

Seismic Response Analytical Method for Bridge Structure-Based Seismic Design

【作者】 魏欢庆

【导师】 陈志军;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 地震作为一种破坏力巨大又难以预料的自然灾害,其强震的发生往往会带来巨大的生命财产损失。现在许多结构在地震作用下的破坏已经暴露出现行抗震设计规范的不足,要想对结构的抗震性能作出一个比较准确的了解就需要新的观念和新的方法,于是人们提出了基于性能的抗震设计思想。Push-over分析方法是实现基于性能的抗震设计的主要途径,作为一种结构非线性反应的简化计算方法,在多数情况下能够得到比静力弹性甚至动力分析更多的信息,且计算简便。Push-over分析方法目前大多应用在建筑结构,已经显示出其结果准确,简便且易于掌握的优点,但在桥梁结构方面的应用研究较少。作为交通运输的枢纽,桥梁结构一旦遭到地震破坏,就会给地震应急及震后恢复工作带来极大的困难。因而将Push-over分析方法应用到桥梁抗震设计具有重要的理论及现实意义。本文首先系统地阐述了Push-over分析方法的基本原理、分析步骤。并将其与反应谱结合起来,阐述了能力谱法的概念,利用我国规范提供的弹性反应谱,根据Vidic提供的折减系数,建立了适用于不同场地的弹塑性需求谱的计算公式,给出了适用于Ⅲ类场地的基本烈度为8、9度的罕遇地震的弹塑性需求谱,其成果可应用到实际工程中。其次以天津市中心城区快速路工程(二期)南仓道立交桥—主桥结构形式为独塔4索面的预应力混凝土斜拉桥为工程背景,利用大型通用软件ANSYS,建立参数化的空间模型,得到了该桥的动力特性。应用时程分析法对模型进行抗震分析,对桥梁的抗震能力进行了评价;同时对该桥进行了纵桥向及横桥向的Push-over分析,比较了两种分析结果,比较结果表明Push-over方法不仅具有形象、直观、易于理解的优点,还具备与时程分析法相当的准确性。

【Abstract】 Earthquake is a kind of natural disaster which is difficult to predict and the damagedegree is very great,occurrence of the strong motion often leads to the tremendous lifeandproperty loss。Structural failures in recent earthquakes have exposed the weakness ofcurrent design procedures and shown the need for new concepts and methodologies ofseismic performance evaluation for building structures。To meet needs of engineeringdesign,based seismic design method was developed,it can be achieved mainly byPush-overanalysis。Push-over analysis can get more information than static elastic analysisand easy to operate。Currently the Push-over analytical method is mostly applied at construct thestructure,show the advantage of easy to understand。as the key positions in thecommunication and transportation system,Once Bridge Structure are destroyed inearthquakes,there will be great difficulties for the emergency managements and bridgesrestoration, It have the important meaning that Push-over analytical method apply to thebridge anti- earthquake design。In this dissertation ,the first,The basic theories,step of analysis about Push-overanalysis method are systemically discussed。the principe of the capacity spectrum arediscussed The inelastic response demand spectrum of four site condition is gotten byemployed Vidic’s strength reduction factors method based on response spedtrum ofChinese code for different engineering seismic resistance design, The inelastic responsedemand spectrum can be employed to Calculate real bridges structural seismic resistancecapacity。Secondly,use single tower cable-stayed bridge of four steel wires face which is themain bridge of nancangdao interchange of the fast road engineering on the city center cityarea in Tianjin city,is the engineering background,making use of the large and in generaluse software ANSYS,got the motive characteristic of the model,the bridge structure isassessed by the nonlinear time-history analysis procedure,the capacity of bridge structures is developed;carried on the Push-over analysis to the bridge,the results of two method is nearby the same, show the accuracy of the Push-over method。It showed that the Push-over method not only has the advantage of the image, keeps the view and easy to understand ,but also have the same accuracy as the time-history analysis。

  • 【分类号】U442.55
  • 【被引频次】8
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