没有揭示其释义的来源。本论文主要是利用Fauconnier&Turner提出的概念整合理论的主要压缩关系来分析解释汉语广告中含有双关语的广告语。并且根据人们理解过程中涉及到的主要关系的压缩来对他进行分类。本论文旨在为汉语广告中双关语的理解提供一个新的视角,尝试从一个动态的角度来解读含双关的汉语广告语。论文主要是采用了概念整合理论中主要关系的压缩理论,对10则汉语广告语进行分析,并通过其主要关系的压缩类型对那些广告语进行分类解释。首先,笔者对前人的研究做了相关回顾,发现其缺点和不足之处,进而提出了一个新的研究角度,并对相关理论进行了阐述,主要涉及到概念整合理论的基本框架,以及一些压缩中的主要关系如:类比(analogy),部分一整体(part-whole),原因—结果(cause-effect),变化(change),时间(time),空间(space),角色(role),身份(identity),相异性(disanalogy),表征(representation),性质(property),相似性(similarity),类别(category),意图(intentionality)以及唯一性(uniqueness).这些主要的压缩关系有些是外部空间关系,有些是内部空间关系。因而压缩方式有两种:一种是将外部空间关系压缩为内部空间关系,另一种则是内部空间关系的压缩。通过主要关系的压缩我们才能够得到一个新显结构即:人们对广告语的最终理解。总之,整个压缩过程是一个动态的解读过程。最后,文章对广告语进行了合理的解释,揭示了含双关的广告语意义,并根据主要关系的压缩对其进行了分类,从而证明了CTT理论强大的解释力,并对汉语广告语的解读提供了一个动态的理解方式,同时也希望为广告语的创作者提供一些启迪。

【Abstract】 In recent years, advertising language, as a special language style, has gradually become a hot topic in the research area. But most of the researchers did some research from the following aspects: the linguistic features, semiotics, rhetoric and the pragmatic perspectives. Studies of these approaches had their own advantages, but they didn’t much reveal the cognitive understanding mechanisms. This thesis mainly adopts the compression of vital relations in the Conceptual Integration Theory (CIT) which is proposed by Fauconnier and Turner to expound the pun in Chinese advertisements. What’s more, the author makes a classification of the advertisements according to the different ways of compression of the vital relations, which take place during people’s understanding process. The paper aims to provide a new perspective for the interpretation of the pun in advertisements and then reveal dynamic understanding process for the understanding of the pun in Chinese advertisements.The thesis mainly applies the vital relations in the CIT theory and makes a classification and interpretation of those 10 pieces of advertisements according to the different compressed vital relations. Firstly the author makes a review of the previous studies and finds out the shortcomings and limitations. Then it provides a new research angle and makes an introduction of the relevant theories. They are: the basic framework of the CIT theory and some vital relations as: cause-effect, analogy, disanalogy, change, identity, time, space, part-whole, representation, role, property, similarity, category, intentionality and the uniqueness. Some of them are outer-space relations and some others are inner-space relations. So there are basically two compressing ways. One is to compress the outer-space relation into the inner-space relation and the other one is to compress the inner-space relations. Through the compression we can get the emergent structure which is people’s ultimate understanding of the utterance. All in all the compressing process is a dynamic one to interpret.Finally, this thesis makes a reasonable explanation of those advertisements and reveals the meaning of pun in advertisement as well as conducts a classification according to the compressing vital relations. Therefore, the research proves the powerful explanation of the theory and provides a dynamic way for the interpretation and hopefully it would provide the advertising designer some inspirations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期