

Study on the Innovation of Salary System in Guangdong Universities

【作者】 吴喜雁

【导师】 徐顽强;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 提高广东高校办学水平关键在于建设一支优秀的教职工队伍。薪酬制度直接涉及高校教职工的切身利益,其驱动作用不可取代。在新一轮广东高校内部管理体制改革过程中,薪酬制度的改革自然而然地成为重头戏。建国以来,广东省高校薪酬制度进行了三次大的改革,逐步建立起了国家工资和校内津贴双轨并行的二元分配模式。本文以广东省高校薪酬制度改革历史沿革为研究起点,以广东金融学院、广东商学院、暨南大学、中山大学为样本,采用文献分析法、调查访谈法、实证分析法,综合运用管理学、经济学、心理学理论,对广东高校现行薪酬制度进行了探讨。总体来看,广东高校薪酬制度改革取得了一些成果,如提高了优秀教职工的待遇、提高了教职工队伍的素质、促进了教学科研工作的提高、建立了有效的激励机制等。但是由于内外因素的制约,广东高校薪酬制度依然存在薪酬水平与广东社会整体薪酬水平不相适应、薪酬结构不合理、相关制度不配套等问题。最后针对上述问题提出适度提高薪酬水平、合理调整薪酬结构、科学设计岗位工资、完善绩校考核等配套制度、设计合理且有吸引力的福利制度等改革对策。本文分六个部分对广东高校薪酬制度及其改革进行了分析和探讨。第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了选题的意义和国内外的相关研究现状。第二部分主要介绍了薪酬制度分析的理论基础和原则,第三部分回顾了广东高校薪酬制度改革的历史沿革,并以广东金融学院等四所高校为样本考察了广东高校薪酬制度的现状。第四部分主要运用薪酬分析的理论探讨了当前广东高校薪酬制度存在的问题。第五部分针对出现的问题提出了改革的对策。第六部分是结论和展望。

【Abstract】 It is the key in the course of developing the level of univer-sities in Guangdong with a high quality staff. The motivation role of salary is very special. It should be paid more attentions in the course of universities innovation.The salary system had been innovated three times since the beginning of liberation. After that the duality allocation pattern had been set up, which consists of salary from nation and subsidy from university. Four universities:Guangdong University of Finance, Guangdong University of Business Studies, Jinan University,Sun Yat-sen University are studied as samples by adopting empirical study, investigation, focus group, economic study, psychology, etc. We have got some conclusions. The innovations of salary in universities have played positive roles in these aspects, such as developing the quality of staff in universities, promoting the performances of teaching and research. The salary patterns have some shortcomings, especially in the aspects of salary constructions and relative rules, comparing to the overall salary of Guangdong because of inner and outside factors. We present some ways to solve these problems, such as developing the salary level, optimization salary construct and positions, setting up key performance index.The innovation of salary system in universities in Guangdong has been studied in six parts. The first part is introduction, which is summarization and the significant of this study. The analysis of salary system, basis and principles of study are in second part. Four universities in Guangdong have been studied as samples in third part. Some problems and causes existing in the universities in Guangdong have been probed in forth part. Some suggestions of innovation have been presented in the end of the paper.

【关键词】 广东高校教职工薪酬制度改革
【Key words】 Universities in GuangdongStaffSalary SystemInnovation