

【作者】 樊敏

【导师】 张鲲;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 人力资源流动是社会发展的必然现象,是市场经济的必然结果,是实现人力资源价值和人的全面发展的必然选择。合理有序的人力资源流动,对于人力资源与物质资源优化配置、推动生产力的发展至关重要。中国市场经济的发展,社会事业的进步,国际进程的加快,比任何时候都需要人力资源充分流动起来,通过优化配置,实现人力资源效用的最大化。改革开放以来,我国足球运动有了很大的发展,极大地促进了全民对足球运动的热爱和足球运动的普及和开展。随着足球市场化的不断深入,足球运动员流动增加,范围加大,速度加快,流动中的经济因素不断增加,如何有效的利用和开发足球人力资源,实现合理配置,使足球运动事业做到可持续性发展已经作为一个重大的问题摆在面前。随着经济的繁荣,改革的深入,体育在国民生活中占据越来越重要的位置,而足球运动作为体育市场中大份额的一项运动,使得中国足球运动员流动成为一种迫切的需要。体育领域中旧有体制与现实状况的矛盾越发突出,成为人们关注的热点。足球优秀运动员的流动既是体育人力资源流动的重要组成部分,也是足球运动管理的重要内容。从世界各国足球运动员流动的情况看,引进或输出运动员已成为一种十分普遍的人才现象,通过跨地区、跨国界的足球运动员的流动活动,不仅确保了一些足球运动发达国家在世界竞技场上的优势地位,也促进了人才的成长、开发与使用,推动了世界足球运动水平的发展。多年来,由于受到计划经济体制的制约,我国优秀足球运动员与后备人才的交流问题上始终存在着不协调的因素,既无科学的人力资源流动制度,也没有强有力的法律条文,基层训练工作者的利益不能得到充分保证,训练者的积极性受到不同程度的挫伤,这样不仅影响了后备运动员人才的培养、开发与使用,也造成了我国优秀足球运动员队伍人才结构不合理,出现了“青黄不接”,水平较高的尖子运动员的断层现象,以致在一定程度上阻碍了我国足球运动水平高速发展的进程,使得足球运动距世界先进水平仍存在很大差距。因此,从宏观上对我国足球优秀运动员流动问题及其对策进行系统地研究,既有重要的现实作用,又有长远的战略意义。本论文试图通过对我国优秀足球运动员和后备人力资源流动工作的现状调查与分析,为决策部门提供可参考的理论依据。本文以思辨研究法为主,运用文献研究、比较研究、调查研究、系统研究等方法,综述了国内相关研究概况,比较了不同时期足球优秀运动员流动的状况,全面地分析了影响我国足球优秀运动员流动的主要问题和变化趋向;深入地研究了足球运动员流动产权这一人力资源流动的实质性问题和基于人力资源产业链的人力资源流动模式。从政治学、经济学、文化学、市场等方面研究提出了促进和保障足球运动员合理流动的对策。文章认为,目前在我国足球优秀运动员流动状况方面,包括层次与区域的流动范围正在逐步扩大,流动形式日益丰富,流动特征日趋成熟但存在问题也非常突出。具体来看就是:(1)主要体现出从经济不发达地区流向发达地区;由优势地区流向非优势地区;大多流动是属于短期,而非永久性;流动的范围表现为从区域性转向全国性或国际性;流动过程体现出计划和市场的双重调节这些基本特征。(2)出现了球员利益缺乏保障、人才资源浪费严重破坏了正常的人才流动秩序;赛制缺乏竞争、转会投资减少削弱了转会流动的意义和支持;后备人才不足、缺少新鲜血液注入降低了流动过程中的竞争效应;国有资金导致足球市场的恶性通货膨胀抑制了运动员合理流动的积极性;足球人才市场法规建设落后严重阻碍了运动员流动市场的发展;足球经纪人市场发展停滞不利于运动员流动市场的开发和激活等等问题。因此,重视、研究和解决现实中出现的足球优秀运动员流动问题,已经成为我国足球运动发展过程中必须面对与亟待解决的重要问题。依赖我国经济社会的长足发展,按照市场经济运行规律,依据科学的现代社会管理理论体系,与国际接轨,建设严谨、公正的市场运作体系和监管体制,已经成为解决我国足球优秀运动员流动问题的基本思路。

