

The Study of Motivation Strategy and Analysis to M Shopping Mall Staff

【作者】 蒋理

【导师】 傅永刚;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 购物广场这一零售业的新兴业态正逐渐成为中国零售业发展的趋势,从1996年中国第一家购物广场破土动工至今,国内的购物广场如雨后春笋般拔地而起。仅大连市目前的人均商业面积就已达到1.36平方米,远远高于很多发达国家。数量如此众多的商业零售企业势必造成行业内竞争的日趋激烈。M购物广场做为一家在红海领域参与完全竞争的企业,做好员工激励,保证企业拥有人力资源竞争优势是其在激烈的市场竞争中实现持续发展的根本。人是管理的驻体,激励是管理的核心。本文以马斯洛需要层次理论、双因素理论、期望理论等激励理论做为研究的理论依据,采用实证研究的方法,理论结合实际。全面考虑购物广场行业特点及企业的内、外部经营环境,通过员工满意度问卷调查,深入了解员工的差异化需求,查找企业在人力资源管理方面的不足。针对目前企业中存在的引起员工满意度较低的薪酬公平性、薪酬激励性、绩效考核办法、奖惩措施、人才选拔程序等方面的问题,将薪酬、绩效、职业生涯规划做为完善M购物广场员工激励机制的主要激励因子。制定物质激励与精神激励、长期激励与短期激励相结合的具体激励措施。从而达到激发员工潜能、调动员工热情、引导员工成长的目的。以确保企业拥有人力资源竞争优势,完成经营战略目标、实现健康高速发展。希望本文的激励对策能够应用于企业的人力资源管理实践当中,解决目前存在于M购物广场的激励机制不完善、激励措施匮乏等实际问题。对构建M购物广场有效运转的激励机制起到一定的帮助作用。

【Abstract】 Shopping centre, a new form for retail, has already become the trend of retail industry in China. Since the first shopping centre emerged in 1996, thousands of shopping centers spread quickly across the country. In Dalian, the commercial space has arrived 1.36 square meter per capita, much higher than many developed countries. The numerous retail companies will certainly arouse fierce competition among the industry. For M shopping centre , one of the competitors, taking the advantage of human resources through encouragement is the fundamental guarantee to keep a sustainable development in the fierce competition.Human resource is the body part of management and encouragement is the main way to achieve management. This article is based on Maslow’s demanding difference theory, double factors theory, and expectation theory. Adopting the the method of combining the theory and practice, the article gives a though analysis of the industry’s features , the internal and external management conditions. Through questionnaire survey of satisfaction to the company, we get a full understanding of the stuff’s different requirement. According the main problems, such as the unfairness of salary, method to value performance , system of rewards and penalties, procedure of selecting talents, making improvement of those systems will be the most inspiring factor for the human resource. In order to make all the stuff to release their potential, the way of encouragement should be a great combination of the material reward and spiritual one as well as long-term and short-term. Through these methods, the company can remain its advantage in human resource and achieve its strategic goal of management.I hope that the encouragement measures in this article can be applied to the practice of the company’s HR management. It will solve the problems existing in the imperfect encouragement system. Finally, it can be helpful to the operation system of M shopping centre.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F721
  • 【被引频次】2
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