

Self-building Residence Research on Hanzhengjie

【作者】 郑德

【导师】 汪原;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 本文选取汉正街自建区住宅为研究对象,主要通过现场调研获得口述资料的方式,突破住宅研究局限在现代规范设计的住宅和传统民居住宅研究的情况,对汉正街自建区住宅进行了考察和研究。整篇文章首先对汉正街区域自建概况进行初步了解,然后从汉正街住户的口述资料研究入手,从讲述者的本人和家庭情况、自建年代和频率以及原因、自建住宅现状三个方面进行图表分类研究,从而获得汉正街自建住宅演变的基本过程,了解其自建的成因。通过在以上基础上,推导汉正街自建高峰和非自建高峰的原因:自建高峰:一是影响80年代汉正街自建区住宅面积扩大,层数增加的内在原因是家庭人口的增长导致房屋面积的不足。而80年代的自建活动又同时受到国家政策的制约。二是90年代汉正街自建活动的频繁的内在原因是,住户们为了追求房屋多余面积出租所带来得经济效益。人口增长因素已不再影响汉正街自建活动,政策制约已不在能控制汉正街自建住宅的自建活动。非自建高峰:近代早期搬到汉正街自建房屋居住。火灾,水灾等自然灾害导致房屋被毁,户主自建房屋以便重新居住。文革时期离开汉正街,之后返回汉正街,但由于原来房屋已被占用,不得不在街巷空地上自建房屋以便居住。晚期搬到汉正街居住(租住情况较多),在现有房屋结构不变的情况下,在房屋内或庭院内加建面积以便使用。总的来说,汉正街的自建住宅是一个遗漏的研究点,希望本文研究能为汉正街改造提供建设性意见。而更深一步的研究要深入研究社会学、经济学、人类学等各个方面的知识,是本文继续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the developmental history of production space, which is the most valuable component of Han Zheng Jie. Through the comprehensive discussion on the developmental change and the complicated influence, the paper promulgates the basic principles of development of urban space. Simultaneously, the paper excavates the characteristic of the production in Han Zheng Jie, and objectively advances some corresponding proposals for the transformation of Han Zheng Jie.The entire paper divides into two parts. The first part performs well, regarding the long history of production space, mainly through related literature reading and the inhabitants’recollection. The second part is preoccupied on the present situation of the production space and gets plenty of details after a long-term filed investigation, studying the existing environment as well as the correlation factors. At the same time, each part of the research mentioned above is carried out in two different ways: the changed of the family,the status in quo of Personal-rebuild destrict and the relationship which is Personal-rebuild with property right.On the base of the studies, we draw the conclusion after systemically analysis. Firstly, urban planning and architectural design are complicated problems besides the material space, which should be considered in a multi-disciplines angle. Secondly, the density in Han Zheng Jie has change into increase from upright. Thirdly, the farrago was increase than before. At last,the space decide Personal-rebuild.In a word, the production in Han Zheng Jie is an easily neglected and terrific complex social problem, so is the production space. Through the study on the production space and its history, the paper fully exposes the characteristics and the developmental rules of production space in Han Zheng Jie.We do wish the paper would provide instructive advice for the transformation of Han Zheng Jie.And the further research will be advanced in the future, with thoroughly studying many aspects knowledge such as sociology, economic, anthropology and so on.

【关键词】 汉正街自建区住宅自建住宅口述史
【Key words】 Han zheng jieSelf-building residenceDictate