

To Analyse the Advantages and Disadvantages of Marxian Theory of the Development of Productivity and Its Revelation

【作者】 戚盼姣

【导师】 马天俊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 生产力问题是一个亘古不变的话题,从刀耕火种的原始社会到依靠科技生产的现代社会,各个时期无不围绕“生产力”问题而展开。生产力的不断发展确实推动着人类社会从远古向现代一路走来,特别是以科学技术为驱动力的生产力的发展在第二次世界大战之后,给我们的生活、生产带来了突飞猛进、日新月异的变化。这种生产力的发展,一方面开辟了人类主体改造自然的更深、更广的层面,使人类主体以技术为主导的能力突显成一种自然力无法比拟的巨大力量,客观上拓宽了人类实践的领域。从哲学层面上讲,形成了一种主体优越感和胜利感。但在另一方面,在人们醉心于自己征服自然的胜利的同时,也无意中打开了“潘多拉魔盒”。人类在片面追求生产力高度增长的同时,诸如环境恶化、资源枯竭、物种灭绝、气象异常等等问题也日益困扰着人们。人类主体逐渐面临着自掘坟墓和无家可归的悲惨处境。痛定思痛,我们不禁要思考,人类能否再这样继续片面的追求经济的发展而不顾生态系统内部的限制?生产力能否如人们所期望的那样无所限制地向前发展?这些都是值得我们深思的问题。马克思在生产力发展方面是相当乐观的。本文一方面肯定其进步意义,另一方面也试图通过马克思生产力理论中的局限性的分析,让人们理解和认识到生产力不仅受到生产关系的限制,而且很大程度上受到自然界本身的限制,就算是有科学技术做坚实的后盾,情况也不容乐观。最后本文试图努力寻求解决生产力增长与自然有限性方面矛盾问题的可行途径。

【Abstract】 The problem of Productivity is a perpetual topic in human history, From the slash-and-burn cultivation primitive society to modern society, no time does not develop through productivity. Surely the development of productivity does promote our human history to go from old periods to modern time, especially the after the World War Two the productivity promoted by the science and technology has caused great changes by leaps and bounds, and made variations from day to day in our lives. On one hand such development of the productivity has made people alter the nature on a high level, that is to say, it has made the human-being a kind of subject who appears as a power that led by technology, with which the nature can never compare. It widens the field in which people practise in the object sense. In the philosophy sense, this causes a kind of sense of superiority and domination of the subject. While on another hand, at the same time we are drunk by the victory we get over the nature, we also open‘the Pandora’s devil box’. In pursuit of the development of productivity, problems such as the environment’s getting worse and worse, the energy’s getting less and less, the species’dying out and the climate’s getting uncommon, and so on. The subject of human-being is confronted with danger of being self-buried and homeless. When suffering from the pain, we have to think about these problems. Can we go on pursuing the development of economics partially, while disregarding the limitation of ecology system? Can productivity develop without any limitation as hoped? These issues are all worth our speculation. Marx is optimistic at the issue of productivity. This essay affirms what Marxian theory has done to the progress of human history, I also want to let people realize and understand that the productivity is not only defined by the relationship in which people practise but also defined by the nature itself to a great extent by analysing the limitation of Marxian theory of productivity. Though we have science as a powerful resort, we should not be too optimistic at the development of productivity. At last, I would like to look for an advisable way to resolve the problem of productivity, precisely speaking, the contradict relationship between the development of productivity and the limity of the nature in this essay.

  • 【分类号】A811;F014.1
  • 【被引频次】2
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