

Parameter Matching and Optimization of the Powertrain System for Parallel Hybrid Electrical Tractor

【作者】 连志伟

【导师】 邓亚东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 车辆工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 混合动力电动汽车是解决当前能源短缺与环境污染问题的最切实有效的技术之一,它充分利用两种动力源之间进行的动力优化分配,从而提高整个混合动力系统的效率。目前,国内外的混合动力技术主要应用在混合动力轿车、混合动力客车上。本文以开发“混合动力场地货运牵引车”项目为研究对象来开展工作的,主要包括混合动力牵引车的控制策略、动力总成匹配设计和混合动力系统优化的研究,旨在开发出一款适合于特定场地从事货运业务的混合动力牵引车。主要研究内容如下:(1)首先对目前在混合动力系统优化方面的研究成果和现状进行概括,得出通过采用合理优化算法对混合动力系统进行优化将极大地改善整车的动力性、经济性和排放性能,并指出混合动力系统优化是一个值得深入研究的课题。同时,文章对混合动力场地货运牵引车潜在的市场需求进行了充分的调研,得出在专用牵引车上应用混合动力技术的重要性和可行性。(2)对混合动力牵引车的动力系统工作模式进行分析,搭建符合本课题研究的控制策略模块;结合对其整车动力性的基本要求,进行混合动力系统动力总成的各元件参数匹配和选型。(3)根据混合动力系统多目标多变量优化所要解决的问题,对其建立带约束非线性的数学模型;并根据对整车动力性和经济性的影响重要程度来选取待优化参数。在明确了优化参数和遗传算法理论的基础上,分别就权重系数法、并联选择法和共享函数法构建合理的混合动力系统参数优化函数,并应用于混合动力牵引车的动力参数和控制参数优化中。(4)三种算法优化的结果都极大地改善了整车的经济性和排放性能,通过对其寻优过程和优化结果进行对比分析,得出最适于混合动力系统参数优化的方法,并给出混合动力牵引车的多目标多变量优化的Pareto最优解集合。综上所述,本文对混合动力牵引车控制策略、动力总成参数匹配设计和混合动力系统优化的研究为进一步的动力总成实验与样车设计提供了理论指导,对混合动力牵引车的开发具有很高的现实意义;尤其是基于遗传算法的混合动力系统优化的方法对其它车辆的动力系统优化具有广泛的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Hybrid Electric Vehicle is one of the most efficient technologies to solve the problems which were caused by the limit of energy sources and environment pollution. It makes full use of the two power sources and can optimally match their power, thus it enhance the efficiency of the overall hybrid system. At present, the study on the HEV is mostly focused on the car and bus. For the time being, this paper is researched on the "Hybrid Electric Venue Freight Tractor" project. It concludes the study on the control strategy, powertrain parameters design and hybrid system optimization, aiming to develop a hybrid tractor to suit to the venue freight business. The major contents as follows:(1) First of all, summarize the status quo and research results of the hybrid powertrain system optimization, and conclude that reasonable optimization for the hybrid powertrain system will greatly improves the vehicle’s dynamic, fuel economy and emission performance. At the same time, based on the full survey of hybrid electrical tractor potential market demand, it is importance and feasibility of tractor adopting hybrid electrical technology.(2) Analyze the multi-mode of the hybrid powertrain system for the hybrid electrical tractor, and based on the MATLAB/SIMULINK modeling environment, built the control strategy module. Combined with its dynamic as requested, study the influence of control parameters on vehicle performance, brought forward method of parametric design and evaluating system of hybrid control system, and accomplished parametric design for hybrid control system.(3) According to the multi-object and multi-variable optimization problem involved in the hybrid powertrain system, built its non-linear mathematical model with restraint functions. Based on the impact on the vehicle dynamic and fuel economic, select the pivotal parameters to optimize. Research on the genetic algorithm, and then construct optimization functions of weight coefficient, parallel selection and sharing function respectively. Final, applying these three types of genetic algorithm on the hybrid electrical tractor’s powertrain optimization.(4) The optimization results demonstrate that the parameters from three-optimizing algorithm effectively improve fuel economy and reduce emissions without worsening power performance. Contrast and analyze the optimization results, and find out the most suitable algorithm, then, give many parameters optimization’s Pareto optimal solutions.To sum up, this thesis’s study on the hybrid control strategy, powertrain parameters design and hybrid powertrain system optimization for hybrid electrical tractor provides a theoretical guidance for the next physical experiment and real vehicle development with a high sense of reality. In particular, the optimization approaches proposed in this article, which were based on genetic algorithm, possess a broad sense of instruction for the power system optimization of other similar vehicles.
