

A Comparison Study on Construction Standards of Government Investment Projects of China and UK

【作者】 谢伟

【导师】 李世蓉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济体制改革的逐步深化,关于政府投资项目的研究已成为建筑管理领域研究的新热点。先后出台的中央和地方的政府投资项目建设标准使我国政府投资项目建设有了明确的依据。从建设领域实践经验来看,这些标准起到了一定的作用,但从整体来看,我国政府投资项目投资绩效依然相对低下。文章从我国政府投资项目建设标准内容为切入点,采用系统分析、定量分析与定性分析相结合的方法,研究了我国政府投资项目的实施模式、监管体系、审计与绩效评价体系存在的问题。在英国,公共工程的绩效管理一直建筑管理领域研究的重点。英国公共工程建设被纳入政府采购范畴。英国公共工程实施过程中也曾有类似的超预算、超工期、投资绩效低下等弊病,但英国通过实施工程项目创优活动有效解决了公共工程实施中的诸多问题。文章以英国公共工程实施的体制为切入点,一方面从公共工程法制、公共工程实施体制、公共工程建筑市场运行机制三方面重点研究了在公共工程管理法律、法规体系中占重要地位的工程入门审查制度和通用最小化标准;另一方面以建设程序为序研究了英国公共工程采购策略、实施程序、管理模式、监管体系、审计和绩效评价体系中的独特之处,总结了英国公共工程实施过程中的经验与教训。在此基础上,文章一方面以建设程序为序对我国和英国的政府投资项目建设标准进行了全面的对比研究,另一方面在较为宏观的政府投资项目实施理念、标准体系框架、政府投资项目管理技术层面进行对比研究。最后提出了完善我国政府投资项目建设标准的建议。

【Abstract】 With the reform of economic system of China, researches on government investment projects have been a new hot topic in construction management field. The construction criterions for government investment projects released by the central government and local governments made it have concrete foundation for carry on these projects. From the prospective of construction practice, these criterions play a certain role in regulating government investment projects but as a whole, the performance is still relatively low. By analyzing content of criterions, the paper utilizes systematical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis approaches to research dilemmas in operation modes, supervision systems, auditing and performance evaluation systems when carry on government investment projects.In the UK, performance management of public works has been a key research topic in construction management field. The construction of public works belongs to the fields of government procurement. There were shortcomings in the course of carrying on public works, such as over-budget, over completion time, low performance, in previous times. By the activity of“Achieving Excellence in Construction”, these problems are settled perfectly. On the basis of analyzing operation modes of public works, the paper carries on research from two aspects. On one hand, it researches the Gateway Review system and Common Minimum Standards, which have an important role in laws and regulations systems for public works. On the other hand, it researches unique characteristics by the sequence of construction process in project procurement, operation modes, management modes, supervision systems, auditing and performance management aspects. Then, conclusion is drawn to illustrate the experience and lessons in carry on public works.On the basis of these researches, the paper carries on comparison study from two aspects: from the prospective of contents of criterions and from the aims to carry on public works, framework of criterions, management skills, which are in a macroscopically level. At last, it presents suggestions for perfect our construction criterions on government investment projects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期