

Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Solubility of R161 Mixed with POE

【作者】 朱志伟

【导师】 陈光明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 制冷及低温工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于会对臭氧层产生破坏以及会引起“温室效应”,根据蒙特利尔协议书及相关修正案和“京都议定书”规定,含氢氯氟烃类物质(HCFCs)也将逐渐被淘汰。氢氟烃类物质(HFCs)作为HCFCs类制冷剂的替代物,其热力性质的研究日益引起人们的重视。特别是1997年以后,HFCs研究对象已有了较大的进展。为了获得具有自主知识产权的新型制冷剂,本课题组提出了一系列以R161为组元的混合制冷剂。目前,课题组成员已完成了对新制冷剂的PVTx、汽液相平衡、可燃性以及循环性能的实验测试。本文是浙江省自然科学基金重点项目“新型环保制冷剂的重要基础数据及关键应用技术研究”(Z105034)的一部分,重点研究制冷剂与润滑油的相溶性,开展了以下几方面的工作:1、对活度系数进行了研究。通过对大量文献的阅读,理解了活度系数法在关联汽液相平衡以及液液相平衡实验数据方面的应用,使用Matlab7.0编写了使用四种不同的活度系数模型(Flory-Huggins模型,Heil模型,NRTL模型以及Wilson模型)来关联制冷剂与润滑油汽液相平衡实验数据的程序。2、对R161与POE润滑的汽液相平衡实验研究。在实验室原有的汽液相平衡实验台上,经过一些改进,使之能用于本文研究。测量了九种不同比例的R161与POE润滑组成的混合物在温度范围为253.15K~333.15K之间的VLE数据。3使用自己编写的程序,对测得的R161与POE润滑的VLE数据进行了关联,关联结果与实验值性一致较好。

【Abstract】 Since depleting the ozone layer and causing "greenhouse effect", according to the Montreal Protocol and the relevant amendment and the "Kyoto Protocol", the refrigerants which contents hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) will be phased out. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and their mixtures are considered to be promising candidates for replacement of HCFCs because their ozone depletion potentials are zero. Studies on thermodynamic properties of HFCs have got a great achievement since 1997. Our group has proposed a series of mixed refrigerants with a main component of R161. At present, the members of our group have completed the experimental tests of PVTx, vapor-liquid equilibrium, flammability, and the cycle performance of the new refrigerants. In this work, the author put focus on the solubility of R161 in POE, and the following work has been done:Firstly, the activity coefficient models were studied. Through perusing large number of documents, the method which was used to correlate the VLE and LLE data was apprehended. Program, using the four different activity models, was made for correlating the VLE data.Secondly, measurement of the VLE data of R161 mixed with POE was completed. After mending the existing experiment, the VLE data of R161 in POE lubricant was measured at temperature between 253.15 and 333.15K.Thirdly, Using the program made by the author, the VLE data was correlated and the interaction parameters was gained.

【关键词】 R161POE相溶性汽液相平衡活度系数
【Key words】 R161POESolubilityVapor-liquid equilibriumActivity coefficient
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期