

A Case Study on the Sewage Treatment Technology of Shandong Dongming Petrochem Group

【作者】 郑建伟

【导师】 刘汝涛; 郝忠臣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的不断发展,工业、农业及生活用水对水资源的需求越来越大,保护有限水资源,节约用水刻不容缓;随着科学技术的发展,石化污水处理技术在不断发展、创新。2007年国家环保政策紧缩,山东省地方标准(DB37/599-2006)更是以国标一级A为基础提出了更高的要求。在以上述背景下,地属“南水北调”工程东线沿线排污单位之一的山东东明石化集团改造其现有污水处理工艺,提高污水处理效果,加大中水回用的比例有着义不容辞的责任和义务。近年来,东明石化集团加大环保投入力度,取得了良好的经济效益和环境效益。本文以东明石化集团有限公司污水处理厂的污水处理技术改造工程为研究对象,参考了国内外近年来大量石化废水处理工程的实例和新技术的应用,本着充分利用现有污水处理设施,综合考虑,因地制宜的原则,分析了技改前山东东明石化污水处理厂排水CODcr、氨氮不达标的原因,并对工序中浮选段、生化段存在问题及原因进行了深入具体的分析,其中着重提出了对生化段工艺进行了优化和改造措施,为石化行业的污水处理技术的研究提供了一定的素材和经验。本次技术改造是一次成功的改造工程,通过本次改造工程,使东明石化集团的外排水稳定达到了《山东省南水北调沿线水污染综合排放标准》。通过本次污水处理技术改造东明石化集团的污水处理能力大大提高,以外排水的关键污染物为例:技改前,CODcr的指标均在120 mg/L以上,氨氮在40 mg/L以上;技改实施后,外排水的CODcr指标逐步降到40 mg/L以下,氨氮的指标逐步降到1 mg╱L以下。另外,通过对2008年2月19日~3月25日外排水COD、氨氮与允许排放标准比较,技改后外排水中的COD和氨氮指标均小于《山东省南水北调沿线水污染综合排放标准》的规定值。由此可见,本次技改工程效果是良好的,工艺的选择是正确的。通过本次技术改造,效果还是相当明显的,为实现污水资源化,提高企业的经济效益和社会效益打下了良好的基础。本次技术改造历时1年有余,增建了酸性水汽提装置,彻底废除了原有的处理工艺,采用了大量石化污水处理的新技术、新工艺,如:将原A/O2工艺改为双HO工艺,增建上向流曝气生物滤池,进一步去除二级生化出水COD、氨氮,保障外排水达标;将缺氧池改为两级水解酸化池;改平流式布水为升流式;对曝气池活性污泥合理生物增效,提高菌群适应能力和抗冲击负荷能力;在推流曝气池投加某公司生物制剂,投加前将二级老化污泥排掉1/3,投加过程中,控制推流曝气池DO到合适浓度:控制微生物C:N:P营养比。增加了污水的深度处理工艺段:生物活性炭处理法。通过这些举措,从根本上解决了原污水处理厂处理来水能力不足,处理深度不够的问题。本次改造是符合时代发展潮流,符合党中央提出建立和谐社会发展的要求,符合企业发展需要,具有一定拓展意义的技术改造。本次技术改造为东明石化集团有限公司带来一定的经济效益,仅酸性水气提装置一项就实现了:每小时生产59.6吨净化水、0.38吨酸性气及1.79吨工业氨水,年回收硫磺2万吨;另外,通过本次改造,实现了部分企业污水资源化,每小时处理污水200吨,这些污水大约30%用于绿化和冲洗用水,其余达标排放。同时,本次技术改造也为东明石化带来了巨大的环境效益,如:2008年1至6月份,集团公司外排废水116.8万吨,与去年同期相比略有减少:COD排放量41.84吨,比去年同期减排162吨,污水治理工作取得显著成效。目前,东明石化准备上马膜法污水处理工程,准备对处理过的污水进一步处理后用于生产循环水。因此,可见通过本次技术改造,为企业的实现零排放打下了良好的基础。本人认为该公司的这次污水技术改造对石化污水处理行业在新技术、新工艺应用方面有着一定的实践意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of the national economy, the demand of water in industry, agriculture and daily life is increasing. It brooks no delay to protect our limited water resources and save water. With the development of science and technology, the wastewater treatment technology is also developed and innovated. The national environment policy was deflation in 2007 and a higher requirement was put forward in local standard of Shandong province (DB37/599-2006) based on the strictest requirements of the national standard. Shandong Dongming Petrochemical Group -one of the pollutant discharging units along the East-Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, has the unshirkable responsibility and obligation in transforming the existing wastewater treatment technology, improving the wastewater treatment efficiency and enhancing resusing proportion of reclaimed water under the background above. The group has achieved good economic and environmental benefits by increasing the investment in environmental protection.The reconstruction project of wastewater treatment technology of Shandong Dongming Petrochem Group is studied in this paper. Numerous examples of petrochemical wastewater treatment and the application of new technology at home and abroad were referenced. The reason that the CODcr and ammonia nitrogen is not meet the standard before the transformation of technology is analyzed based on the principle of sufficient utilization of the existing facilities, comprehensive consideration and adaptation to local conditions. The problems and its reasons existing in the flotation section and the biochemical section is analyzed deeply. Particularly, some optimizing and transforming measures of technology of biochemical section are carried out. So the thesis provides some source materials and experience for technological development of wastewater disposal in the petrochemical industry. The reconstruction project is a successful project and it