

Defamiliarization in Popular Science Article Titles: A Case Study on Scientific American

【作者】 李雪瑾

【导师】 许明武;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 英语语言文学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 陌生化理论是俄国形式主义的一个核心理论。该理论指出,文学的一个重要任务就是打破人们对自己周围事物感知的自动化状态,唤醒人们对生活的美的感受。这个目标主要是通过陌生化日常生活中的语言来实现的。陌生化理论被广泛应用于对各种文学体裁文学性的分析。科普文章虽然不是一种文学文体,但它在语言和写作手法方面却有着许多与文学文体相同的特点。这些特点在这些文章的标题中也有所体现。本研究是对英文科普文章标题中陌生化现象的一项实证研究。笔者从美国著名科普杂志《科学美国人》中随机选取了407个文章标题,并通过对陌生化理论和科普英语文体特点的分析,对科普英语文章标题的陌生化现象进行了定义。根据这个定义,研究对象中的113个标题是具有陌生化现象的。对这些陌生化标题的进一步研究显示,在这些标题中实现陌生化的技巧主要可以分为三类:使用修辞格,使用含混语言,和使用有悖于常识的表达。本文列举了大量的实例对这三类技巧进行了说明和分析,讨论了每一类中实现陌生化效果的具体手段,并通过对具体实例的论述指出,标题中运用的手法不同,其产生陌生化的审美效果也有所不同。本研究结果证明了当代科普英语标题的文学性特点,反映了科普英语文章的文体特点,对科普英语的阅读,写作和翻译具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The theory of defamiliarization is one of the key theories of Russian formalism, which suggests that one of the major tasks of literature is to break people’s state of automatization to things around them by means of defamiliarizing the everyday language, so as to waken people’s aesthetic perception to life. This theory is used widely to analyze the literariness of different forms of literature works. Popular science article, although not a form of literature, does share some common features in language and writing skills with literature works. These features are also reflected in their titles. Therefore, devices of defamiliarization can also be found in the titles of popular science articles.This research is an empirical study on the defamiliarization in popular science article titles. 407 titles picked at random from the popular science journal Scientific American are studied in this research. In order to make the research more specific, a working definition of defamiliarization in popular science article titles is made on the basis of the theory of defamiliarization and the stylistic features of popular science articles. According to the working definition, 113 of the titles are found defamiliarized. The further study on these defamiliarized titles shows that three categories of techniques are used in the titles to achieve the effect of defamiliarization, namely, the use of figures of speech, the use of ambiguous language and the use of expressions deviating from general knowledge. There are also some specific techniques under each category, which have different effects of defamiliarization in terms of aesthetics. The result of this research reflects the stylistic features of popular science articles, which would be helpful to the reading, writing and translation of this kind of articles.

【关键词】 陌生化科普文章标题
【Key words】 defamiliarizationpopular science article title