

A Study on Multiplant Networks Configuration with Component Commonality

【作者】 李超

【导师】 林勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 信息技术的高速发展促进了全球化市场的形成及各个国家和地区经济的不断发展,同时也催生了当前全球化、分布式的供应链运作体系。同时,顾客日益增加的个性化需求使企业面对的市场环境更加复杂多样。为了以更短的时间响应分布于不同地理位置顾客的多样化需求,并考虑关税、劳动力成本和贸易等要素,越来越多的企业在全球化的运营框架中建立在地理上相互分散的分布式多工厂网络。这就产生了如何配置企业的分散型多工厂生产网络的问题,即多工厂网络配置问题。另一方面,通用件已经成为定制化大量生产模式的一种主要技术方法,采用通用件可以用更少的资源投入实现尽可能多的产品特性,并满足各个国家和地区的本地化顾客的需求。当前,很多全球化运作的制造企业建立相对分散的生产系统并不断提高通用件的采用比例。为了使零部件通用策略在全球化运作实践中发挥更大的效益,有必要研究零部件通用策略对于多工厂网络配置的影响。本文研究考虑通用件策略的多工厂网络配置问题。为了引入库存决策问题,本文采用报童网络模型,将处于不同计划层次的决策,即战略产能决策和生产库存决策统一到一个模型中。与传统的多工厂网络结构配置模型不同,本文借助于通用件库存将多工厂网络配置问题扩展到多周期的环境中进行考察。在期初作出产能决策;随后的有限周期中,每期的需求独立同分布,在需求得知之前,必须作出通用件的库存决策,紧接着在需求得知之后作出生产加工和运输决策。模型采用参数分析和线性搜索的方法求解出最优产能、库存和产量,最后通过算例找出通用件库存单位获取成本和通用件单位运输成本对多工厂网络配置的影响,得到与单周期多工厂网络配置不同的管理启示。

【Abstract】 In the development of information technology, global market and economy booming promote the foundation of distributed supply chain and operational system, in which many corporations face various individual demand. Due to fulfill the individual demands from different areas, and consider the factor such as tariff, labor cost and international trade, more and more company have built distributed multiplant networks, which gestate a problem of how to decide the structure of multiplant networks, that is multiplant configuration. On the other hand, Component Commonality, which can be used to produce the diversity of finished products, has become an important mean of Mass Customization productions. Currently, a lot of international company established dispersed productions and operational system, and introduce more common component in their products. In order to exert the benefit of component commonality in a global operational framework, it is necessary to investigate the impact of common component on multiplant configuration.This thesis analyzes a problem on multiplant network configuration in present of component commonality using a tool called Newsvendor Networks Model, by which the strategic capacity decision and operational inventory & production decision can be included in a uniform framework. Different from traditional multiplant network configuration, this thesis employ common component inventory to extend a single period problem to a dynamic multiple periods problem. After making decision about capacity investment, common component inventory decision must be made with the following product demands, which are assumed to be i.i.d in different period. Then production and transportation decisions should be performed once the demands are released. Introducing parameter analysis and linear search technology, model get the optimal capacity, inventory and production decisions, and then educes the impact of unit acquisition cost and transportation cost of common component on multiplant configuration, which gives different managerial insights from the single period problem.