【Abstract】 Human resource fluxion is the inevitable phenomenon of the social development, is the inevitable outcome of market economy, is the inevitable choice of overall development which carries out human resource value and person.Reasonable have the human resource fluxion of preface, for human resource and the material resources excellent turn an allocation and push develop of productivity to the pass importance.The development of Chinese market economy, the progress of social business, the speed of international progress, compares any times to need human resource well flows to move and pass excellent turn an allocation, carry out maximize of human resource effect.The reform open, our country football sport had a very big development and biggest promoted all the people exercises to football of passion and football exercise of universality with open an exhibition.Because football market turns continuously thorough, football athlete flows increment, scope enlargement, speed speed, flow medium of the economic factor continuously increases, how effectively make use of with development football human resource, carry out a reasonable allocation, make football exercise business’ attaining and can keep on sex development have already been an important problem to put in the in front.Along with the prosperity of the economy, reform of thorough, the athletics occupies more and more important position in the citizen’s life, but football sport be a sport of big quota in the athletics market and make the Chinese football athlete fluxion become a kind of crying need. The antinomy of the old system and the realistic condition is more and more outstanding in the athletics realm and become people to pay attention to of a little bit hot.The football excellent athlete flow since is athletics human resource flow of importance constitute part, is also football sport the important contents of management.The circumstance flowed from international community football athlete see, usher in or output athlete to have become a kind of very widespread talented person’s phenomenon, pass the fluxion activity of football athlete of across the region, multinational field,not only insured some football to exercise flourishing nation’s advantage position on the arena in world, also promote the talented person’s growth, develop and use, pushed world football sport level of development.Many in the last years, in order to being subjected to the check and supervision of planned economy system, our country excellent football athlete and the spare talented person’s top of the exchanges problem always exist not moderate of factor, since have no science of human resource flow system, there is also no powerful law ruling, the worker’s benefits of the basic level training can’t get full assurance, the aggressive which trains suffers from the bruise of different degree, so not only influenced the development of the spare athlete talented person, development and usage,also result in our country excellent football athlete troops talented person structure not reasonable, appeared "temporary shortage", the break of the level higher sharp son athlete. phenomenon, with the result that to some extent bar our country football sport the level high-speed development of progress, make football sport be apart from advanced level in the world to exist a very big margin still.Therefore flow problem and its counterplan to carry on to systematically study to the excellent athlete of our country football from the macroscopic top, the realistic function of current importance, and then have farsighted strategic meaning.This text takes thinking a Bian research a method as lord, usage cultural heritage research, comparison research, investigate research, system research etc. method, overview domestic related research general situation, compared not the excellent athlete of corresponding period football flow of condition, completely analyzed influence our country the football excellent athlete flow of key problem and variety incline to;Thoroughly studied football athlete fluxion to produce power this human resource flow of materiality problem with according to human resource of the human resource industry chain flow mode Join the government to cure to learn, the economics, culture learn, market etc.the research put forward to promote with guarantee football athlete be reasonable flowing of counterplan.The article think that flow condition in the excellent athlete of our country football currently, the fluxion scope which includes layer and district is gradually extending, flow a form to enrich day by day and flow a characteristic to be gradually maturing but exist a problem also very outstanding.Concretely seeing is:(1)The main body appears to fly to flourishing region from the economy not flourishing region;BE flown to non- advantage region by the advantage region;Mostly the fluxion belongs to short date, rather than permanence;Flowing scope performance for change direction whole country from the local area or international;Flow the process body appears a plan and market of dual regulate these basic characteristics.(2)Appeared player’s benefits to lack a guarantee, talented person’s waste of resources to seriously break a normal talented person to flow order;The match system lacks a competition and turn will invest decrease to weaken to turn will flow of meaning and support;Spare talented person shortage, was in need of fresh blood infusion to lower to flow the competition effect in the process;The stateowned funds causes the runaway inflation of football market repress the aggressive of the athlete reasonable fluxion;Football talented person market laws the construction fell behind severity to obstruct the athlete flows a market of development;The development stagnation of the football broker market disadvantage flows a market at the athlete of development with activate an etc. problem.Therefore, value, study to reach agreement definitely realistic medium football of emergence excellent thlete flow problem, have already become our country football sport development process in have to face the important problem which treats to resolve with Ji.Depend on the our country economic social substantial development, according to market economy circulate regulation, according to the modern society of science management theories system, with nations is in line with, constuct careful, fair of market operation system with take charge of a system, have already become resolve our country football excellent thlete flow problem of basic way of thinking.
