

Analysis on Slope Stability and Bolt Supporting with Three-Dimensional FEM

【作者】 陈峰

【导师】 龚文惠;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 岩土工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国西部开发步伐的加快和山区高等级公路的大量兴建,边坡的稳定性问题日渐突出。锚杆支护是一种快捷有效的边坡支护措施,用锚杆对边坡进行支护的应用也越来越广泛。边坡稳定性分析及锚杆支护设计已成为土木工程中的重要课题,其研究具有重要的现实意义。本文采用理论分析和数值分析相结合的手段,对边坡的稳定性以及边坡锚杆支护的优化设计问题进行了研究。首先,阐述了边坡稳定性有限元分析的基本思路,根据工程实际状况,采用强度折减弹塑性有限元法,借助于ANSYS软件,建立了均质岩体路堑边坡的二维、三维有限元模型,从而得到了边坡的应力、变形云图,比较了边坡二维、三维稳定性系数的差别。其次,借助于ANSYS软件,建立了路堑边坡锚杆支护的二维、三维有限元模型,从而得到了边坡、以及锚杆的应力、变形云图,比较了边坡支护前后的差别。最后,介绍了边坡优化设计的基本思路,从方案上和细节上分别对原边坡设计进行了优化。采用理论分析方法,确定了合理的锚杆长度、锚杆锚固角;采用数值模拟分析方法,确定了合理的锚杆横纵向间距;根据ANSYS中的优化设计模块(Optimization Design)把有限元分析与优化设计相结合,确定了合理的锚杆孔口直径。论文成果可为神龙架旅游公路边坡工程的设计和施工提供一定的依据,也可为我国中西部公路建设中类似的边坡工程问题提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Along with the large-scale construction of mountain highway and fast development of the western part of China, problems of the stability about the slopes are standing out gradually. Bolt supporting is an effective way of slope supporting, the application of bolt supporting in the slopes becomes more and more widely. Analysis of slope stability and design of bolt supporting has become an important subject in the field of civil engineering. It is actually important to study on the problems of the slopes.Theoretical analysis with numerical analysis is combined in the paper, the three- dimension (3-D) slope stability and optimization design are researched. First, the basic thought on the FEM research is introduced. Under the conditions of practical projects, The Elastic-Plastic FEM based on the shear strength reduction technique is adopted. With the aid of ANSYS software, 2-D and 3-D intact rock slope FEM models are established. Therefore some side slopes stress deformation charts are obtained. Compare with the 2-D and 3-D stability factor of slope. Second, with the aid of ANSYS software, 2-D and 3-D bolt supporting slope FEM models are established. Therefore some side slopes and the bolt stress deformation charts are obtained. Compare with the 2-D and 3-D differences of the slope. Third, the basic clue of slope optimization design is introduced, and the plan and detail of the original side slope are optimized. With the method of theory, reasonable anchor length and angle are got. Reasonable horizontal and vertical distance of anchor is got with numeric simulation analysis. Basis on the ANSYS of optimization design, FEM analysis and optimization design are combined, reasonable anchor diameter is got.The achievement of the thesis can provide a basis to the design and construction of the slope engineering in ShenNongJia tourist way, and also a reference to the analogous problem of slope engineering in west express highway construction.
