

The Research of Double-chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Based on Saccharomyces

【作者】 黄素德

【导师】 李伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 微生物燃料电池(MFC)是利用微生物催化剂将其代谢能直接转化为电能的装置,具有原料广泛、反应条件温和、清洁高效等优点,在生物质能和环境保护领域展现了巨大的前景。目前该领域仍处于实验阶段,研究MFC的产电性能及影响因素,对其实际应用研究具有重要的指导意义。本文针对MFC输出功率低、成本高等问题,以酵母菌构建双极室微生物燃料电池,设计与搭建实验系统平台,并从菌种、电极特性、运行条件等方面对该电池模型的产电性能进行了对比研究;进而对电池运行影响因素进行分析与优化。论文的主要内容如下:第一章,介绍微生物燃料电池的发展和研究现状,讲述MFC的分类及其特点,并阐述课题的研究内容和研究意义。第二章。双极室微生物燃料电池实验系统设计。根据MFC的产电机理和电子传递机制,确定实验的研究方案,设计并构建实验反应系统。第三章,产电菌种的选择及其产电性能研究。通过对基于酵母菌催化MFC的产电实验,考察酵母菌作为MFC产电微生物的可行性,获得了高活性菌株2.39和Y20。实验分析表明,酵母菌代谢产生的电子主要通过外界电子介体进行传递;电能的输出主要依赖于吸附在电极表面的细胞,而与悬浮在溶液中的微生物无关;产电菌在电化学环境中会经历一个类似于自然选择的活化过程,经过电化学活化的微生物对葡萄糖的生物电化学催化活性会有显著的提高。第四章,研究与分析电极特性对产电性能的影响。首次尝试以常用的非贵金属材料铜、铝、铁等作为阳极,并通过实验,对阳极特性,阴极材料、表面积以及两电极间距离等对MFC的产电性能的影响进行分析。结果表明,铁阳极的电池性能最好,最大功率密度可达193mW·m-2;同时,有效地增大阳极表面积、表面粗糙度,均有利于产电菌的附着,提高电能输出;阴极要选择易于吸附氧气和电子的材料,本实验反应系统,阴极表面积的最佳值为25cm2;当两极间距离在1~3cm,电池的输出最高。第五章,研究与分析运行条件对产电性能的影响。实验研究了微生物燃料电池内燃料浓度、介体的浓度、阴阳两极室的搅拌扩散、PEM膜面积、pH值、温度等参数对电池产电性能的影响,并对电池进行优化分析。第六章,文章最后对全文进行总结和展望,阐述主要的实验研究成果和将来的研究方向和工作重点。

【Abstract】 Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device directly converting microbial metabolic energy into electricity with the microbial catalysts, which has the advantages of abundant fuel resource,mild reaction condition and high efficiency.So,the development of MFC in the fields of environmental protection and biomass energy will be greatly attractive. Although it is still in experimental stage, the study of factors affecting the performance of MFC provides a significant guidance for practical application.In the study,constructed a two-chambered MFC based on the mechanism of output and electron transfer processes.The experimental system test-bed was established,to research the performance of MFC through the effect of electricigens, anodic characters,operation conditions and so on.Then analyzed and optimized the performances and characters exhibited by MFC systems. Correspondingly, the thesis is divided into six chapters:Chapter 1: concerned with the development and research background of the MFC,recited its classify and characters, and introduced the meaning and content of the research.Chapter 2: designed the experimental system of microbial fuel cell with double-chamber. Made the project of experiment and constructed the system based on the mechanism of output and electron transfer processes.Chapter 3: chose the electricigens and researched on the power generation performance.Used glucose as fuel in microbial fuel cell to harvest electricity through the biocatalysis of Saccharomyces. It is proved that using Saccharomyces as electricigens is feasible and it is MFC with electron mediator. It also find that the microbe of 2.39 and Y20 are well provided with electrochemical activity.Furthermore,the performance of MFC is related to these adsorptive microorganism not the suspended microbe. The microorganism may undergo a Darwin-type of natural selection process in electrochemical environments and the bioelectrocatalytic activity of Saccharomyces toward glucose oxidation can be significantly improved by using electrochemical microbe.Chapter 4: studied the influence of electrode on electricity generation of MFC. For the first time tried to use the metal which is good at electric capability as anode of MFC,such as copper, aluminium, iron. Some factors of electrode that may affect the performance of the MFC were investigated. which were electrode material, the surface roughness, superficies and the electrode space.The results indicate that ,the performance of MFC which used iron electrode is best, with the maximum power density of 193 mW·m-2 ;and increase in the effective reaction surface of anode can enhance the power output,as well as increasing the anode surface roughness; the change of cathode superficies has little effect on the power generation of the MFC as it reaches 25cm-2; and the best distance of electron is 1~3cm.Chapter 5:research on the effecting of operation conditions on the performance of MFC.Studied the MFC output by the change which were, the consistence of mediators or fuel, inner stirring of the two chambers, superficies of exchange membrane, pH, temperature and so on. The result showed that the MFC output altered a lot by the change of operation parameters. Based on these, analyzed the optimization of MFC.At last, the sum up of the research content and the achievements of the thesis are mentioned, the directions for further working aims also pointed out.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期