

On the Human-Oriented College Teaching Management

【作者】 郑宏

【导师】 纪培荣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在市场经济和知识经济、高等教育大众化、素质教育等宏观背景的条件下,高等教育应以培养高素质、创新型的高级专业人才为目标,因此,高等学校必须树立一种注重人的全面发展、开发人的潜能的现代教育理念,即“以人为本”的教育理念。本文从阐明人本思想的内涵、产生和发展及其在管理中的作用入手,分析了高校所面临的客观环境,传统高校教学管理的缺陷,以及“教师、学生、教学秘书”群体各自的特征和内在要求,论述了高校教学管理中坚持以人为本的必然性。通过对目前高校教学管理现状的分析,从教师、学生、教学秘书三个角度来分别阐述管理体系中存在的非人本化管理的问题,如违背教师学生的个人意愿和需求,限制了教师的教学自主权和学生的学习自由,忽视了他们的个体差异性,漠视教学秘书在教学管理的重要作用,缺乏对其有效的激励机制等等。我国高校现行的教学管理模式“刚性”过强,已难以适应知识经济时代对高等教育的要求,更难以适应未来社会对多样化创新人才的需要。文章剖析了高校教学管理中非人本化管理问题的成因,主要有以下几个方面:教育的功利主义倾向严重,传统的三中心论以及应试教育的负面影响,苏联专才教育模式以及行政化的管理模式。本文在对高校教学管理中出现的非人本化管理的问题及其成因探析的基础上,就如何构建“以人为本”高校教学管理模式,提出了相应的对策和措施:坚持以人为本的教学管理观念,在教学管理体系各个环节中始终坚持以人为本,完善改革现行的教学管理制度,使其更趋于人性化。充分重视教学秘书的地位和作用,通过各种有效的激励手段和措施来加强基层教学管理人员队伍建设。其目的在于通过调动教师、学生、教辅人员的积极性、主动性和创造性,提高学校教学管理的水平和人才培养的质量。本文的研究内容,既有一定的理论价值,又有重要的实践意义。理论上,运用管理学中的人本管理理论,丰富了高校教学管理的理论研究;实践上,通过确立高校教学管理人本化建设的模式,有效的指导教学管理实践。将“以人为本”的管理思想,应用到高等教育,并逐步完善其内涵,对提高高校教学管理质量具有较强的指导意义。高校的人本管理是人本原理在高校管理中的运用,是符合当代素质教育、社会发展的高校管理模式。本文以理论研究为基础,结合个人的工作实践为写作方法,运用管理学、哲学和心理学等多学科的知识和方法,为构建以人为本的高校教学管理模式提供理论基础。文章的主要特点在于将人本管理中的激励理论应用到加强教学秘书队伍建设中,通过情感激励、目标激励、奖励激励等手段提高他们的综合管理素质和水平。

【Abstract】 In recent years, our country is putting emphasis on market economy, knowledge economy, popularity of high education, quality education, under which condition, high education aims at cultivating talents with high quality, creativity and specialty. Hence, colleges must set up the educational idea with emphasis on individual’s all-round development and developing human potential, that is people-oriented education.Beginning with the connotation, origin, development and function in management of people-centered, this article analyzes the situation colleges are confronted with, defects on educational management of colleges and the characteristics, requirement of teachers, students and teaching secretary and the necessity of people-centered education. Through the analysis of the present management condition of high education, this article elaborates on the non-people-oriented problems in management system, such as violating personal will and need of teachers and students, restricting teaching and learning autonomy of teachers and students, neglecting their individual differences and the important role of the teaching secretaries, lack of effective stimulating methods and measures for them and so on. The present management model is too restrict to be adapted to the requirement for high education of the age of knowledge economy and the need for talents with creativity and variety of future society. This article analyzes the causes of non-people-centered management model as follows: tendency to Utilitarianism, negative effects of traditional three-center theory and exam-centered education and Soviet Union’s professional education and administrative management model.Based on the exploration of the phenomenon and causes of non-people-centered management of colleges , as to how to construct people-centered management model, this article provides corresponding solutions and measures: the persistence to people-centered management concept, persistence to people-centered management in every link of the system and teaching and management, reforming the present management system to make it more people-centered, paying enough attention to the standing and function of teaching secretaries and strengthening the building of the contingent of the primary management members through effective stimulating methods and measures, the aim of which is to motivate the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of teachers, students and teaching assisting staff and improve the management level of colleges and the quality of talents cultivated.This research has both theoretical and practical meaning. Theoretically, it enriches the theory of high education management model by using people-centered management theory; theoretically, it can direct the practice of management by establishing people-centered management model. It has directive meaning to apply the people-centered management concept to high education and perfect its connotation. The people-centered management is the application of people-centered theory and corresponds to quality education and the development of the society .This article provides theoretical basis for the construction of people-centered management model of high education based on theoretical research and combined with working experience with reference to management study, psychology and philosophy. The feature of this article is to apply the motivation theory of people-centered management to the construction of the team of teaching secretary and improve their comprehensive management quality and level by means of emotional motivation, goal motivation, award motivation and so on.

【关键词】 以人为本高校教学管理研究
【Key words】 people-centereduniversityteaching managementresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期