

Study on Cold Air Distribution System Used with Ice-Storage and Ground Source Heat Pump

【作者】 李森生

【导师】 刘秋新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,“节能减排”政策一直是政府工作报告中的最重要议项之一。资源紧缺,人类生活环境遭受威胁,使空调行业面临巨大的挑战与责任。作为国民经济基础产业之一的电力行业,节能在其中更是具有重要的意义。空调行业占我国用电总量的很大一部分,因此要求空调行业节能是必然的趋势,而冰蓄冷就是在此形势下发展起来的一种技术。单纯的冰蓄冷虽然可以起到移峰填谷的作用,运行费用比常规冷源更节省,但庞大且控制复杂的蓄冷系统使冷源的初投资、制冷机的实际能耗都比常规冷源高出许多,低温送风空调方式便应运而生。地源热泵系统由于节能、环保等优点得到政府的大力推广。地源热泵和冰蓄冷技术的联合运行,既可使用户使用到冬季廉价的地热能资源,又可使用户使用到具有良好舒适性的冰蓄冷空调制冷。本文阐述了地源热泵与冰蓄冷结合空调的原理和设计地源热泵系统的基本原则与方法。分析了地源热泵系统应用于冰蓄冷低温送风空调中的节能意义。分析了低温送风空调与全热交换器、室内干冷设备联合适用时空气的焓湿图处理过程,提出了正确确定新风经过全热交换后状态点的方法。研究空气的射流理论,推导得到圆断面射流、平面射流紊流系数的近似求解公式。对实际工程气流组织进行模拟,指出该工程设计中的不足地方,提出解决方法。模拟用双层百叶作为术端送风口的情形,并认为:双层百叶水平横向扩散能力较低,在实验中出现较明显的“空气幕”现象,不适合使用在如办公室等有效净高较低的空调房间。建立了辐射地板供冷的实验平台,研究用低温送风解决辐射冷地板结露的问题。理论分析了用低温送风实现温湿度独立控制的可能。本文最后对低温送风的应用前景作了总结,并提出进一步研究的发展方向。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the policy of energy conservation and pollutant emission reduction has been one of the most important items in the government work report. The scarce resources are increasingly reduced. The human habitat suffers the threat. Both of them make the air conditioning domain full of challenge and responsibility. Energy conservation seems more significant in the electric power profession which is one of the basic national economy industry. And that, the electricity used in the air conditioning domain accounts for the very major part of the total uses in China. Therefore, it is inevitable to require saving energy in this area. The ice storage technology is developped quickly under this situation. The pure ice storage technology can shift on-peak power to off-peak periods, and the operating cost is lower than that of the conventional system. However, the enormous and complicated ice-storage air conditioning system makes the investment of the cold source and the actual energy consumption exceed the conventional system. So, the cold air distribution emerges as the times require. The ground source heat pump system is advocated by the government for its saving energy and protecting the environment. By operating with the ice-storage technology, it can let the users use not only the low-cost subterranean heat but also the comfortable cooling supplied by ice-storage system.This paper expatiates the principle of the union of the ground source heat pump and the ice storage technology, as well as the basic principles and methods of design. It also analyzes the energy saving effect while using the ground source heat pump in the ice-storage and cold air distribution system, and then analyzes the process of the cold air distribution combining with the air-to-air total heat exchanger or the dry air-conditioning equipment in the psychrometric chart. Whereafter, the right means of confirming the state point in which the fresh air goes through the equipment can be advanced. After studying on the air jet flow theory, we get the formulas which are used to solve the tuebulent flow coefficient of the jet flow in the plan or the round section.Later, it simulates the air distribution in the office room of the actual project, points out the weak points, and then puts forward the resolvent. It also simulates the condition when using double deflection grille to send air. During this experiment, it can find that the diffusivity in landscape orientation of the double deflection grille is low, which induces the appearance of air curtain phenomenon. So the double deflection grille is not suitable to be used in the air conditioning room where with lower efficient highness such as the office room.We establish a radiant floor cooling system, and study on the theoretic method of defending the dew problem in this system with the cold air distribution.At last, the paper summarizes the application foreground of the cold air distribution system, and advances the development direction in this area.
