

Research on the Genres of Knowledge Management Based on Author Co-citation and Meta Analysis

【作者】 宋娟

【导师】 仲秋雁;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 信息管理与电子政务, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代后期,知识管理开始受到国际管理学界的关注,尤其是在知识经济概念被提出之后,知识管理作为一种重要的管理思想被广大学者和实践者提出并加以研究和实施。然而,随着知识管理研究成果的迅速增加,产生了一个不容忽视的现象,大部分学者都从自身原有的学科背景出发,从不同侧面揭示知识管理的特征和规律,未能形成一个系统的理论框架,从而导致知识管理实践和研究陷入某种迷茫状态。针对这种情况,本研究的目的在于借助文献计量学的实证研究方法洞悉知识管理的知识结构,绘制知识图谱,利用可视化的方法显示学术群体间的关系,划分知识管理的流派,分析流派的研究特征。在此基础上,本研究将系统地探查知识管理的研究现状,界定知识管理的内涵,建立知识管理的研究框架。本文首先对1990-2006年间SSCI引文数据库中有关的知识管理论文进行引文分析,识别出对知识管理具有重大贡献的77位作者,然后应用作者共被引分析结合因子分析、聚类分析、多维尺度分析等多元统计分析方法绘制知识管理的知识图谱,划分出了知识管理的五个流派:战略流派、组织变革流派、过程流派、应用流派、技术流派。针对不同知识管理流派,又利用元分析的方法从研究主题、理论基础、研究方法、分析层次四个维度切入,对国内外知识管理的研究特征作了对比分析,总结了流派的研究特征。最后,对收集到的文献进行了关键词词频分析,从学科主题词的角度印证知识管理的知识结构,并通过新出现的主题词探索知识管理未来的发展动向。以上的研究,将文献计量学中作者共被引分析与元分析结合,定量地分析了不同流派的研究特征和差异,深化了对各流派的理解。利用元分析和词频分析的方法详细地阐明了知识管理的知识结构,明确了知识管理的研究现状。在此基础上,界定了知识管理的内涵和研究框架,避免了知识管理概念的泛化,发现了知识管理的研究热点及未来发展趋势,促进知识管理学科的发展和成熟。

【Abstract】 In the late 1980s, knowledge management (KM) as a new management paradigm is concerned by scholars and practitioners. As a new emerging discipline, more and more researchers from different fields start to research it. With the in-depth comprehensive study and exploration, KM as a discipline becomes more complex, then, a deeper understanding of KM complexity is required. Recently, many researchers have tried to study the theoretical framework and genres of KM, but, the conclusions are all subjective, incomprehensive and limited, therefore, using an empirical method to research KM is necessary.Based on the bibliometric methodology of author co-citation analysis, word frequency analysis and meta-analysis, the author tries to reveal the intellectual structure, knowledge map, genres of KM and each characteristic. Final the author concludes the knowledge management connotation and research framework.The top 77 most cited authors are examined from the cited literature between 1990 and 2006 through author co-citation analysis. Then, applying the factor analysis, cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis, the author draws the knowledge map and recognizes the five genres of KM, there are: KM strategic, organization change, KM process, KM application, and KM technology. Combined with the method of Meta analysis, each genre’s research characteristic is described in the perspectives of research topics, reference disciplines, research methods, and units of analysis and the diversity on KM research between China and abroad is also discussed. Final, this paper draws on word frequency analysis to examine intellectual structure of KM, which proves the conclusion of author co-citation analysis again. In addition, from the new keywords, the author explores KM future developing trend, which is important to research KM discipline.This paper first time combines the author co-citation analysis with Meta analysis and word frequency analysis method to study the KM characteristic of genres, research situation and developing trend. Then, the author summarizes the KM connotation and establishes research framework. According to this study, the researchers can have an overall understanding to KM, and promote the development and maturity of knowledge management discipline.
