

Study on Path of Construction of Regional Development Model under the Rule of Law

【作者】 李亮

【导师】 程燎原;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以降,中央政府先后确立了经济特区和综合配套改革试验区两种区域发展模式,这两种区域发展模式对中国近三十年的经济社会发展起到了重要的推动作用。但是,在进入新的经济社会发展形态与更高层次的法治化建设阶段的时代背景下,我们应当而且必须探索新型的,即法治型的区域发展模式。本文即在对区域发展模式和法治型区域发展模式的基本理论问题进行阐述的前提下,通过对改革开放以来我国区域发展模式的演化过程进行历史考察,梳理和总结现存区域发展模式逐步显现的瓶颈效应与局限性,在此基础上,结合中央政府目前推行的国家宏观经济社会发展战略以及我国区域和地理方面的总体特征,运用现代法治科学工具(特别是立法方面)与法治基础理论,探索我国法治型区域发展模式应当具备的基本要素特征。同时,本文对于在我国推行法治型区域发展模式实验区域的选择及具体操作方式的设计也将进行初步的实践性的探索和研究。全文共分六个部分:第一部分阐述了区域发展模式的基本理论问题。首先介绍区域与区域发展的基本内涵;其次阐明区域发展模式的概念、主要类型与基本特征;最后对法治型区域发展模式的基本理论问题进行阐述。第二部分考察了改革开放以来我国区域发展模式的演化过程及中央政府的基本推进思路。首先对我国区域发展模式的演化过程进行简要概述;其次对经济特区时期的区域发展模式的诞生背景、主要改革思路与内容及局限性进行必要考察;再次对综合配套改革试验区时期的区域发展模式的立意与着眼点、不同试验区的改革思路与内容及综合配套改革试验区的局限性进行必要总结;最后指出现存两种区域发展模式在本质上都属于政策推进型区域发展模式。第三部分分析了在新的历史背景下探索法治型区域发展模式的必要性。此部分在对现存区域发展模式在初始推进思路、改革创新基本路径等方面的缺陷进行总结的基础上,提出新型区域发展模式,即法治型区域发展模式的基本要素特征。第四部分阐述了将三峡库区作为法治型区域发展模式试验区的理由与意义。首先提出在我国构建法治型区域发展模式应当注意的基本问题;其次对将三峡库区作为法治型区域发展模式试验区的三点基本理由进行阐述;最后对将三峡库区作为法治型区域发展模式试验区的现实意义进行必要的分析与揭示。第五部分提出了在三峡库区推行法治型区域发展模式的操作方式的基本构想。首先对上述操作方式所涉及的重要技术型问题,即流域管理问题进行了必要分析,包括世界各国在流域管理方面的成功经验、我国流域管理中存在的主要问题及对在三峡库区推行法治型区域发展模式与单纯流域立法的关系问题进行必要澄清;其次对在三峡综合发展区推行法治型区域发展模式的基本构想和具体制度安排进行分析;最后对在在三峡综合发展区推行法治型区域发展模式的长期性与复杂性进行了必要总结。第六部分提出了在三峡综合发展区推行法治型区域发展模式的局域性操作建议。即提出了将重庆市作为法治型区域发展模式先行试验区的基本操作建议,首先对重庆市作为法治型区域发展模式先行试验区的主要优势和条件进行了必要分析;其次展望和总结了重庆市作为法治型区域发展模式先行实验区的近期目标。

【Abstract】 Since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, the central government successively established two tapes of regional development model: special economic zone and reform testing areas with synthesis and whole set, which played an important promotion role on the economy and social development of China in the past 30 years. however, in order to harmony with new form of economy and social development and higher construction requirements of the rule of law, we must explore new tape of regional development model, namely, regional development model under the rule of law. The purpose of this paper is to try in this area of research. On the basis of the necessary introduction on the basic theory of regional development model and regional development model under the rule of law, through the inspection of the evolution of regional development model since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, we can summarize gradually emerging bottlenecks and limitations of validity of the existing regional development model.Furthermore, with modern tools of legal Science (particularly on the legislation) and basic theory of law, and coordinating with the current national macroeconomic and social development strategy, particularly the regional geographic characteristics of the overall, we can explore the basic characteristics of the regional development model under the rule of law. Meanwhile, in this paper, the implementation of regional development model under the rule of law and the choice of the specific mode of operation will also conduct a preliminary academic research and exploration. The core content of the paper is divided into six sections:The first section of the paper analyzed the basic theoretical issues of regional development mode. firstly introduced the basic content of region and regional development;secondly clarified the concept, the main types and the basic features of regional development mode ;finally concluded the concept and basic features of regional development model under the rule of law.The second section of the paper inspected the evolution of regional development model and basic line of thought of the central government since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy, firstly gave a brief overview of China’s regional development model of evolution history since the adoption of reform and opening-up policy; secondly inspected the background, the main reform modes and limitations of validity of regional development mode during the special economic zone;finally concluded the background, the main reform ideas and limitations of validity of regional development mode during reform testing areas with synthesis and whole set.The third section of the paper analyzed the need to explore regional development model under the rule of law in the new historical context. On the basis of the conclusion on the defects of initial promotion modes, Basic path of reform and innovation of the existing regional development model concluded the need to construct regional development model under the rule of law.The fourth section of the paper analyzed the basic reasons and practical meanings of Three Gorges reservoir area as a pilot area of regional development model under the rule of law. Meanwhile, pointed out the concerned problem about constructing regional development model under the rule of law in China.The fifth section of the paper put forward the basic academic ideas of Three Gorges reservoir area as a pilot area of regional development model under the rule of law. firstly analyzed briefly the problem of Watershed management, including the Successful experience on the Watershed management in countries around the world and the main issues of Watershed management in China, and Clarified the relationship between Three Gorges reservoir area as a pilot area of regional development model under the rule of law and the pure Watershed management;secondly analyzed the basic modes and Specific systems design of Three Gorges Comprehensive Development Area(TGCDA);finally concluded the complex and long-term of constructing the regional development model under the rule of law in the TGCDA.The sixth section of the paper put forward the local operation suggestions of constructing the regional development model under the rule of law in the TGCDA, namely, put forward the preliminary operation ideas of constructing first-testing area of the regional development model under the rule of law in Chongqing city .firstly analyzed briefly the main advantages and conditions of constructing first-testing area of the regional development model under the rule of law in Chongqing city;secondly outlook some short-term goals of constructing first-testing area of the regional development model under the rule of law in Chongqing city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期