

Multi-Criteria Fuzzy Evaluation on Environmental Impact of Industrial Development and Pollution Control Conflict Analysis

【作者】 贾桂红

【导师】 于惊涛;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 产业活动对环境造成的影响越来越严重,已成为国际社会日益关注的重要问题,对产业活动的环境影响进行评价变得越来越重要,本文研究了产业发展的环境影响评价以及污染治理冲突问题。通过文献研究,首先对产业环境影响、环境影响评价以及主要评价方法进行简单的总结,为本文的研究提供一定的理论基础。在理论研究基础上,构建产业环境影响评价指标体系,在这部分,本文首先分析了我国的产业发展以及产业结构的变化对环境的影响,在此基础上,引入了压力-状态-响应概念模型,借鉴国内外区域环境评价、环境安全评价、建设项目环评的评价指标以及可持续发展评价的指标体系,构建产业环境影响评价指标体系。之后是产业环境影响评价方法研究,这部分在总结以往评价方法的基础上,提出适合本文研究的多准则模糊评价方法——NAIADE方法,介绍了其原理、步骤以及优点。最后是案例分析。针对产业环境影响的评价指标体系以及评价方法,选取大连、济南、青岛、上海四个城市为案例城市,简单的对各个城市的产业发展以及产业结构状况做一介绍,并以工业环境影响为例,选取产业环境影响评价指标,运用压力-状态-响应模型构建产业环境影响评价指标体系,最后应用多准则模糊评价方法(NAIADE)对四个城市的产业环境影响进行评价排序,四个城市的产业环境影响大小是济南>大连>上海>青岛。济南的产业环境影响最严重,大连次之,其后是上海,青岛的产业环境影响最轻。此外,还对污染治理过程中企业、政府和公众的不同态度进行了分析评价。针对污染治理中企业、政府和公众的不同态度,运用NAIADE方法分析了三者之间的冲突,结果为政府和公众更容易就污染治理问题达成共识。

【Abstract】 The environmental impact of industrial activities has become more and more serious, which has been the important problem of international society. The environmental impact assessment to industrial activities becomes more and more important; this paper has studied the assessment model of industrial environmental impact, method and pollution model.First, this paper summarized the theory such as industrial environmental impact, environmental impact assessment and assessment methods by reading documents, provided theoretical base for the research.Second, the industrial environmental impact assessment model has been constructed. In this section, we first analyzed the industrial development and its environmental impact in China, based on which we introduced the P-S-R model, and constructed industrial environmental impact assessment model according to the regional environmental impact assessment, environmental security assessment, project environmental impact assessment.Third, this paper researched the industrial environmental impact assessment method base on the summary of previous methods, introduced the NAIADE method and its advantage.Fourth, case analysis. This section selected Dalian, Jinan, Qingdao, Shanghai as the case cities response to environmental impact assessment index system and industrial environmental impact assessment method, introduced the industrial development and industrial structure, selected the industrial environmental impact evaluation index, applied P-S-R model to build the industrial environmental impact assessment index system, carried out industrial environmental impact assessment of four cities with the application of NAIADE. The result is Jinan>Dalian>Shanghai>Qingdao. Jinan’s environment was affected most, followed by Dalian, Shanghai and Qingdao, Qingdao’s environment was affected least.Moreover, we analyze the different attitude of enterprise, government and public to the pollution control, construct the conflict model, analyzed the attitudes conflict with the application of NAIADE method, the result is that government and public are easier to reach agreement.

  • 【分类号】X820.3;F124
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】353
  • 攻读期成果