

【作者】 冉川

【导师】 邹顺康;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 马克思主义与思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息时代,大众传媒成为影响受众个体认知、价值判断的中介,它不仅影响着社会的意识形态,帮助受众树立世界观和价值观,而且对于民族和人类生活方式的变化与进步、社会的稳定与发展都具有重要意义。然而,随着当代传播技术的迅猛发展,大众传媒中的伦理问题愈加突出,大众传媒与社会发展之间的矛盾也愈加明显:一些媒体滥用自由炒作焦点,故意制造事端和夸大事件,损害当事人的利益和社会利益;传媒产业化以后,为了追求经济利益最大化,大众传媒迎合利益的驱动而背离理性基础,低俗化、媚俗化的媒体产品给人们特别是青少年带来巨大的负面影响;全球化带来的西方文化霸权,通过媒体潜移默化地进行西方价值观念的浸透;传媒消费主义又在广告化的场景中泛滥媚俗,瓦解传统的价值观念……针对以上所面临的道德风险,我国大众传媒必须关注迅猛发展的传播技术所付出的社会代价,以及传播过程中巫待解决的利益关系。因此,本文认为在大众传播活动中进行伦理反思,履行大众传媒伦理责任,将有助于解决我国当前传媒社会责任困境,维护媒介的健康发展,使大众传媒真正成为社会良知和价值公正的表征。全文分为三大部分。第一部分介绍了当代大众传媒主要面临了哪些困境以及加强传媒伦理建设的重要意义;第二部分对大众传媒实践中的五花八门纷繁芜杂的现象进行了理性思考,尝试揭示当代大众传媒伦理困境的实质,即大众传媒伦理困境产生的根本原因;第三部分概括了大众传媒伦理应该遵循的原则,探讨了走出伦理困境的出路及对策的建构策略。其中第三部分是本文的重点部分。笔者认为,伦理责任是主体基于一定的伦理关系和社会角色所承担的道德义务和责任,大众传媒伦理责任是大众传播主体在传播活动中以一种伦理的视角去关注媒介问题,由此承担的道德意义上的责任和义务。这是一种伦理需求的思维方式,一种主张大众传媒既要追求经济效益又要追求社会公正的价值取向,也是帮助当代大众传媒最终走出困境的根本要求。这就要求大众传播主体在分析思考和解决媒介问题时,要从人的伦理需求出发确立起伦理的尺度;要求大众传播主体在传播过程中考虑到社会公共利益和公共理性,营造出良好的舆论环境,为社会的协调发展提供资源性供给。在理论建构方面,由于大众传播体系中存在着自由与责任、权利与责任、道德义务与良心、目的与手段等关系问题,因此大众传媒伦理责任的建构便有了理论依据。与此同时,履行大众传媒伦理责任,实现伦理意义上的公正和规范,也具有十分重要的意义和价值:首先,履行大众传媒伦理责任,对传媒平台加以伦理层面的修护,将有助于建构主流的伦理秩序和社会规范,有助于建设公正的舆论环境,有助于促进大众传媒与社会的发展与进步。其次,大众传媒伦理责任所依据的是主观意识所拥有的道德能力,体现了道德实践精神的内在要求,是道德精神自律的社会表达,是抑恶扬善的现实手段,因此履行大众传媒伦理责任将有助于更好地实现社会价值、文化价值以及人的价值。最后,大众传媒伦理责任培养的是一种对社会负责的道德品质,这种品质对于从事大众传媒工作的人来讲至关重要,关系到他们看待世界、判断世界、反映世界以及表达世界的态度和方式,关系到他们对社会道德责任感的自觉担当,所以走出大众传媒伦理困境将有助于大众传媒在国家振兴、民族复兴、全面实现小康社会的蓝图中发挥出最大的社会影响力。这也是笔者写作本文的初衷和目的。

【Abstract】 In the Information Age,the mass media become the key factor to audience cognition and value assessment.Its influence can be felt not only in social ideology, which helps audience set up the proper world outlookand value,but in the change and progress of peoples and human life styles. At the same time,the mass media counts a lot in the stability and development of society. However,with the rapid growth of medium technology, the ethics of mass media becomes more obvious and urgent than ever,and the contradiction between the mass media and society development is getting greater. Some media agents abuse the entitled rights to overfocus the news,even make affairs intentionally and exaggerate the events. As a result,it will inevitably do damage to the audience’s interests.After the industrialization of mass media,in order to achieve the maximum of ecomomic interest,the mass media goes against the rational bases owing to the drive of persuing profits.Vulgar medium productions display the negative effects on udience,especially,on teenagers.The cultural supremacy from the western world brought by globalization spread the western values in a subtle and pervasive manner;the medium consumptionism takes on the vulgar image in the advertised scenes and undermines our traditional values. Facing the ethical crisis above,the mass media of China should pay more attention to the social price paid for the rapid growth of medium technology,and the interest relationship that needs solving during the ourse.Therefore,this paper proposes such a point that the ethical responsibilities will contribute the solution of the difficult situations face by the current mass media society of China,and promote the healthy growth of the mass media.Thus,the mass media become the real symbol for social conscience and the value justice.There are three parts in this paper. The first part is roughly summarizes the difficult situation faced by the mass medium and about the important significance of strengthen mass medium ethical construction. In the second part is about the analysis of the crisis’ essence,the essential reasons of the crisis. The third part disscuses the principles of the mass medium ethical,and tries to find the way to solve the crisis of mass medium in China.The third part is the key part.According to the author’s opinion, the ethical responsibility is a kind of moral responsibilities and obligations based on the certain ethical relations and social roles.The ethical responsibilities of mass medium mean tha the mass media as the principal part focuses the issues in an ethical way,and the moral responstiibilities and obligations derived from that.This is the way of thinking for ethical necessity a value trend that requiers the mass media pursuing both economic efficiency and social justice.The value trend demnads, when analyzing, thinking and solving the porblems concerning media that the mass media needs to set up the porper ethical dimensions from the human ethical needs, and build a healthy medium enviromnent that provides the resourceful supply for the harmonious society . In the aspect of theoretical consturction strategy, because there exist many relationships, such as freedom and responsibility, the right and responsibility ,moral obligation and conscienee, puprose and aim, the construction of ethical responsibilities of mass media has its own theoretical fundation. In the meanwhile, the fulfillment of mass moral responsibilities and achievement of ethical justice and the criteria show the great singificance and values: first of all, the fulfillment of the ethical responsibilities of mass media and the ehtical mending of the mass media will eonrtibuetothteeonsurtetionofehtiealsystem, the consturction of just medium enviroment and the development of progress of mass media as well as soeieyt.Next, the ethical responsibilities of mass media are based on the moral abilities of subjective consciousness. It embodies the inner demands of the spirit of moral self-discipline. It is the practical means of punishing the evil and encouraging the virtue. So the fulfillment of ethical responsibilities of mass media will help the realization of social values、cultral values and human values.Finally the ethical responsibilities of mass media cultivates the qualities of being responsible for society which will influence those in respect of how to view the world, how to judge the world, how to reflect the world and the attiutde towards the world and the way of expressing the world. These qualities also aeffct their willinngess of taking on the social moral responsibilities’ sense. Consequently, the fulfillmen of the ethical responsibilities of mass media will contribute to the prosperiy of nation, the renaissance of the people and the general accomplishment of well-off society which is the author’s original intension and aim.Owing to the author’s limited research ability and inadequate preparation, there are surely some faults.Wish teachers and experts liberal with points out mistakes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】G206;B82-05
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】808