

Research on Eco-Environmental Water Demand of Reservoir

【作者】 任江红

【导师】 邬红娟;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 生态学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 水是生态系统中最活跃的因子,近年来由于人口与经济的发展,人类生产、生活用水挤占了自然生态系统用水,使得水环境问题日益突出。对生态环境需水进行研究,保证生态系统动态平衡或健康发展所需的水量,为水资源的配置和管理提供科学依据。在分析了水库对生态系统影响的基础上对水库生态环境需水概念进行了定义,并对水库生态环境需水量的计算原则、计算步骤以及计算方法进行了研究。最后以许家坪水电枢纽工程库区为实例,调查了所在河流水生生物状况,结果表明:水库所在河流水质现状良好。同时分析其生态环境需水类型,并计算各类生态需水量。重点对水库下游维持水生生物生存及其栖息地的下泄生态环境需水进行研究。由于库区降雨量大于蒸散发量,则库区蒸散发需水量为0;由发电规模,能源生产需水量为6583.36万m3;保证水库取水口水位基本的需水量为17.24万m3,这个水量同时也满足了库区水生生物生存及其栖息地的需水量;根据水生动植物生长、繁殖周期,水库下游水生生物及其栖息地的生态需水量采用水力模拟法及逐月最小生态流量计算法计算得到的年最小生态径流量分别为630.72万m3和607.22万m3,并用Tennant法对两种方法进行比较检验,得出逐月最小生态流量计算法计算结果更合理。由此算得水库的生态环境需水总量为7207.82万m3。

【Abstract】 Water is the most active gene in the ecosystem. With the rapid development of population and economy, the part of water natural ecosystem needed is taken by people’s production and living.So the problem of water environment is becoming more and more serious. Research on eco-environmental water demands to assure the balance of ecological environment or healthy development, can supply scientific theory for rational water resources allocation and manage.Through analyzing the effect of ecosystem in reservoir, the eco-environmental water demand of reservoir is defined and its calculation principles, steps and methods are researched.The thesis take the reservoir of xujiaping as an example, investigate the situation of hydrobiont in that river, the results indicate that the river’s water quality is fine. At the same time, the type of eco-environmental water demand of reservoir is analyzed , and all kinds of eco-environmental water demand are calculated. The thesis do main research on leaking an ecological environment water demands maintaining hydrobiont’s survival and their habitats in lower reaches of reservoir. Since rainfall is more than evaporation in the reservoir ,the water demand of evaporation is 0; From the scale of generate electricity, the water demand of energy produce is 65833600m3 m3; the water demand of ensureing the reservoir’s water line of fetching water is 172400m3,this water can also maintain hydrobiont’s survival and their habitats in reservoir. According to the growing periods animal and plant in lower reaches of reservoir, it uses the method of hydrodynamic simulation and the least monthly ecological runoff to calculate the minimal eco-environmental water demands one year respectively and the result is 6307200m3 and 6072200m3, and the method of Tennant is used to compare and verify the results of the two methods,the least monthly ecological runoff is more reasonable. So the total of ecological environment water demands of reservoir is 72078200m3.
