

The Government Management Research of Cultural Industry in Jiangxi Province

【作者】 黄巧华

【导师】 吴骏;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着世界文化产业迅猛发展的潮流,我国文化产业发展迅速,已经成为国民经济发展富有潜力的新的增长点。本文是关于江西省文化产业发展及政府文化产业管理存在的问题及对策研究,以期通过政府的有效调控推动和加快我省文化产业化发展的进程。在考察了江西省文化产业化发展及政府管理现状基础之上,对当前江西省文化产业化与政府管理进行了分析与评价。当前江西省文化事业单位体制改革和内部运行机制改革已经开始进行,文化产业开始向经营型、企业型、市场化、社会化方向发展,并取得了一定成效。但还存在诸多问题,如文化产业意识滞后,规模偏小、档次偏低,人才机制滞后,科技含量不足,政府管理职能不清、机构失调、手段单一、管理不科学以及管理队伍建设亟待加强等等,这些问题影响了江西省文化产业的改革可持续性发展。江西文化产业要做大做强,政府要转变观念。由省有关部门牵头,努力提升文化产业科技附加值,实施文化产业人才培养工程,培养文化消费环境,明确政府的主导作用。建议政府加大对文化产业的投入,拓宽融资渠道,创新文化管理体制以促使江西文化产业上台阶,成为江西新的经济增长点,构建符合文化产业发展的产业群体和运行机制,将城市的综合实力、文化形象向外扩散。

【Abstract】 Recently, with the rapid and intense development of the culture industry in the world, the culture industry in our country has been developed quickly, having already become a potential contribution to the growth of the national economy.The present article is about the development of the culture industry of Jiangxi Province and about the study on problems in the culture management in the government and their solutions respectively, with the expectation that the macro-control through the government will promote and accelerate the process of the culture industrialization in Jiangxi Province. Based on the investigation on the original culture industrialization and the government management in Jiangxi, analysis and comments have been made on current status of them—the reform for Jiangxi culture institutions and that for the internal operation mechanism have already been on the process, the culture industry has started to evolve towards being operating-based or enterprise-based and involving marketization and socialization, for which considerable progresses have been made. However, manyproblems are still remained to be solved——stability of industry awarenessbehind ; small-scale and low-grade; mechanism for talented people behind ; scientific and technological content of less than; unclear functions of the government、institutional imbalance、a single means of management and the scientific management of the building should be strengthened, and so on, the impact of reform and sustainable development.Solve problems in the development of the Jiangxi culture industrialization and in the government management, the cultural industry needs to become greater and stronger,The government must change the mind; By the province department concerned coordination, manage to increase added value of science and technology in the cultural industry with the coordination by provincial departments which are concerned; carry on the personal training project for the culture industry; develop culture-consuming environment; make clear the leading role of the government, suggest the government increase the investment on the cultural industry, broaden the financial support channel; innovate the culture management system to push the Jiangxi culture industry forward and become a new contribution part to the economic growth in Jiangxi; build industrial community that befits the cultural industry development and construct the operational mechanism such that the comprehensive strength and cultural image of the cities diffuse to and influence the outside world.

  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】616