

【作者】 郑现杰

【导师】 胡柏平;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 运动人体科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本文研究的目的是为了探索攻击性个性特征与骨骼肌力量表现之间的关系,并从生物学角度对其机制进行分析。专项运动特征与运动员个性心理特征之间存在着一定的对应关系,只有具备适合某项运动项目个性心理特征的人才有可能在所对应的项目中取得优异成绩。心理选材就是要选择具有适合某项运动的个性心理特征的运动员来训练。当今的竞技体育竞争日益激烈,运动员的攻击行为时常发生,攻击行为给自己和他人在心灵和身体上都造成严重的影响。然而,是否因为运动员具有这种强烈的攻击欲望才使其具备超人的运动才能呢?通过观察可以发现好斗、爱惹事的运动员大多都具备很好的力量素质,他们是由于力量强大了才表现出很强的攻击欲,还是由于他们具有很强的攻击欲而使他们在训练时使力量大大增强,这是本文要论证的主要问题。目前关于攻击性和力量表现之间关系的研究还是一个空白。本文探索以药物诱导产生攻击性的大鼠来进行快速力量训练,试图阐明攻击性与力量表现之间的关系,并进一步说明其生物学机制。为运动员心理选材和运动训练提供理论依据。方法:本实验采用SD雄性健康大鼠32只,体重160~180g。所有大鼠都是单笼饲养在塑料笼内,动物室温度23℃±2℃,湿度40%~60%。动物随机分为4组:安静对照组(CG)8只,攻击模型组(AG)8只,快速力量训练组(FG)8只和攻击快速力量训练组(AFG)8只。大鼠攻击模型的建立是:给大鼠皮下注射Apomorphine(由美国SIGMA公司提供),注射量为1.0mg/kg。将注射过药物的大鼠立即随机配对放在一个35×35×55cm的玻璃器皿中进行行为学观察,5min后大鼠都表现出强烈的攻击行为。大鼠的快速力量训练采用自制跳笼进行跳跃训练,隔天训练一次,训练7周。所有组大鼠都用20%乌拉坦腹腔麻醉后取材。本实验检测了大鼠的最大等长收缩力反应肌肉收缩功能的指标;检测了血清CK、T、C等反应内分泌水平的指标;检测了大鼠腓肠肌纤维类型的面密度、横断面面积和形态学指标。结果:实验结果表明:(1)攻击行为干预能够明显提高大鼠的活动能力和快速力量训练时的运动能力。(2)药物Apomorphine诱导的大鼠攻击性模型可行,产生攻击性行为后能进行正常的快速力量训练,可以用于体育领域的科学研究中。在前人基础上进一步证实了快速力量训练模型的可行性,只是负荷量还有待进一步科学地定量。(3)快速力量训练及攻击行为干预能够有效提高大鼠的绝对最大等长收缩力和相对最大等长收缩力,能够提高大鼠骨骼肌快速收缩的能力。(4)攻击行为与快速力量训练双重干预下大鼠血清CK值有下降趋势,可能在一定程度上缓解了训练造成的大鼠骨骼肌损伤现象。(5)攻击性干预降低了人鼠血清T值,而攻击性干预后再进行与快速力量训练组相同强度的训练后血清T值升高了,说明攻击性干预可能使大鼠的身体机能提高了。快速力量训练组大鼠的T值下降,说明该组大鼠的身体机能可能下降,运动强度偏大。(6)同样的训练条件下,攻击行为干预后训练的大鼠血清C值要低的多,攻击行为与快速力量训练双重干预可能在一定程度上降低了分解代谢的速率。(7)本实验中快速力量训练使大鼠血清T下降,C水平上升,T/C的值下降,说明快速力量训练可能在一定程度上使大鼠体内合成代谢下降、分解代谢加强,从各个方面的综合信息可以得出长期的快速力量训练可能造成了大鼠运动性疲劳的发生,导致过度训练。(8)快速力量训练及攻击行为双重干预使大鼠Ⅱ型肌纤维横断面积和面密度值都发生显著性增加,这说明Ⅱ型肌纤维发生了选择性增大。结论:攻击行为与快速力量训练双重干预能够使Ⅱ型肌纤维横断面积和面密度值增大,增大了大鼠的最大等长收缩力,提高了大鼠的快速力量。攻击性和快速力量存在着一定的相关性,攻击行为干预在一定程度上提高了大鼠快速力量训练的效果,具体的生物学机制有待进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The purpose of the paper is to study the relation between aggressive behavior and the skeletalmuscle strength, to carry out analysising on its mechanism from biology. There is the certaincooresponding relationship between athletic characteristics and presonality of individual, only thosewho having suitable mental characteristics of individual have the possibilities to get outstandingachievement in the particular athletic items. Mental selection is to train those who have thesepsychological characteristics being suitable to the certain sport. Nowaday, the sports in thecompetition are gradually fierce, so the athletes’ aggressive behaviours are easily to been seen, andthe aggressive behaviours usually have enormous impact on themselves and other people bothphysically and psychologically. But is the aggresiveness that make persons have the exceptionalatheletic abilities? According to observation, the athletes, who are apt to attack others, usually havethe advantage in their strength. It is the reason that they like to bully other people. Be still a desiresince they have very strong attack but make them have made a strength strengthen greatly whentraining? There is the main body of a book to want the basic problem expounding and proving.About the aggressive behaviour and the strength, between behaviour, the relation research is still ablank space at present. Old main body of a book probes the training coming to carry out the fleetnessstrength the rat guiding producing an aggressive behaviour with medicine, tring to expound themechanism attacking the relation between behavior and strength behaviour, and explaining whoseBiology further. Select material and move for athlete mentality to train providing the theory basis.The experiment