

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 田大宪;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 王芸生先生是卓越的老一辈新闻工作者,著名的无党派爱国民主人士。王芸生从事新闻工作长达55年,先后担任过《民力报》、《亦是》、《短棒》、《和平日报》、《华北新闻》、《商报》、《大公报》、《国闻周报》等报刊的编辑。自1941年至1966年大陆《大公报》停刊,二十余年间,王芸生先后担任《大公报》的总编辑、社长。在大量的新闻实践中,王芸生积累了丰富的经验,从一个自学成才的小学徒成长为一位享有盛誉的报人和中日关系研究专家,被称为“名世大手笔,爱国言论家”。创刊于1902年,至今仍在香港刊行的《大公报》,既是“中国新闻史上寿命最长、影响最大、声誉最隆的一家报纸”(方汉奇语),又是“一部百科全书式的中国现代史”(季羡林语)。新记《大公报》更以著名的“不党、不卖、不私、不盲”的“四不”社训和办报方针,确立了自己卓尔不群的品格。王芸生主持《大公报》言论达八年之久,始终以“文人论政”、“文章报国”为己任,始终坚持客观、公正、理性的办报原则,主张报人应该坚守独立自主的精神。他坚持“公平,理性,尊重大众,容纳异己”的自由主义新闻理念,自称“彻头彻尾的新闻人”,努力用手中的笔,影响着当时的整个中国。当前对王芸生新闻活动的研究主要是对王芸生生平特别是新记《大公报》时期的介绍和研究,对进入大公报社之前和解放后的王芸生介绍较少,对王芸生《大公报》外的新闻活动如主编《国闻周报》等研究较少,对其思想的研究还未引起足够的重视。本论文以新记《大公报》在王芸生任总编辑时期的言论和新闻为线索,以王芸生的新闻思想为研究对象,对王芸生的主要新闻活动、王芸生“文人论政”的新闻思想、王芸生的新闻专业主义思想、自由主义思想对王芸生新闻活动的影响等展开论述;对新记《大公报》关于现代史上一些重要历史事件的言论进行分析,并对其不同时期不同事件中言论的差异性加以甄别研究,探讨其差异性背后的深层原因;对王芸生新闻思想进行梳理、总结、分析和评价,力求把握王芸生新闻思想的整体脉络,并考察王芸生新闻思想对社会主义新闻事业的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Mr.Wang Yunsheng was a well-known journalist and non-aligned patriot.Had been working in the circle of journalism for as long as 50 years,Mr.wang once worked as an editor for Minli,Yishi, Duanbang,Peace Daily,News of the Northern,Business,Ta Kung Pao,National Hews Weekly. From 1941 to 1966 when Ta Kung Pao stopped publication,Mr.Wang worked as the chief editor and then the proprietor of Ta Kung Pao.Due to a great deal of practices during two decades,Mr.Wang grew to be an experienced journalist and an expert of Sino-Japanese relationship research just from a self-taught apprentice.Hence,Mr.Wang Yunsheng earned the credit:A great writer of the world and a patriotic speaker.Made its debut in 1902 and still is circulating in Hong Kong today,Ta Kung Pao is said to be the oldest,the most influential,the most well-known newspaper in the history of Chinese journalism by Fang Hanqi;an encyclopedic work covering the modern history of China by Ji Xianli.Xinji Ta kung Pao stands itself out for its four exclusives which could be simply worded as party exclusive, money exclusive,self exclusive and blindness exclusive and for its guidelines of running a newspaper.During 8 years for being the leader of Ta Kung Pao,characterized by publishing comments by educated people and regarding saving the country as its responsibility,Mr.Wang held fastly the principle of objective,justice and reason and highlighted the independent spirit of a person running a newspaper.He gave expression to the liberalist ideals of journalism:justice,reason, respect for the public and tolerance toward different opinions.Called him as totally a journalist,Mr. Wang once exerted great influence all over China at that time.Current research only focuses on the life of Wang Yunsheng,especially the introduction of Xinji Ta Kung Pao.However,material prior to Wang Yunsheng’s joining into Ta Kung Pao and information of Wang Yunsheng after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China are rarely seen.Research rarely probes into the writing and editing activities of Wang outside Ta Kung Pao, such as his editing of National News Weekly.This paper is going to make the comments and news written by Mr.Wang Yunsheng when he was the chief editor of Ta Kung Pao as a line to carry out research on the major journalist activities of Wang,his thought on news reporting,his idealism of professional journalist,his liberalist thought. By analyzing the historical incidents and comments of modern Chinese history reported in Ta Kung Pao and via differentiating comments of different periods,this paper will find out the deep reasons. Through the packing up,generalizing and evaluating of Mr.Wang’s Thoughts of journalism,this paper tries to get the whole framework of Wang’s thoughts of journalism and thus finds out the practical utilization of Wang’s thoughts in the cause of socialist journalism.

【关键词】 王芸生新闻思想大公报
【Key words】 Wang YunshengjournalismthoughtsTa Kung Pao