

On the Study of Improving Effectiveness of Teachers’s Incentives in Comprehensive Institutions Formed Through Mergering and Upgrading

【作者】 黄红

【导师】 彭泽平;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,为适应经济体制和政治体制改革的推进,国家对高等教育进行了新中国成立以来第二次大规模的调整和改革,高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育转轨。为此,高等教育的管理体制和结构随之发生了巨大变化,高等教育市场逐渐形成,市场调节和竞争逐渐成为高等院校生存发展的重要概念。在这一背景下,一批师范专科学校为求得生存,不得不与教育学院合并升格为教学型本科综合院校。合并升格综合院校目前面临重重困境,有来自外部的生源、就业、经费压力,更有来自内部的师资队伍建设问题的压力。Y学院是一所只有六年历史的合并升格省属教学型本科综合院校,二00六年十二月通过了国家教育部本科教学水平评估。笔者以Y学院为个案进行研究,力求通过访谈、问卷调查、查阅文献等方法,在传统和现代激励理论分析的基础上,对提高合并升格综合院校教师激励实效问题进行初步探索,提出具有现实针对性和可操作性的教师激励策略。本研究从三个方面展开论述。首先,以Y学院为个案,通过调查分析了合并升格综合院校教师激励现状,在此基础上揭示了教师激励存在的问题,主要是:教师激励缺乏广度和深度,物质激励和精神激励严重不足,教师聘任积重难返,教师考核难以两全。然后,从社会、学校、教师三个层面剖析了衍生上述问题的原因所在:究其原因,主要是政府政策不配套,财政投资严重不足,学校定位模糊、监控不力,部分教师观念陈旧、素质低下。最后,基于这些问题和原因,进一步探析了合并升格综合院校提高教师激励实效的理论基点、基本原则,要提高合并升格综合院校教师激励实效,学校应当坚持激励机制与约束机制相结合、物质激励与精神激励相结合、行政管理与学术自由相结合、严格考核与人文关怀相结合的基本原则,在具体举措上,应当着力于对学校发展目标进行合理定位,以人为本,实现高度融合;构建和完善激励机制与约束机制;改革职称评聘制度,切实推行教师岗位聘任制;建立完善的绩效考核评价体系,继续深化分配制度改革;强化民主意识,优化民主管理。

【Abstract】 Since the 1990s, in compliance with the promotion of economic and political reform, the country has made the second large-scale restructuring and reform to higher education after the founding of new China, and the higher education has transited from the elite education to the popular education. And then, the management system and the structure of higher education has undergone enormous changes and the higher education market has gradually shaped, in which market regulation and competition have gradually become two key concepts for the surviving and development of institutions of higher learning. Under the circumstance, in order to survive, a group of Normal Colleges are forced to merge with Education Institutes and upgrade to a comprehensive teaching-oriented institutions.The omprehensive institutions formed through mergering and upgrading are facing numerous difficulties, the exterior pressures of which are student source, employment and finance and the interior one is faculty building. Y College is a new provincial comprehensive teaching-oriented institution formed after the mergering and upgrading six years ago, which passed the Undergraduate Teaching Assessment of the Ministry of National Education in December 2006. Taking Y Institute as a case, through interviews, questionnaires, documents and other inspection methods, on the basis of analyzing traditional and modern theories of incentives, the author conducted a preliminary exploration on improving the effectiveness of teachers’ incentives in the college of this kind, and put forward some reality-targeted and workable incentive strategies.This study is divided into three parts. Firstly, from the case study of Y College, the author surveyed and analyzed the status quo of teachers’ incentives in a comprehensive institution fromed through mergering and upgrading, on the basis of which the author revealed the existing problems of teachers’ incentives, such as the lack of breadth and depth in teachers’ incentives, the serious shortage of material and spiritual incentives, various problems in teachers employment, the difficult of making teachers assessment best for both sides. Secondly, from the three levels of community, schools and teachers, the author analyzed the causes of above problems: the lack of supporting government policies, the serious shortage of financial investment, the vague school location and ineffective monitoring, the outdated concepts and low quality of some teachers. At last, based on these issues and causes, tha author made a further analysis of the basic theorical points and principles of improving the effectiveness of teachers’ incentives in a comprehensive institution fromed through mergering and upgrading. To improve the effectiveness of teachers’ incentives in this kind of school, it is a must to adhere the basic principles of combining together the incentive mechanism and restraint mechanism, the spiritual incentives and material incentives, public administration and academic freedom, strict examination and humanistic care. In terms of the specific initiatives, the school should concentrate on the following strategies to improve teachers’ incentives: a reasonable location for the goal of the school; people-orientation and achieving a high degree of integration; building and perfecting incentive mechanism and restraint mechanism; reforming title appointment and evaluation system, effectively implementating teaching post appointment system; establishing and improving the performance inspection system, continuing to deepen the reform of the distribution system; strengthening the sense of democracy and optimizing the democratic management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】G645.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】103