

Design Strategies of Modern Chinese-style Architecture

【作者】 韩则冰

【导师】 王时原;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪末,随着中国经济的迅猛发展,中国与世界建筑界的交流也更加紧密,建筑行业几乎把欧美的各种设计风潮再次重演了一遍。伴随着本土建筑师设计水平的提高和国学的兴起,国人开始用文化的角度审视周身的事物,本土化的设计也为众多的设计师溶入其设计理念。本文针对当前国内欧美风格设计风潮日衰,现代中式风格设计与日俱增的趋势,以理论分析结合工作实践,试图在现代中式建筑设计实践的过程中,探索让现代与传统更好的得以结合的途径。本文通过对课题研究背景、范围的介绍开始,从对建国后中式建筑在国内发展历程的简要回顾展开,通过对现代中式建筑兴起的原因以及社会大环境等因素的分析,明晰了现代中式建筑的发展脉络;从中式建筑发展的趋势中获得启示。本文精选了国内近几年现代中式建筑中的几个优秀案例,分析其设计构思及意图,对案例中采用的传统建筑特征以及设计思路、手法进行总结归纳,得出现代中式建筑的设计策略。并通过对案例的经验总结和实际工程的设计实践,对设计策略进行修正和完善。由于本人所在城市还未大量出现现代中式建筑,在设计实践中对现代中式建筑的研究也处于摸索的阶段,因此以次契机考察了国内相关的成功案例,借鉴了成功经验,归纳出现代中式建筑的设计策略,希望能为本地区现代中式建筑设计实践提供一些有益的参考。

【Abstract】 At the end of twentieth century, through the development of economic, all kinds of European and American design have been replayed by Chinese architect because of more relationship between Chinese architect and the others in construction. During the level of design was raised and Chinese culture was popular, Chinese architect begin to look at a view around their body. The localization design theoretical have been solved in their mind by a large number of architect. In this article, Under the wave of bad design in European and American, Modern Chinese-style design develop fast. Depending the theoretical to analysis the practice, It attempt to find a better way to combine the Modern Chinese-style design and Traditional Chinese-style.This article introduce the background and the space of construction at the beginning, analysis the development of Modern Chinese-style design after the building of Chinese, bring in the popular reason of Modern Chinese-style design, analysis the case of environment, In order to get the inspire in the developing of Modem Chinese-style design.This article including many outstanding Modern Chinese-style design case. During analysis the design purpose to get the design strategy, and through the experience of the actual practice to amend the design strategy.As the Modern Chinese-style design have not emerged in my city, the design practice of Modern Chinese-style design is still in explored process. I can review the design to learn the successful experience, so that to get more Modern Chinese-style design strategy. I hope that will provide some beneficial references for localization in Modern Chinese-style design of practice.
