

Research of Financial Risk Security of Sangle Solar Energy Co., Ltd

【作者】 张建华

【导师】 李姚矿;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国加入WTO之后,我国经济的市场化程度越来越高,企业在经营中遇到的不确定性、风险因素日益增多,企业经营面临着更多的财务风险。能否有效防范财务风险,关乎企业的生死存亡。太阳能热水器在我国是个新兴的朝阳产业。石油、煤等常规能源的日益匮乏,在给太阳能热水器行业带来千载难逢发展机遇的同时,也使其面临着严峻的考验。世界性的能源紧张局势,全球性的能源危机,引得许多国际企业集团、资本“大鳄”纷纷将眼球转向了太阳能市场,希望在这个新兴市场切走一块大“蛋糕”。中国太阳能企业不但要应对国内同行之间激烈的竞争,还要接受国外实力雄厚的跨国公司以及资本的严峻挑战。竞争的加剧,给国内太阳能企业带来了莫大的财务风险。桑乐太阳能公司是隶属于山东省科学院能源研究所的一家年轻的太阳能热水器企业。桑乐公司脱胎于科研事业单位,法人治理结构不是十分科学,组织结构框架也是差强人意,核心管理团队基本上都是理工科班出身,管理经验不足。桑乐公司的发展却极其迅速,销售规模每年都以90%的速度快速增长。桑乐公司客观存在问题和快速发展现状之间的矛盾,给公司的快速发展带来了不小的财务风险隐患。这种财务风险如果不能被加以合理防范,今后势必成为公司跨越式发展的桎梏。国内外理论界关于企业财务风险的研究,多数是针对大型企业集团、上市公司的,对于快速成长中的中小企业财务风险研究却不是很多,而关于新兴的太阳能行业财务风险防范研究成果则更是少之又少。本文借鉴国内外财务风险防范研究成果,结合中国国情和桑乐太阳能公司发展的具体实际,对桑乐太阳能公司在跨越式发展过程中存在和可能产生的财务风险现状进行了深入细致的剖析,找出财务风险问题的结症所在;然后,从企业内部和外部两个方面挖掘桑乐太阳能公司存在财务风险的原因;最后,从法人治理结构、组织结构框架、存货管理以及投资等方面提出了防范财务风险的具体措施,为桑乐太阳能公司在跨越式发展过程中有效地防范财务风险找到一条切实可行之路。

【Abstract】 After the accession of China into WTO, the marketization degree of Chinese economy is further raised. The enterprises are facing increasing instability and risks, especially financial risks, and financial security is crucial for their survival and development.Solar energy water heater is one of the rising industries in our country. The global energy crisis of the conventional energies such as oil and coal brings golden opportunity for the popularity of solar energy water heater. At the same time the global energy crisis drew attention of many international corporations and capital crocodile upon the market of solar energy, hoping share a big cake of this new developing market. So the domestic solar energy enterprises must face the challenges from not only national competition but also strong multinationals and capitals. The intensive competition takes great financial risks to the solar energy enterprises.Sangle solar energy company is a young solar energy water heater enterprise belongs to energy research institute of ShanDong academy of science. For its deriving from scientific unit, the company’s corporate governance is not very scientific and its organization structure not satisfactory. Members of its administration basically graduated from science and engineering specialty and lacked of management experiences. Compared its imperfect management, the company’s development was rapid with 90 percent annual increasing sales volume. The contradiction between objective problems and rapid development brought inconvenient financial risks. The financial risks would become the shackle of the company’s jumping development without proper financial security strategy. Most of the researches about financial security were derived from the areas of large corporations and listed companies, but not much about the rapid developing enterprises. Researches about the new industry of solar energy water heater were more rarely reported. This paper uses the experience of international financial security for reference, combined with Chinese national conditions and specific reality of Sangle’s development, to find the sources of financial risks through intensive analysis about existed and possible financial risks during Sangle’s jumping development. Then the paper explores the causes of financial risks from two aspects both from inside and outside of the company. In the end, the paper provides a practical financial security strategy for Sangle’s jumping development based on specific security measures about corporate governance, organization structure, inventory management and investment.

【关键词】 桑乐太阳能财务风险防范
【Key words】 Sangle solar energyfinancial riskssecurity
  • 【分类号】F406.7;F426.8
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1313