

Studies on Photosynthetic Ecophysiological Characteristics of Predominate Shrub-grass in Rocky Mountains of Northern China

【作者】 林栋

【导师】 马晖玲; 吕世海;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对华北土石山区不同生态区位优良灌草群落中的9种优势灌草植被的光合生理生态特征进行了系统研究。以荆条(Vitex negundo)、鸭跖草(Commelina communis)、龙牙草(Agrimonia pilosa)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)、达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)、野艾蒿(Artemisia lavandulaefolia)、菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)、三籽两型豆(Amphicarpaea trisperma)和短尾铁线莲(Clematis brevicaudata)等9种优势灌草植被为研究对象,运用便携式光合气体分析系统(LI-6400),在控制温度、光照强度和CO2浓度等环境条件下测量和分析了各项光合参数的动态变化规律。通过对光合作用日动态、光响应、温度与CO2浓度响应以及荧光动力学分析,筛选出了影响各种植物光合作用变化的主要生理生态因子,剖析了不同因子间相互耦合作用于光合生产的路径,探讨了华北土石山区次生演替群落结构的变化趋势与光合作用驱动机制。主要结论如下:1、野艾蒿和菊芋净光合速率日变化呈单峰型曲线,达乌里胡枝子、三籽两型豆、短尾铁线莲、荆条、鸭跖草、龙牙草和狗尾草净光合速率日变化均呈双峰型曲线。三籽两型豆和短尾铁线莲有明显的“午休”现象,前者为午前高峰型,后者为午后高峰型。三籽两型豆、鸭跖草和龙牙草光合“午休”现象由气孔限制引起,荆条、狗尾草光合“午休”为非气孔限制。2、研究区9种植物光合效率从大到小依次为:野艾蒿>荆条>狗尾草>鸭跖草>龙牙草>三籽两型豆>菊芋>达乌里胡枝子>短尾铁线莲。羧化效率从大到小依次为:野艾蒿>菊芋>荆条>龙牙草>狗尾草>达乌里胡枝子>鸭跖草>三籽两型豆。3、运用逐步回归分别拟合出了9种植物光合速率与各影响因子间的最优回归方程,通过通径分析对影响华北土石山区优势灌草植物光合作用的诸因子重要性综合排序为:VpdL>Ci>CO2>Cond>PAR>Tair>RH。叶片光合速率受生理因子的制约要高于受生态因子的制约。4、荧光动力学分析显示,野艾蒿、荆条和狗尾草光合潜能较其他几种植物要高。短尾铁线莲、龙牙草和三籽两型豆对弱光的利用能力较强,菊芋和达乌里胡枝子光合作用受逆境胁迫的影响较小。5、研究区9种植物中荆条、野艾蒿、达乌里胡枝子和狗尾草对光照、CO2浓度与温度等主要影响因子的生态位较宽,在未来全球变化引起的立地条件波动下对山区生长环境的适应能力较强,优势度将会升高。三籽两型豆和短尾铁线莲光合生态位重叠度较高,龙牙草和鸭跖草生态相似性较大,可见在群落演替过程中对同一种资源的竞争也较为激烈。

【Abstract】 This paper takes the Vitex negundo, Commelina communis, Agrimonia pilosa, Setaria viridis, Lespedeza davurica, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Helianthus tuberosus, Amphicarpaea trisperma and Clematis brevicaudata these nine dominant shrub-grass in different ecological position in rocky mountain area of northern China as the research object, using Li-6400 photosynthesis measuring instrument system to study the dynamic change law of photosynthesis under the special environmental condition. The related mathematical models about the response characteristics of photosynthesis to the light and CO2 were established. The corresponding ecophysiological factors responsible for photosynthesis and transpiration of the nine plant species were analyzed via Stepwise Multi-variable regression methods. The results are as follows:1 The diurnal changes of photosynthetic active radiance of Artemisia lavandulaefolia and Helianthus tuberosus were single peak type in sunny days of their vegetal environment. But the curve of diurnal variation of Lespedeza davurica , Amphicarpaea trisperma, Clematis brevicaudata, Vitex negundo, Commelina communis, Agrimonia pilosa and Setaria viridis leaf photosynthesis showed two peaks. The photosynthetic rate of Amphicarpaea trisperma, Commelina communis and Agrimonia pilosa decline by means of stomatal limitation. But Vitex negundo and Setaria viridis was caused by non-stomatal limitation.2 The AQY of nine plants are Artemisia lavandulaefolia> Vitex negundo > Setaria viridis > Commelina communis > Agrimonia pilosa > Amphicarpaea trisperma > Helianthus tuberosus > Lespedeza davurica > Clematis brevicaudata. The CE of nine plants are Artemisia lavandulaefolia> Helianthus tuberosus > Vitex negundo > Agrimonia pilosa > Setaria viridis > Lespedeza davurica > Commelina communis> Amphicarpaea trisperma.3 Multi-linear regression equations of Pn to ecological and physiological factors were set up. Importances of the factors were arrayed according to partial coefficients in corresponding equations. The sorted order of importance for all factors is: VpdL> Ci> CO2 concentration > Cond> PAR> Tair> RH. So physiological factors may have more direct and significant affects on photosynthetic courses.4 The fluorescent kinetic analysis showed that Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Vitex negundo and Setaria viridis have high photosynthetic capacity and potential. Clematis brevicaudata, Agrimonia pilosa and Amphicarpaea trisperma can use the weak light resource effectively. The adversity stress had little influence on photosynthesis of Helianthus tuberosus and Lespedeza davurica.5 In this research, Vitex negundo, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, Lespedeza davurica and Setaria viridis had rather broad ecological niche for light intensity, air temperature and CO2 concentration. So, they have strong ability of accommodation in the changing environment in the future. The Amphicarpaea trisperma’s niche overlapping Clematis brevicaudata’ niches are large in the mass which show keen competition for one kind of resource. According to physioecological characters of photosynthesis, the composition of species in different succession stages also changed significantly.