improved the wastewater disposal ability of Shandong Dongming Petrochem Group and made its discharged water meet the standard of Comprehensive Discharge Standard along Shandong South-to-North Water Transfer Project. Take the main pollutants in discharge water as example, before the technical transformation, the indexes of CODcr and ammoniac nitrogen are respectively over 120mg/L and 40mg/L; but after the transformation, they are respectively under 40mg/L and 1mg/L. Moreover, the result of the detection of COD and ammoniac nitrogen in discharge water during Feb. 19 to Mar. 25, 2008 also shows that the indexes of COD and ammoniac nitrogen in discharge water after transformation are under the specified value of Comprehensive Discharge Standard along Shandong South-to-North Water Transfer Project. Therefore the transformation is a successful one with good effect and right processes. The transformation also lays a good foundation for the the recycling of wastewater and the increase of the group’s economical and social benefits.The innovation lasted for more than one year with the old disposal processes completely abolished and sour water stripping units constructed. A lot of new technology and new processes in petrochemical wastewater treatment were also introduced. They are: 1) replacing the original A/O2 process with double HO process; 2) newly constructed up-flow biological aerated filter; 3) removing COD and ammoniac nitrogen in secondary biochemical effluent in order to standardize the discharge water; 4) changing the anoxic pond into two-state hydrolysis-acidification pool; changing the horizontal-flow water distribution into up-flow; 5) enhancing the bioavailability of activated sludge in aeration pond to improve the adaptability and anti-shock loading capability of flora; 6) adding biological preparation into plug-flow pond: before the biological preparation added, the secondary aging sludge was reduced by one third, and during the adding process, the DO in plug-flow pond was controlled to suitable concentration; 7) controlling the nutritive ratio of C:N:P in microorganism; 8) introducing Advanced Wastewater Treatment Process—the process of biological activated carbon. By these measures, the insufficient ability and inadequate treatment of the water in the original wastewater plant was solved radically.This innovation has an extensional significance, fitting for the global development of the era and the development of the group. The Group has economically benefits from the transformation. Sour water stripping unit alone can produce 59.6 ton of purified water, 0.38 ton of sour gas and 1.79 ton of industrial ammonia. And the recovery of sulfur is up to annually 20,000 ton. What’s more, the renovation of wastewater is also implemented. Now the treatment of 200 ton of wastewater per hour is realized. About 30% of the water is for greening and washing, and the others is discharged to reach standard. Besides the economical benefits, the transformation also brought enormous environmental benefits: the emission of COD is 41.84 ton, with 162 ton lower than that of last year. Therefore, the wastewater treatment has got remarkable achievement.At present, Shandong Dongming Petrochem Group prepares to construct the membrane wastewater treatment process to recycle the treated wastewater into the production. This technical transformation has laid a good foundation for the realization of zero-emission. The case of wastewater transformation studied in this thesis has practical significance on the industry of petrochemical wastewater treatment in the application of new technology and new process.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期