

Design Strategies for Complex Building of Campus

【作者】 赵婕

【导师】 李保峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 土地为不可再生资源,由于土地资源的匮乏骤减,人们越来越意识到要珍惜土地,当前对土地集约利用的可持续发展思潮已成为热门话题,高校校园用地的集约化利用探讨乃其中之一。高校综合体是高校校园里一种集教学、科研、实验、会议、展览、办公等多功能于一体的综合性建筑,是社会发展、科学进步的产物。当前国内高校综合体的设计存在许多问题,而高校集约化发展的新形势对高校综合体设计提出了更高的要求。笔者曾参与我院绿色建筑中心及德国Gkk事务所联合设计的湖北美术学院新校区规划及建筑设计,设计中以如何挖掘有限土地内的最大潜能为主要目的,这种可持续发展的设计理念十分符合时代的要求,也引发了本文的研究。本文研究以土地集约利用为基本出发点,通过对土地资源、高校发展现状及高校综合体设计问题、夏热冬冷地区气候与能耗的调查,说明了在新时期历史背景下,在国内进行高校综合体设计,需要着重考虑节约用地、高效使用、促进交往和适应气候;通过对集约高效利用、交往活动、适应气候有关的城市及建筑的理论整合梳理,为寻找高校综合体的设计策略作铺垫;并针对以上内容进行设计策略分析和案例研究,对问题提出了相应的解决策略;从而将策略运用到湖北美术学院新校区核心区综合体设计实践中,并对研究成果反思和总结。

【Abstract】 It is known to all , soil is the nonrenewable resource . Because of the lack of the land resource , people come to realize that it is the high time to value the soil . Today , the idea of sustainable development based on the soil intensive utilization become a hot topic ,one of which is the discuss of the soil intensive utilization of the university campus .University complex building is one kind of building complex which has many functions , such as teaching , research , experiment , conference , exhibition , business and so on . It is the result of the development of society and science . Recently , the design of the university complex building in our country has a lot of problems , and the new situation of the university intensive development demands higher requirements for the university complex building design . The author has taken part in the layout and building design of the new campus of Hubei Institute Of Fine Arts , which is designed by the Green Architecture Center and the Germany Gkk Office . The main purpose of the design is how to make good use of the limited soil resource , which is according with the request of the age . This thesis is based on the points above.Basing on the start of soil intensive utilization,this thesis showing that saving soil , high efficiency , promoting communication , and adapting climate is very important in the modern university complex building design , by the investigation of soil resource , the actuality of university development and the problems of the university complex building design , the climate of the area which is hot in summer and cold in winter.The author has analyzed the city and architecture theory which is relation to the intensive high utilization , intercourse activity , climate adaptation and then find the strategy of the university complex building design. According to the matters above , the research make a corresponding solution to the issues through the analysis of the design strategies and the study of the cases . And the strategies are applied to the project of the center complex building design in The New Campus Of Hubei Institute Of Fine Arts.At last ,there is the revelation of the thesis.
