

【作者】 江锦世

【导师】 余乡;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 美术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近现代以来的山水画写生观念一直在影响着山水画的发展,以至于我们对传统的山水画写生正在逐渐地忘却和感到陌生。甚至不知道古人是否有山水画写生?如何进行山水画写生?古代的画论中也有对写生的记载,但都是片言之语。又由于受外来的写生观念的影响,有关山水画写生方面的问题一直没有专门地进行梳理和研究,对山水画写生的一知半解甚至误解,也为山水画的发展造成了障碍。因此,对中国传统绘画中的写生模式,尤其是对山水画写生进行较为系统的分析和研究,了解山水画写生的广阔含义及其在山水画历史发展中的地位和作用,对促进对中国传统绘画的了解,推动中国绘画的发展都是有益的。本文尝试对山水画写生的含义进行阐述。学习山水画可以分为两个基本的部分,一部分是学习传统即临摹,另一部分是师法自然即写生。而写生是山水画能够创新发展的前提。写生不可以狭义地去理解为西方的对景写生,因为在中国山水画中,写生之广、之大、之多样,应该得到世人的广泛认同。隋唐山水画是中国画史上的一个重要阶段,其承上启下的重要作用,既可为魏晋山水画的初期进行完善发展,又可为其后五代两宋的山水画巅峰时期的到来做好铺垫。这一时期的山水画已经有作品留传于世,为我们研究当时的山水画写生提供了难得的实物资料。山水画进入到五代两宋时期,达到了山水画发展史上的高峰成熟时期。所以宋代山水写生与前人相比,审美观有更大的不同,强调绘画所表现出来的韵致,不追求描摹自然的真实,把自己所感受到的自然经过提炼、取舍、夸张之后表现出来。元代文人画进入鼎盛时代,元代的山水画虽然强调复古、意境、笔墨、书法用笔,但元代山水画中的写生痕迹还是非常明显的。明清以来忽视写生是山水画走向衰落的一个主要原因。而当代一味地强调走进生活对景写生,忽略了对传统文化的学习,是一种缺少文化底蕴和传统绘画技巧支撑的写生,有可能走向另一个极端。研究山水画写生的发展变化,其与学习临摹传统的关系,可以正确理解写生和临摹在山水画发展中二者之间的相互关系。近现代以来,中国山水画在明清几百年的摹古风格中终于开始掺进新鲜的血液,一些西方绘画的元素开始被中国画家接纳。他们在社会大变革的影响下很快抛弃旧的模式接触西方的素描、写生、甚至色彩,来改造中国画中的摹古,造型等陈旧的问题。八十年代以来,当代画家某些方面的欠缺,使得山水画并未在继承和发展上有长足的进步。当代很多画家用老师的笔墨样式去写生、创作,又不具备老师的传统功力和文化底蕴,作品自然是低劣粗糙。传统文化素养的欠缺是一个普遍的社会性的问题。总的来说,中国的山水画在发展过程中一直没有脱离过写生,临摹为山水之基础写生为创新之根本。只是在不同的时期,写生的地位有所侧重变化,元以前以自然造化之美为上,元以后以笔墨变化之美为上。写生离不开观察,宗炳于山水画的观察方法,其实和今天我们所知的西方绘画中的焦点透视方法是一样的。我们的先民早已注意到自然界的透视这一规律,只是没有“透视”这一说罢了。山水画的技法和风格随着历史的发展而不断地发展、衍变。很多不同风格的技法在不同的时代,不同的地域环境中被创立和延续,使山水画不断地得到充实和丰富。这种技法的不断创新、丰富都来自画家师法自然的结果。创作是在有了对古人技巧的熟练掌握,有了对自然充分了解熟悉的基础上,有感而发的作品。写生和创作是紧密相连的。

【Abstract】 Since modern times, the ideology of landscape sketching has been influencing the development of its practice. As a result, traditional sketching tends to become alien to us. Some do not know whether the ancients ever practiced it and how to really sketch.Ancient volumes on drawing covers sketching briefly and due to the influence of foreign sketching theory, little has been done so far to specify the issue professionally. Misconception about sketching further hinders its development. Hereby, a systematic analysis of study on chinese traditional sketching pattern, esp. landscape painting schetching so as to better understand its connotation and historical significance and ultimately promote the development of Chinese painting. This thesis makes an attempt to explore the connotation of landscape sketching.Learning landscape painting involves two essential parts: one is to imitate masterpieces or facsimile; the other is to sketch., which paves the way for further innovation. Here, sketching doesn’t exactly mean the same with sketching skills in western painting.Landscape paintings in Sui & Tang Dynasty constitue an transitional part in Chinese painting history in consummating Wei & Jin painting and making necessary preparations for full development of painting in Wudai & Song. The paintings of the age provide precious specimen for our study.During Wudai & Song times, landscape painting witnessed its heyday. The updated estheticism put more stress on taste expressed in the painting and little on truthfulness. The Nature beauty felt by painters is conveyed by means of much abstracting and exaggerating.In Yuan Dynasty, literati painting,which developoed in full swing, communicates renaissance, taste, touches and calligraphy strokes but connotates sketching touches.Since Ming & Qing Dynasty, landscape painting enjoyed much less favor in the painting world, while moderners are more motivated to "walk close to the life" and sketch only on the Abstract: In Yuan Dynasty, literati painting,which developoed in full swing, communicates renaissance, taste, touches and calligraphy strokes but connotates sketching touches.Since Ming & Qing Dynasty, landscape painting enjoyed much less favor in the painting world, while moderners are more motivated to "walk close to the life" and sketch only on the landscape itself. On the other hand, ignorance of traditional culture as well leads to a sort of sketching lack of cultural charm and basic skill Consequently, all this goes to the other extreme. The study on the development of landscape sketching and its close connection to masterpiece imitation is well mirrored in the correlation of sketching and facsimile in the development of landscape sketching. Since modern times, fresh look has taken place in the wake of hundreds of years of renaissance style in Ming & Qing Dynasty. Western painting skills came to be accepted and revolutionized traditional Chinese painting.Since 1980’s, little progress is seen in the field partly due to painters’ individual flaws. Copycats manners and lack of basical skills, esp. cultural attainment are to blame for inferior paintings.To sum up, Chinese landscape painting has been rooted in sketching and based on facsimile. Sketching is well the cornerstone of innovationSketching starts with observing and its perspective which is somehow similar with that in western painting. The ancients did practice the skill without using the term.The skills and style of landscape painting have been evolving with the development of the history so as to enrich it greatly. All this should be based on sound acquisition of ancient skills and good appreciation of the nature. Sketching is truly related to inventing.

【关键词】 写生山水画临摹透视衍变
【Key words】 Sketchinglandscape paintingfacsimileperspectiveevolving