uses 32 SD healthy male rats , whose weight were froml60g to 180 g. All ratswere the inner , the animal room temperature 23℃±2℃, humidity 40%~60%. The animal randomwas 4 set mark: Quiet 8 collation group (CG) aggressive 8 model group 8 (AG) , the high speedpower train the group 8 (FG) and the strength attacking a fleetness train the group (AFG). That therat attacks the model building-up was: Give a rat (be provided by USA SIGMA company) hypoApomorphine , inject amounts into 1.0 mg/kg. After the immediately random rat pairing will hadinjected medicine puts in observation , 5 mins carrying out study of behavior in a 35×35×55cm glassutensils, the rat all shows the intense aggressive behaviour. The rat fleetness strength was trained toadopt a self-restraint to spring to envelop the cycle carrying out leaping training , the previous daytraining an once , training 7. The queen all group rats were an aesthetized all with 20% smooth wulalabourer abdominal cavity draws materials. The experiment had checked the rat maximum waitingfor strong point to contract force reaction muscle contracting the functional index; Had checked horizontal reaction endocrine indices such as serum CK, T, C; Had checked rat gastrocnemius fibretype face density and morphology index.The experiment results showed us : (1) Aggressive behavior was able to improve the motionability high speed power training and the rat activity ability (2)The induced medicine rats aggressivebehavior model can able to carry out high speed power training in the study of science, being able tobe used for sports field after producing an aggressive behaviour, and having confirmed the highspeed power training was feasibility further on the basis training a model in prehominid, only theload capacity was remaining to be gone a step further. (3) High speed power training and aggressivebehaviour was able to improve the rat maximum with contract a force. (4) Aggressive behavior beingable to reduce serum CK that high speed power training to bring about. (5)The aggressive behaviourhad reduced rat serum T value , the high speed power trainning after aggressive behaviour hadimproved serum T value. The high speed power trains group rats T value to come down,It explainedthat rats body enginery come down, the motion intensity was too big. (6) Aggressive behaviorinterferes with the power-up had relieved rats serum C value, the strength had relieved a fleetnesstrains what was brought about rat catabolism power-up. (7) The experiment rapidly the strengthtrains was impossible to make rat serum T to come down , C was horizontal rise, the T/C valuecomes down, It was explained that high speed power training had raised continues rats synthetical,Occurrence had brought about rats mobility strain, lead to excessive training. (8) High speed powertraining and aggressive behaviour made rat II type muscle fibre traverse area knead dough increasingby ,It was explained that had happened selectivity in type muscle fibre enhancing II.Conclusion: Aggressive behavior could make II type muscle fibre traverse area kneads doughdensity value had enhanced , the maximum enhancing a rat had waited for strong point to contract aforce , had improved the rat fleetness strength. The flyting behavior and fleetness there are existingcertain correlativity in strength, the flyting behavior can raise fleetness strength training result ,concrete biology mechanism is hoping for further study.

【关键词】 攻击性快速力量大鼠
【Key words】 AggressiveHigh speed powerRat