

Marxist Concept of Eco-view under China’s Resource-conserving and Environment-friendly Society Construction

【作者】 查艳

【导师】 夏劲;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生态问题已成为现代人类面临的严重的自然社会问题。这一问题包括自然环境的恶化和社会生态问题。作为研究人类环境问题的先驱,马克思和恩格斯对这一重要问题做出了深入的研究和探讨,形成了科学的生态观。马克思主义生态观认为:人是自然界发展到一定阶段的产物:自然界是人类社会、人类历史得以存在的物质前提;自然界是人类精神自给的源泉:自然界是人与人联系的纽带;人与自然的关系应当和谐。它的基本特征是社会实践基础上人与自然的辩证统一,自然的社会的人和社会的自然的人是一个有机统一的过程。马克思主义生态观是我们对人与自然、人与社会关系认识的重要精神财富,是构建和谐社会的理论指南,是促进人类的全面发展和社会经济有序发展的理论指针。发展生态经济,走生态环境与社会经济相协调的可持续发展之路,构建资源节约和环境友好型社会,必须从实际出发,按自然的本性和规律去合理利用和开发自然,既要按经济规律办事,也要按自然规律办事,彻底转变以牺牲生态环境为代价的经济发展方式,坚持经济建设与生态环境建设同步进行;必须依靠科技进步营造可持续发展的生态文明。坚持马克思主义生态观,实施可持续发展战略是人类文明进步的历史性的重大转折,是人类诀别传统发展模式、开拓现代文明的一个重要的里程碑,也是人类社会发展的唯一选择。本文试图通过研究以马克思和恩格斯为代表的马克思主义生态观,深入发掘其对我国生态文明建设的现实指导意义,为当今资源节约型与环境友好型社会的建设提供哲学的理论支持。

【Abstract】 The ecological issue, which involves not only the deterioration of the nature environment, but the matter of social ecology, viz. of population, is the most pressing nature-society problem man has been facing in modern society. As a pioneer in the study of human environmental issue, Marx and Engels had explored and discussed thoroughly this problem and they formed the scientific development concept.According to Marxist outlook on ecology, human being is the product of nature history developing to a certain stage, the natural word is the material precondition for the existence of human society and the development of human history, the head-spring of human spring of human spirit’s self-support and human being’s link to each other; and the harmonious relationship between human and nature should be maintain.As the significant ideological treasure through which we perceive the relationship between human and nature, human and social relations, Marxist outlook on ecology is the theory that guides us to build a harmonious society and to promote the full development of human and reasonable progress. To extend eco-economy and follow the way of sustainable development between ecosystem and economy, we should move forward practically and employ nature according to its law, and follow both the economic and natural rules, reversing from the way of exploiting nature destructively to boost economy, while develop economy and preserve nature synchronously and recur to scientific advance to construct sustainable eco-civilization. Adherence to Marxist ecology and implement of the strategy of sustainable development marks a significant transition in human progress, which indicates a landmark that human forsake the old-fashioned development way to break a new one to build a contemporary civilization, which is also the only way we can choose to advance.Focusing on Marxist outlook on ecology that is represented by Maxt and Engels, this dissertation attempts to reveal its directive significance and practical implications to ecological civilization production, and accordingly serves the theoretical construction of building resource-saving and environmentally friendly society.
