

Case Study in New Product Development of MS

【作者】 丛宁

【导师】 肖贵蓉;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 传统新产品开发以“串式”开发模式为代表,这种开发模式在市场比较稳定的情况下,较好地发挥了作用,但是,在市场变化比较快的情况下,传统模式就表现出开发周期长、开发成本高等问题,如何解决这些问题成为企业新产品开发的首要问题。本文首先通过对MS公司新产品开发的现状进行分析,认为该公司的新产品开发属于传统“串式”开发模式,存在诸多问题,严重地制约了该公司新产品开发和国内业务开展,迫切地需要得到解决。并行工程理论是相对于传统“串式”模式提出的开发理论,本文通过对并行工程的理论和已有成功经验的分析,认为并行工程的思想将是对该公司的新产品开发进行改进的有效手段。最后,本文针对该公司的情况,给出如何利用并行工程的思想改进新产品开发方法的具体建议,实现新产品开发并行运作和信息化。鉴于经济实力和技术能力以及行业特点,本文建议小企业将并行工程理论应用到新产品开发中时,应主要借鉴并行工程的思想,因地制宜,结合实际情况量力而行,不能将大企业、大项目的模式照搬照抄。

【Abstract】 Sequential Model is a traditional new product development method. It is a good approach when the market is in a steady situation, but, when the market changes rapidly, it presents a long time of development cycle and high development cost, which become priority issues in the new product development of a company.This thesis has analyzed the situation of new product development in MS and reached the conclusion that there are many questions in the traditional sequential model of the company, which restricts the development of new product and the domestic market expansion, and have to be tackled.Concurrent engineering (CE) is a theory of new product development against sequential Model. With the analysis of the theory and successful practice of CE, the thesis concludes that the using of CE theory will be a useful and appropriate approach to change and improve the new product development of MS.In the end, advices of using CE theory to improve the new product development and information system are given.Given the limits of capital and technology, as well as the characteristics of an industry, CE theory is most important in small enterprises. It is unwise for them to follow the CE approach used in big corporations fixedly and unchangeably.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】238